In this milestone 100th episode of The Shake Up Learning Show, guests from past episodes share their favorite tips and lesson ideas for teachers.
With more than 100 episodes, including bonus episodes, there are over 100 tips, tools, and lesson ideas for teachers, which is a cause to celebrate!
We’ve got some returning guests who share some awesome tips for teachers.
We will also take a look back at the most popular episodes so far, what’s next for the podcast, and how you can participate.
Do you want to see ALL 100 episodes? Check out this page for access.
[ctt template=”11″ link=”7a70m” via=”yes” ]100+ Tips, Tools, and Lesson Ideas for Teachers (Celebrating 100 episodes)[/ctt]
Listen to this entire article.

Kasey Bell
100: 100+ Tips, Tools, and Lesson Ideas for Teachers (Celebrating 100 Episodes)
Thank you to Tommy Spall for contributing his Fortnite choice board to the Blended Learning with Google book (p. 48)
Quick Tip of the Week
Did you know Google Meet and Jamboard are integrated? Google Meet allows you to create and share Jams on the fly! It’s super handy for the classroom. You can use pre-made jams or start with a new jam.
Watch this quick video to learn how!
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100+ Tips, Tools, and Lesson Ideas for Teachers
Cue the confetti, y’all! We made it to episode 100! Thank you so much for listening and sharing the podcast. I couldn’t have done it without you! THANK YOU to every listener of the show!
After more than 100 episodes, counting the bonuses, there is so much to reflect upon. Better yet, 100 episodes means there are literally HUNDREDS to tips, tools, and lesson ideas for teachers.
In this special episode, we have tips and ideas from returning guests of the show. Then we are going to do a quick review of our top ten episodes so far. Links and resources to EVERYTHING are in this post!
Dana Bingham-Cruz (@edtechbing)
Dana’s favorite Quick Tip: Full Screen Interactive Google Slides.
Dana’s favorite episode is e85 with Catlin Tucker! (Listen below.)

Kasey Bell
85: Blended Learning Best Practices [interview with Dr. Catlin Tucker]
Dana shares a great tip of her own using Google Jamboard for writing conventions. She uses a photo of the day on Jamboard and adds a mentor sentence on a sticky note for students to form their responses.
Tony Vincent ( and
Tony Vincent was a guest on episode 11, where he shared how to create a class brand. (Listen below.)

Kasey Bell
11: Crafting a Class Brand with Tony Vincent
In today’s episode, Tony shares a tip to help students better engage with video content by inviting students to retell parts of the video. He also shares a quick keyboard shortcut for jumping to a video section–use the numbers! Press 5 to jump to 50%, 8 to jump to 80%, etc.
Evan Robb (Robb Communications)
Evan was a guest on episode 62, where he shared tips for administrators during remote learning. (Listen below.)

Kasey Bell
62: Lessons Learned from Remote Learning [interview with Evan Robb]
If you are an administrator, you definitely want to pick up a copy of Evan’s book, The Ten Minute Principal.
In today’s episode, Evan shares a great reminder and tip for personalizing PD for teachers, especially with technology. Administrators should also get involved and try things themselves and learn alongside teachers.
Mike Mohammad (@Mo_physics)
Mike is a high school physics teacher who you may recognize from Twitter or from his guest appearance on episode 91. (Listen below.) Or one of his guest blog posts:

Kasey Bell
91: Student Portfolios with Google Sites [interview with Mike Mohammad]
Today, Mike is sharing how to use internal linking in Google Slides for students to choose their own level of mastery. By selecting their level, they can jump to a slide with more information and direction.
New to internal linking? Jump into my FREE Webinar: 3 Things That Will Change How You Use Google Slides.
Ken Shelton (
You may remember Ken from episode 51, where we talked about Digital Equity and Why it Matters. (Listen below.) Or chances are you’ve seen Ken on stage delivering a thought-provoking keynote!

Kasey Bell
51: Digital Equity and Why It Matters [interview with Ken Shelton]
Ken shares a special tip in today’s episode! “No matter what tech you use, always ask yourself how does this improve access and opportunity for my students to not only learn but represent their learning.” Such a great reminder!
Pam Hubler (
You may remember Pam from episode 43 on #PottyPD, a unique way to share quick tip posters with teachers in the lounge, by the copier, or even in the restroom. (Listen below.)

Kasey Bell
43: #PottyPD: How to Make the Most of a Captive Audience [interview with Pam Hubler]
Pam also loved e85 with Catlin Tucker and the Quick Tip videos.
In today’s episode, Pam shares how she uses Jamboard backgrounds and templates. She creates her own backgrounds in Google Slides. She goes to the page setup in Slides and makes sure the size is 1920×1080 pixels.
Vicki Heupel (@33heupel)
Vicki is a high school teacher who was a guest in a special on-air coaching episode, where I coached her through ideas to make collaboration more meaningful for students. (Listen below.)

Kasey Bell
The Shake Up Learning Show
Today, Vicki shares her tips for getting students to develop deeper answers through collaboration in Google Sheets. She worked in small groups to help her 10th graders learn how to analyze data.
Carrie Baughcum (
Carrie is a special education teacher with an imaginative and creative flair. Carrie was my guest on episode 48, where we discussed ideas from her book, My Pencil Made Me Do It! (Listen below.)

Kasey Bell
48: My Pencil Made Me Do It! [interview with Carrie Baughcum]
Carrie shares a great tip to help students center themselves and get ready to focus on the lesson and take notes. Pick a simple shape and have students take 2-4 minutes to fill their paper with the shape. This process helps them shift their attention, and now they can take notes or doodles about their learning on their paper.
Christine Pinto and Jessica Twomey (
Christine and Jessica are kindergarten teachers on separate sides of the country. Christine (California) and Jessica (New Jersey) have their students collaborating every day. You may remember them from episode 58, where they shared remote learning strategies for teaching littles. (Listen below.)

Kasey Bell
58: Home Learning Strategies for Primary Students that ALL Teachers Can Use! [interview with Christine Pinto and Jessica Twomey]
This dynamic duo has written a book to share all their ideas, Innovating Play. They also contributed a lesson to Blended Learning with Google. In today’s episode, Christine and Jessica share how they made the shift from the physical school environment to online. They also share how they use Google Slides to create word boards for students and families to play and learn.
Check out these Playing with Words Boards (free activities in Google Slides.) You have to listen to e100 catch all of the amazing tips and resources they share!
Top 10 Episodes…so far!
In case you missed an episode, these ten are the most downloaded:
- 77: 25 Things You Didn’t Know Google Slides Could Do (Part 1)
- 27: How to Create Drag and Drop Activities with Google Slides
- 1: Top 20 Tech Tips for Teachers
- 74: Back to School with G Suite: 6 Online Activities (Part 1)
- 76: How to Create Google Classroom Blended Learning Lessons (Part 3)
- 75: Back to School Online Activities (Part 2)
- 55: 10 Google Docs Tips Every Teacher Should Know
- 66: 5 Chrome Extensions for Google Classroom
- 65: Online Teaching Best Practices, Tips, and Tools
- BONUS: Coronavirus Closures? Online Learning Tips for Teachers and Schools [interview with an American Teacher in China]
Do you want to see ALL 100 episodes? Check out this page for access.
Do You Want to Be on the Podcast?
The Shake Up Learning Show hosts a variety of guests including inspiring educators, on-air coaching calls with classroom teachers, and student interviews. (No soliciting, please!)
On-Air Coaching with Kasey Bell
I love to help teachers with one-on-one coaching on the podcast, called, “On-Air Coaching.”
Are you struggling with one particular lesson? One piece of content or skill that’s just hard to teach or doesn’t seem to work well with technology?
Let me help!
Using this On-Air Coaching Application, tell me about yourself, your students, and your struggle. You may get to be on the podcast!!!
Do you know a teacher that is a good candidate? Feel free to send them the link to the form.
Student Interviews
We will also feature some student interviews on the podcast.
Students are windows to the reality of school.
Do you have a student who would be open to talking about learning and school?
Use this form to tell me about your student!
Other Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
- Podcast PD Choice Board (Vol. 1)
- Podcast PD Choice Board (Vol. 2)
- How to Get Credit for Listening to Podcasts
- How to Podcast with Students
- How to Listen to Podcasts
Thank you to listeners, and the Shake Up Learning team for helping us to reach this milestone!!!
© Shake Up Learning 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kasey Bell and Shake Up Learning with appropriate and specific direction to the original content on See: Copyright Policy.