160+ Chrome Apps and Extensions for Teachers and Students
I have put together a Google Chrome App and Extension Database for Teachers hat is loaded with apps and extensions for productivity and classroom integration. In this post, you will find 160+ Chrome Apps and Extensions for Teachers and Students! This database is searchable and filterable by category, subject area, and grade level!
If you have followed this blog for any length of time, you probably know that I love the Google Chrome web browser! Google Chrome is the learning environment for all things Google and allows you to customize your browser to fit your needs. Better yet, Google Chrome can be customized to fit the needs of our student learners.
The magic of that customization comes from the Chrome Apps and Chrome Extensions available in the Chrome Web Store.
I encourage you to explore the Chrome Web Store periodically for new apps and extensions to bring to your classroom. On the left-hand side, you will find categories, including a category for education.
Check out some of my previous Chrome posts:
- Back to School with Google Chrome: The Complete Guide
- 20 Google Chrome Apps & Extensions for School Leaders
- 8 Reasons to Go Incognito
- 5 Chrome Apps for Student Creation
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What are Chrome Apps?
Apps are often enhanced shortcuts that optimize the website or app within the browser. Some require additional installation and set-up. Chrome must be running to access these applications. Below are a few of my favorite Google Chrome Apps.
What are Chrome Extensions?
Extensions are installed in the browser and give you added features and abilities to customize your browser.
Warning! Running too many extensions at once can slow your computer down. This list is a great place to start, but pick and choose what ones you need or want to try. And be sure to grab the Extensity extension so you can turn extensions off when you do not need them.
The Chrome Apps & Extensions Database
For a while, I have kept a list of my favorite apps and favorite extensions on this site, but my list just keeps growing! It has grown so much that a list just doesn’t cut it anymore. I needed to find a way to help teachers find the best Chrome apps and extensions to fit the needs of their students, classrooms, and their own productivity. Thus, the Chrome Apps and Extensions Database was born.
The database includes 160 Apps and Extensions and is searchable and filterable. I do not recommend every app and extension for every teacher. Rather, use this as a guide to find what works for you, your classroom and your students. There is something in here for everyone.
BTW, Did you know that Shake Up Learning has it’s very own Chrome extension? Get it here and stay up-to-date with all of the Shake Up Learning posts.
Submit Your Favorite Apps & Extensions
Right now, you will find this database is heavy in productivity tools. This is where I need your help. Help me make this database even better by sharing your favorite apps and extensions for your grade levels and subject areas. Please share with me and I will continue to add to this database so that it is loaded with resources for all educators. CLICK HERE to submit your favorite Chrome Apps & Extensions.
Please note that the database below was created with Awesome Tables. If it isn’t loading, it could be your school filter causing the issue.
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I am getting an error message when I try to see the list – the view cannot be loaded
Great I love this!
I recommend also mail track for free https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mailtrack-free-track-your/hlojjdhapnghnealpjoijadmcklhoool
Fantastic resource! I especially like “Cite This For Me”.
Thanks so very much for all the work you do to make our lives easier! These are fantastic!
A great big thank you to you! Didn’t know some resources I use are also apps and extensions! Much easier.
I created a professional free ‘Math Editor’ Add-in for Google Docs to insert equations into documents.
The Add-on can be used to build equations and easily add variables, constants, operators, fractions, exponents, logarithms, limits, integrals, derivatives and matrix.
Also the editor has a “Wizard” to build complex equation.
let me know what you think.
Ionel Alexandru