How to Differentiate With Google Classroom (Episode 5 of the Google Teacher Tribe Podcast)
In this episode, Matt and I discuss differentiation strategies with Google Classroom. We also have some Google news and updates to share, and some great resources from our blogs.
You can play the first episode using the player below, or subscribe on iOS, Android, Stitcher or RSS.
Show Notes and additional resources and links are below.
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Episode 4 Show Notes:
Google News and Updates
- BIG UPDATE! Insert #GoogleDrive Videos in #GoogleSlides
- 4 New Video Features in Google Slides That Will Make Your Day
- WORD LENS IN JAPANESE: If you don’t speak Japanese, Tokyo can be a confusing and sometimes daunting place to visit. Even if you make it through the complex subway system, you’ll be faced with street signs, menus or products on supermarket shelves that are only in Japanese.
Google Tips:
Differentiation with Google Classroom
- What is Differentiation?
- Why Digital Differentiation?
- New Feature in G Class
- Ways to Differentiate in G Class
- Tips for Differentiated Assignments
- Google Classroom Update info
- Digital Differentiation with Google Classroom from Shake Up Learning
- 5 Ideas for Using Google Classroom’s Differentiation and Grouping Feature
- Interactive Learning Menus with Google Docs (great for student choice)
- Alice Keeler’s Google Classroom Resources
- Google Classroom Resources from Shake Up Learning
- Shake Up Learning’s Google Classroom Pinterest Board
- Google Classroom Books:
- Differentiation Books:
- SpeakPipe from Dr. Mason,
- SpeakPipe from Steve from Okinawa, Japan
Just dropping a quick note to say how awesome the podcast is. The organization of the show has great flow and the information is varied and informative for a Google teacher of any level. I can’t help but smile as I listen to you two banter and would probably do so even if I didn’t know you both. Keep up the great work. I look forward to hearing what you have in store for us in the months and years to come. #GTAATX forever! ~ Wanda Terral (Memphis, TN)
On the Blogs
- Matt – Sharing Digital Books with Parents
- Kasey – What is G Suite for Education?
Click to make a copy of the Google Doc
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