The Top 10 Reasons to Go Google!
It’s no secret that I am a fan of Google and the G Suite for Education program. In fact, when teachers approach me and say that their administration decided to, “go another way,” I always say, “give me five minutes with them.” Going Google is a no-brainer! It’s free, accessible from anywhere on any device, and the features and tools just keep getting better and better. So I was inspired to create this top ten list.
Whether you have already gone Google and are a fan who understands this list, or you are a school thinking about making the switch, or even a teacher trying to convince your administrators, this list truly is about the advantages and transformation that G Suite for Education can offer teachers and students. I’ve also given some details and additional resources for each number on the top ten list below so keep reading!
You can download the “Top 10 Reasons to Go Google,” poster for free using the links below (no email required). Or, Get the Tshirt! I had to put this on the back of my Shake Up Learning t-shirt! Check out the Shake Up Learning Tshirt Store. Details are also below.
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Free Poster Download
The poster looks like the image to the left (minus the border). You can download this free, printable, poster as a PDF. There are two sizes available, 18×24″ and 8.5×11″.
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The Top 10 Reasons to Go Google
10. The Dog Can’t Eat Their Homework!
If you are using G Suite for Education, especially Google Classroom, Google Drive and Google Calendar, there are no more excuses! There is no reason for a student to say they didn’t know when it was due. That was something my middle schoolers loved to say. Or, they would claim it got lost in their locker, backpack, or it was a home. Guess what, when it’s digital and stored in the cloud, it doesn’t get lost! Here are over 250 tips and ideas for using Google Classroom.
9. The Copier Was Broken, But You Didn’t Notice!
I remember the days of getting to school extra early to be the first in line for the copier. Back then, going paperless wasn’t even a remote option, and I sometimes had as many as 175 students. Oh! And how disappointing it would be to arrive early to make copies, and the darn thing would break down. (Anyone else feeling me on this?) Well, those days are long gone when you go paperless with Google tools. I realize completely paperless may still be difficult, but it’s so sweet to no longer rely on a copier. Learn more about G Suite for Education here.
8. Your Class Traveled the Globe without Fundraising or Permission Slips
Staring at pictures in a textbook just doesn’t compare with seeing something in real life. But rarely do we get to travel the globe with our students. Now we can bring the world to them in 360-degree virtual reality. With Google Expeditions, we can take our students just about anywhere and engage them in ways we never thought possible. Learn more about Google Expeditions and Google Cardboard here.
7. You No Longer Have Red Ink Stains on Your Hands
It seems that just a few years ago, red pens were a staple in any teacher’s supply closet. We’d spend our time grading and end up with red ink all over our hands. It was the mark of a teacher. Or maybe you were a fan of the visa-v markers and marking up transparencies on the overhead projector. Either way, going Google can magically deliver teachers from the red ink. Not only can students turn in their work digitally using Google Classroom, but we can also use features like comments and suggested edits to mark up their work. Say goodbye to your red pens! Check out this post: How to Easily Assess Writing in Google Docs.
6. You Forgot Why You Needed a Thumb Drive
I am still surprised at how many teachers (and administrators) carry around a portable drive, thumb drive, jump drive, whatever you prefer to call it. Why? I haven’t used one in years! With the ability to store EVERYTHING in my Google Drive, and use the UNLIMITED storage space Google gives schools, we no longer need to worry about saving files to hard drives. Add in the ability to work offline using Google Drive Offline, and the need to store files on a hard drive becomes more of an exception than a rule. Check out this post: 5 Google Drive Tips that Everyone Should Know.
5. You No Longer Take Stacks of Papers Home to Grade
I remember the endless stacks of papers I used to take home to grade every week. I had a special “teacher bag,” just for grading. Those days are gone! With a digital and paperless classroom, I can assess student work throughout the entire process, not just the end. I can assess work from my phone, tablet, Chromebook, or laptop. And with Google Classroom, feedback and grading is a breeze. Check out this post: Digital Differentiation with Google Classroom.
4. Your Students Forgot What a Worksheet Looks Like
No more dreaded worksheets! With G Suite, your learning experiences can become more interactive and help you create a dynamic classroom. Going digital means that we can do more than have students answer the same old questions on a worksheet, even one with cute fonts and a chevron background–we can create more student learning activities so that our students forget what a worksheet actually looks like. Check out this post: Move from a Static Classroom to a Dynamic Classroom.
3. Anytime, Anywhere LEARNING!
In case you haven’t noticed, a big shift has happened in learning with G Suite for Education. Learning can happen anywhere, on just about any device, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Add in the ability to work in Google Drive offline, and we can even work in areas and homes without an Internet connection. This means that the learning doesn’t have to stop when the bell rings! Check out all of my Google Drive resources and posts.
2. Collaboration
Whenever I am asked about why I am so passionate about G Suite for Education, the number one reason I always give is collaboration. No other tool has even come close to offering the ability to share and collaborate seamlessly in real-time like G Suite. Educators know that collaboration is one of the most important twenty-first Century skills, and Google tools have given us an easy way to make collaboration inside and outside of the classroom a reality. Check out these ideas: Collaborative Magnetic Poetry.
1. It’s Time to Shake Up Learning!
By now you might suspect that I work for Google, but I promise you that I do not. Nor do they pay me anything to blog about their tools. My bottom line is never about Google, it’s about the LEARNING! Google tools have helped me transform my teaching, learning, and productivity, and I am a firm believer in sharing ways that shake up the traditional classroom. Google happens to offer us countless ways to Shake Up Learning and transform our classrooms. How will you Shake Up Learning?
Get the Top 10 Reasons to Go Google T-Shirt
I’ve also put this on the back of my Shake Up Learning t-shirts. Check out the Shake Up Learning Tshirt Store for all of the shirt and sweatshirt options to show your support for G Suite for Education and Shake Up Learning. The new t-shirt store is also now linked in the Shake Up Learning navigation at the top of this page. Oh! And I will be giving these t-shirts away all summer at conferences and presentations!
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Visit the Shake Up Learning TShirt Store
Want to Shake Things Up in Your School or District? Bring Kasey Bell and Shake Up Learning to You!
- Change is the New Black: Embrace the Digital Learning Revolution (keynote)
- The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom (presentation)
- It’s NOT About the App, It’s About the LEARNING (presentation)
- Digital Differentiation with G Suite (presentation)
- G Suite for Administrators (presentation)
- Shake Up Learning with G Suite (presentation)
- Teach Like the Tonight Show (presentation)
Here is what others have said about Kasey Bell’s presentations:
“Thank YOU for an outstanding presentation this morning. I received so many wonderful comments about your keynote at our conference. These attendees didn’t just say they “liked” it; they each offered a specific point from your presentation to share with me that impacted their thinking about “change” or the integration of technology & instruction. Now that’s an effective presentation!” – Jane McKinney
“Great session. Loved the ‘treasures’ theme throughout. Great, quick overview of tools and classroom applications for Google Apps.” – Chad Kafka
“Best session I went to at FETC…..So much wonderful information and every bit of it useful!” – Luanne Rowland
© Shake Up Learning 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kasey Bell and Shake Up Learning with appropriate and specific direction to the original content on See: Copyright Policy.