© Shake Up Learning 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kasey Bell and Shake Up Learning with appropriate and specific direction to the original content on ShakeUpLearning.com. See: Copyright policy
Resources for Using Google Apps on the iPad
Google and the iPad can play nice! Below you will find resources to help make the most of using Google Apps on the iPad and iOS.
The Shake Up Learning ALL-ACCESS PASS!
Shake Up Learning ALL-ACCESS PASS With the ALL-ACCESS Pass, participants can access all of the Master Classes, Online Workshops, Podcast PD, and the Members-Only Library! (*excludes Google Certification Academies). Includes: The Google Classroom Master Class (valued at $99/year) The Google Slides Master Class (valued at $99/year) The Google Meet Master Class (valued at $79/year) The Zoom Master Class (valued at $79/year) The Dynamic Learning Workshop (valued at $99/year) The Blended Learning with Google Workshop (valued at $99/year) Includes access to ALL future master classes and workshops! Members-Only Library of ebooks and cheat sheets! Podcast PD (with credit certificates and new contentContinue Reading
Google Classroom Cleanup Tips for the End of the Year
It’s that time of year again! As many teachers begin to wrap up the end of the school year and prepare for summer, let’s make sure everything is clean and organized! I’ve put together some Google Classroom cleanup tips for the end of the year! Google Classroom and Google Drive can get quite messy throughout the school year, and you want to get everything cleaned up and set up for success in the next school year. Now that even more teachers are using Google Classroom and planning for whatever the new normal is in the fall, it’s even more importantContinue Reading
The Google Classroom Cheat Sheets for Teachers and Students!
Who needs a Google Classroom Cheat Sheet? How about a set of cheat sheets for teachers AND students! I know teachers are seeking lots of extra resources to help with hybrid teaching and Google Classroom. I created two cheat sheets to help specifically with Google Classroom. In this download, you will get two Google Classroom Cheat Sheets, one for teachers, and one for students. This is a great reference guide for experienced users, and a fabulous tutorial to help new users learn the basics of Google Classroom. Oh, and guess what? This fantastic guide is FREE for Shake Up LearningContinue Reading
30 Things You Didn’t Know Google Slides Could Do! (FREE eBook and Templates) – SULS0152
In this special episode, Kasey shares 30 Things You Didn’t Know Google Slides Could Do and a FREE eBook download with templates! A follow-up to one of our most popular blog and podcast series, Kasey is going to give you even more ideas for student-created projects with Google Slides. There is so much you can create with the Swiss Army Knife of Google! [ctt template=”1″ link=”lW8VY” via=”yes” ]30 Things You Didn’t Know Google Slides Could Do! (FREE eBook and Templates)[/ctt] FREE eBook and Google Slides Templates! Grab a copy of the FREE eBook to get access to all the tips,Continue Reading
The FREE Lesson Plans and Resources You Aren’t Using! (but should be) – SULS0148
In this episode, Kasey chats with Rich Dixon, Senior Director of Innovative Learning at Hāpara. Rich shares the power of Open Educational Resources (OER)–what they are, where to find them, and how to get started. The FREE Lesson Plans and Resources You Aren’t Using (but should be)–Find free, standards-aligned lesson plans and teaching resources for your classroom. (This episode sponsored by Hāpara.) Stop buying lesson plans and worksheets and access the wonderful free resources available to you! Rich started his teaching career as an elementary school teacher in the Seattle area. As he moved around into different grade levels andContinue Reading
Google Classroom + BookWidgets = Superpowered Digital Classroom – SULS0145
Combine Google Classroom and BookWidgets to superpower your digital classroom! In this episode, Kasey chats with Educational Technologist and BookWidgets expert, Sheryl Place. Sheryl shares the magic of BookWidgets, and how teachers can create engaging online activities that take worksheets from static to dynamic. Sheryl comes to the podcast with over 38 years of teaching experience. She recently retired from Miami Dade and now works for BookWidgets as an Educational Technology Specialist. This means she helps teachers to integrate BookWidgets with Google Classroom and other Learning Management Systems. Sheryl also teaches internationally through an online school. [ctt template=”1″ link=”Xa_1y” via=”yes”Continue Reading
Protecting Students in a Digital World – SULS0143
In this episode, Kasey chats with noted education technology author, podcast host, and edtech CEO, Al Kingsley. Kasey and Al discuss how to protect students online and the ever-growing need for digital citizenship skills. He’s been in edtech for more than 30 years and has written and spoken extensively on student privacy and security, from enabling active, life-saving student interventions to data security and personal privacy. [ctt template=”1″ link=”bU0xm” via=”yes” ]Protecting Students in a Digital World[/ctt] Listen to this article. Protecting Students in a Digital World It’s a Triangle, Not a Line Most people recognize, Kingsley says, the fineContinue Reading
Remote Learning Advice for Teachers – SULS0142
In this episode, Kasey chats with Shake Up Learning Team member Jen Giffen about remote learning. As many schools face staff shortages and need to go remote, let’s get some teaching advice to help make the most of remote learning. Jen offers practical ideas and tips that will help you teach remotely! Jen works as a teacher-librarian in Canada, just north of Toronto. She’s been an educator for 21 years and has worn many hats, some of which include an EdTech specialist, an English teacher, and a high school librarian. [ctt template=”1″ link=”oqL4S” via=”yes” ]Remote Learning Advice for Teachers[/ctt] ListenContinue Reading
Must-Have Tips and Tools for Pandemic Teaching – SULS0141
In this episode, Kasey shares her best Pandemic Teaching tips and tools. Everything you need to survive this school year and thrive beyond. Learn practice strategies, organization techniques, and a whole list of tools to make teaching this year EASIER! While these tips and tools are extremely helpful in this pandemic environment of teaching, they are also helpful for any blended learning classroom. Virtual learning is here to stay! This is why digital equity is so important. Teaching students to be good citizens in a digital world has become a vital part of education. [ctt template=”1″ link=”D3OcT” via=”yes” ]Must-Have TipsContinue Reading
10 Things for Teachers to Try in 2022 – SULS0140
Let’s kick off the new year with some great teaching ideas! In this episode, Kasey shares 10 Things for Teachers to Try in 2022. We will explore strategies, digital tools, professional learning, and much more! What will you try in 2022? Chances are you’ve been roaming out of your comfort zone for the past two years and have been trying a lot of new things. But it’s that time of year, a time to renew and refresh. So here are ten things that you may want to try. No matter the subject or grade level, you’re bound to find aContinue Reading
50 Remote Learning Resources for Teachers and Schools
Here are the best remote learning resources for teachers and schools from Shake Up Learning–all on one page! Remote learning is tough! We all need as much support as we can get right now. In this post, you will find cheat sheets, templates, tips, blog posts, podcasts, tutorials, online courses, and more to help you rock remote learning! These are resources and skills that will help you no matter where you find yourself teaching, at home remotely, at school, or somewhere in between. I hope these tips and resources will help you maximize your time with students and engage themContinue Reading
The Best Teacher Tips and Lesson Ideas of 2021
Here are the BEST Blog Posts and Podcasts of 2021! I have put together a list of the BEST and most popular Shake Up Learning blog posts and podcast episodes from 2021. These posts are loaded with the BEST teacher tips and lesson ideas of the year. A special thank you to all the Shake Up Learning readers and listeners. Y’all rock! And thank you for dawning your superhero capes to carry our students through ANOTHER tumultuous year! Let’s take some time to reflect on the positive and make 2022 the best year yet! Reflection is a critical part ofContinue Reading
30+ Ways to Use FREE Templates from Canva in Your Classroom (Part 2) – SULS0133
Canva is FREE for teachers and students, and their templates are beautiful, user-friendly, and great for the classroom! In this 2-part series, Kasey shares 30+ ways to use FREE Canva templates in your classroom, including graphic organizers, choice boards, certificates, and more! Canva is a teacher’s template paradise! This free, web-based platform provides educators with a professional account to design just about any graphic possible. Click here to get your FREE Canva for Education Account! [ctt template=”1″ link=”6RlNa” via=”yes” ]30+ Ways to Use FREE Templates from @CanvaEdu in Your Classroom (Part 2)[/ctt] Listen to this article. 30+ Ways toContinue Reading
30+ Ways to Use FREE Templates from Canva in Your Classroom (Part 1) – SULS0132
Canva is FREE for teachers and students, and their templates are beautiful, user-friendly, and great for the classroom! In this 2-part series, Kasey shares 30+ ways to use FREE Canva templates in your classroom, including graphic organizers, choice boards, certificates, and more! In case you are brand new to Canva, this is a web-based digital design platform. Canva provides a number of free, editable templates specifically for educators. Students can create an account that is connected to a teacher and it will integrate with a number of Learning Management Systems. Students are also able to collaborate within the Canva platform. Continue Reading
Student Engagement Strategies for Pandemic Teaching (Closing Keynote by Jen Giffen) – SULS0130
Catch the audio version of Jen Giffen’s closing keynote from the 2021 Back to School Conference! Jen shares some AH-mazing student engagement strategies that work in this crazy, COVID world! And don’t forget, you can still catch ALL the conference sessions until Oct. 30 for FREE, or for one year with the ALL-ACCESS PASS! Jen shares three important ways that teachers can truly engage their students whether teaching traditionally or virtually in the post-pandemic environment. She believes when students are given an authentic audience, an opportunity to amplify their voice, and a community of learners they will engage with youContinue Reading
What I Learned at the Back to School Conference! – SULS0129
In this episode, Kasey and other presenters from the Shake Up Learning Back to School Conference are sharing highlights from their presentations. Learn Google tips, Leadership Strategies, productivity tools, SEL tips, and more! Don’t worry if you missed the conference, you can access it for FREE until Oct. 30, 2021! Keep in mind these snippets being shared are a small sampling of what you will have access to when you register to join. There is still time to learn from these amazing educators. Be sure to register today! [ctt template=”5″ link=”ffUpt” via=”yes” ]What I Learned at the Back to SchoolContinue Reading
Get Students CREATING with Global Maker Challenges! – SULS0128
In this episode, Kasey interviews Jaime Donally, one of the Global Maker Day organizers about the power of creating and sharing on a global level. Learn about the creation challenges and how your classroom can participate. The 4 C’s are more important than ever so you don’t want to miss this free opportunity to help students learn how to problem-solve and innovate! Jamie and seven of her colleagues began organizing the Global Maker Day in 2016. As a day built for inspiring educators to help innovate, the day has evolved and updated in the last five years. [ctt template=”1″ link=”Bl2mp”Continue Reading
How Technology Can Help Build Relationships, Ease Anxiety, and Empower Learners! – SULS0126
In this episode, Kasey chats with Stacey Roshan about how she transformed her classroom using the power of technology. Technology doesn’t have to be impersonal. In fact, it can help you personalize learning for all students, empower student voice, and level the playing field! Stacey is the author of Tech With Heart, a book that shows educators how she flipped her classroom to allow for more one-on-one time with her students, teach to their needs, and give all students the opportunity to share their learning. I n this interview with Kasey, Stacey elaborates on how the pandemic has forced thisContinue Reading
30 Ways to Use Google Forms in the Classroom – SULS0125
In this episode, Kasey takes a deep dive into the uses of Google Forms. There are so many ways to use Google Forms beyond a standard survey or quiz. Learn how you can use Google Forms to engage students in new ways, use powerful add-ons, and save valuable time! And don’t miss out on the handy infographic with 30 Ways to Use Google Forms in the Classroom! [ctt template=”1″ link=”9tob0″ via=”yes” ]30 Ways to Use Google Forms in the Classroom[/ctt] Listen to this article. 30 Ways to Use Google Forms in the Classroom 1. Bell Ringer Google Forms isContinue Reading
Back to School with Choice Boards (FREE Templates) – SULS0121
Back to School is the PERFECT time to jump into choice boards! In this episode, Kasey shares her best tips and ideas for creating and using digital choice boards in the K-12 classroom. She also shares choice board examples and product ideas. The first piece of advice when starting to use choice boards is to know that not all choice boards are equal. You’ll learn some of the common misconceptions about creating choice boards, but most importantly, you’ll learn how to get started with utilizing the choice board for your classroom. [ctt template=”5″ link=”5n8g2″ via=”yes” ]Back to School is theContinue Reading
Google Meet Host Controls: How to block access, chat, and more!
As the host of a Google Meet, you can control how and when your students join, and what they can do. You can also set it up so students can’t join before you, and others can’t join if they are not invited.
Depending on the purpose of your Google Meeting, and how many participants, you may want to change your layout to optimize for your students! There are three different layouts to choose from, or leave it on auto and let Google do it for you.
Get FREE Google Classroom Resources: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/category/google/google-classroom/
Get the FREE Google Classroom Cheat Sheets for Teachers and Students: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/the-google-classroom-cheat-sheets-for-teachers-and-students/
Join the Google Classroom Master Class: https://shakeuplearning.teachable.com/p/getting-started-with-google-classroom-course
Listen to the Shake Up Learning Show podcast for quick tips every week: https://shakeuplearning.com/shake-up-learning-show-podcast-with-kasey-bell/
Be sure to subscribe for more tips and awesomeness! https://www.youtube.com/shakeuplearning
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FREE Templates for Teachers: Where to Find Them and How to Create Them – SULS0119
In this episode, Kasey chats with Sarah Kiefer, a Shake Up Learning Trainer and the co-founder of TemplatesforTeachers.com. Learn all about the free templates that Sarah has created and curated, get tips for adapting templates for your classroom, and learn how to create your own templates! When colleagues communicate and share, a kind of teacher magic happens. That’s how Sarah and her colleague, Beth Kingsley, developed their website Templates for Teachers. Sarah had created a project that Beth thought would work for her students. That got them thinking; there might be lots of other teachers who could use a similarContinue Reading
How to Change the Layout in Google Meet
Depending on the purpose of your Google Meeting, and how many participants, you may want to change your layout to optimize for your students! There are three different layouts to choose from, or leave it on auto and let Google do it for you.
Get FREE Google Classroom Resources: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/category/google/google-classroom/
Get the FREE Google Classroom Cheat Sheets for Teachers and Students: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/the-google-classroom-cheat-sheets-for-teachers-and-students/
Join the Google Classroom Master Class: https://shakeuplearning.teachable.com/p/getting-started-with-google-classroom-course
Listen to the Shake Up Learning Show podcast for quick tips every week: https://shakeuplearning.com/shake-up-learning-show-podcast-with-kasey-bell/
Be sure to subscribe for more tips and awesomeness! https://www.youtube.com/shakeuplearning
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Adventures in Hyperdocs – SULS0118
Sarah McKinney is a former kindergarten teacher and is currently a K-12 Instructional Technologist in South Carolina. She also just joined the Shake Up Learning Training Team! She is passionate about using technology to allow for choice, enhance student engagement, and provide opportunities for creation and collaboration. In this podcast episode, Kasey takes a deep dive with Sarah about creating and using Hyperdocs in the classroom. A learning experience completely centered around students that will revolutionize your lesson plans. [ctt template=”1″ link=”22Gd9″ via=”yes” ]Take a deep-dive into Hyperdocs with Sarah McKinney![/ctt] Listen to this article. As an instructional technologist,Continue Reading
Google Earth in Every Grade: Create and Explore! – SULS0113
In this episode, Kasey talks with Shake Up Learning trainer, Tammy Lind, on the hidden treasure of Google Earth as a classroom tool. Tammy Lind is an Instructional Coach in Wisconsin. A former special education teacher, Tammy is passionate and has presented at various national conferences about finding web-based technologies to make the curriculum accessible to all learners. Tammy shares so many great ideas for using Google Earth to explore and create in every grade level and subject area. Have you explored Google Earth?! [ctt template=”1″ link=”RfOcc” via=”yes” ]Google Earth in Every Grade: Create and Explore![/ctt] Listen to this article.Continue Reading
Teaching with Jamboard – SULS0112
In this episode, I’m chatting with Kim Mattina, Shake Up Learning Trainer, podcaster, and co-author of Teaching with Jamboard. Kim shares some awesome ideas for using Jamboard to engage students in the 4 c’s and many collaborative learning activities. Jamboard is quickly becoming one of my favorite Google tools. It’s engaging, flexible, and a great way to collaborate–that’s the number one feature! Repeat after me, “Collaboration is the number one feature of Google Jamboard.” Are you ready to jam with Google Jamboard? [ctt template=”1″ link=”8rT6n” via=”yes” ]Teaching with Google Jamboard [/ctt] This episode is sponsored by Schoolytics. Schoolytics helps youContinue Reading
4 Projects that Go Beyond Traditional Assessment – SULS0111
In this episode, Kasey chats with Jen Giffen, a teacher-librarian and new Shake Up Learning trainer. Jen shares ideas that will help teachers go BEYOND traditional assessments like reports, essays, presentations, and cookie-cutter assignments. Learn how you can use projects like podcasting, Ignite talks, sketchnoting, and student voice to demonstrate learning. You don’t have to keep doing the same, old-school, static assignments! AND! Learn all about the Summer Webinar Series with Jen Giffen to go deeper into all of these topics. [ctt template=”11″ link=”I0O1c” via=”yes” ]4 Projects that Go Beyond Traditional Assessment with @virtualgiff[/ctt] This episode is sponsored by Schoolytics.Continue Reading
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Google Meet – SULS0110
In this episode with Shake Up Learning Trainer and Community Manager, Pam Hubler, we explore the new updates to Google Meet. Google Meet has become a much more robust video conferencing tool, but there is so much you don’t know. Pam and Kasey discuss 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Google Meet, and we learn about the new Shake Up Learning Course, The Google Meet Master Class! [ctt template=”11″ link=”ayGgl” via=”yes” ]10 Things You Didn’t Know About #GoogleMeet [/ctt] This episode is sponsored by Mote. Shake Up Learning listeners can get an exclusive 3-month trial for Mote Unlimited by going to justmote.me/shakeuplearning. Continue Reading
NEW! The Google Meet Master Class
BECOME A GOOGLE MEET MASTER! The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever. Teaching and learning online is now a part of almost every school across the globe. Teachers need the skills to facilitate and engage students in online and hybrid environments. If your school is using Google Meet, you need the Google Meet Master Class to prepare for the new normal. © Shake Up Learning 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear creditContinue Reading
How to Schedule Zoom Meetings in Google Calendar
Did you know that Zoom and Google Calendar can work together? Here’s how to schedule a Zoom call using Google Calendar. (HINT: You need this Chrome extension:https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zoom-scheduler/kgjfgplpablkjnlkjmjdecgdpfankdle?hl=en-US)
NEW! The Zoom Master Class from Shake Up Learning
BECOME A ZOOM MASTER! The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever. Teaching and learning online is now a part of almost every school across the globe. Teachers need the skills to facilitate and engage students in online and hybrid environments. If your school is using Zoom, you need the Zoom Master Class to prepare for the new normal. © Shake Up Learning 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to KaseyContinue Reading
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Zoom – SULS0109
In this episode, Kasey chats with Shake Up Learning trainer and community leader Susan Vincentz about Zoom. Susan shares 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Zoom! Zoom has become the standard for teaching online, online meetings, even newscasts, but this robust tool does so much more than you know. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever. Teaching and learning online is now a part of almost every school across the globe. Teachers need the skills to facilitate and engage students in online and hybrid environments. And we learn more about the new Zoom Master Class from Shake Up Learning! EvenContinue Reading
Record and Insert Audio in Google Slides with Mote!
Did you know you can use the Mote Chrome Extension to record and insert audio in Google Slides in just a few steps? Super easy!
Get the Mote extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mote-voice-notes-feedback/ajphlblkfpppdpkgokiejbjfohfohhmk
Join the Google Classroom Master Class: https://shakeuplearning.teachable.com/p/getting-started-with-google-classroom-course
Get FREE Google Classroom Resources: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/category/google/google-classroom/
Get the FREE Google Classroom Cheat Sheets for Teachers and Students: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/the-google-classroom-cheat-sheets-for-teachers-and-students/
Listen to the Shake Up Learning Show podcast for quick tips every week: https://shakeuplearning.com/shake-up-learning-show-podcast-with-kasey-bell/
Be sure to subscribe for more tips and awesomeness! https://www.youtube.com/shakeuplearning
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15 Ways to Use Mote in the Classroom – SULS0107
Mote is a fantastic (and FREE) Chrome extension for teachers. Learn how Mote helps support ELLs, STEM, and helps engage ALL students with 15 Ways to Use Mote in the Classroom. In this episode, Kasey chats with teacher and Mote Community Leader, Eleni Kyritsis. Eleni shares how Mote, a voice note extension, allows you to do so much more than just leave notes and feedback in your favorite Google tools. Teachers, you are going to love using Mote to engage your students! [ctt template=”5″ link=”l1X5Z” via=”yes” ]15 Ways to Use Mote in the Classroom – SULS0107[/ctt] Listen to this article.Continue Reading
MUST-HAVE Google Skills for Teachers (Podcast Series)
There is so much to learn when it comes to Google tools, and Google Workspace for Education, but what are those MUST-HAVE Google skills for teachers? I have created a 4-part podcast series with step-by-step blog posts to walk you through must-have Google skills, tips, and tricks for teachers! Together we will explore Google Chrome, the learning environment for all things Google, Google Classroom, Google Drive, and Google Docs and Slides. These skills will give you the confidence to create more meaningful learning experiences for your students. Everyone will learn something new in this series! This page contains links toContinue Reading
Add Bullets and Formatting in Google Classroom!
Hooray! We can finally format our posts in Google Classroom with bullets, bold, italics, and underline!
Join the Google Classroom Master Class: https://shakeuplearning.teachable.com/p/getting-started-with-google-classroom-course
Get FREE Google Classroom Resources: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/category/google/google-classroom/
Get the FREE Google Classroom Cheat Sheets for Teachers and Students: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/the-google-classroom-cheat-sheets-for-teachers-and-students/
Listen to the Shake Up Learning Show podcast for quick tips every week: https://shakeuplearning.com/shake-up-learning-show-podcast-with-kasey-bell/
Be sure to subscribe for more tips and awesomeness! https://www.youtube.com/shakeuplearning
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Must-Have Google Skills for Teachers (Part 4 – Google Docs & Slides) – SULS0106
In this episode, I am sharing some must-have Google skills for two of the most used Google applications, Google Docs and Google Slides! Better yet, most of these skills will transfer to other applications as well. Learn how to make the most of Google, save time, and learn some best practices to help you thrive with Google! This is Part 4 of a 4-part series on Must-Have Google Skills for Teachers. You don’t want to miss Part 1, Part 2, or Part 3! [ctt template=”5″ link=”AYda0″ via=”yes” ]Must-Have Google Skills for Teachers (Part 4 – #GoogleDocs & #GoogleSlides)[/ctt] This episodeContinue Reading
Use Custom Colors in Google Projects! (Docs, Slides, Sheets, Drawings)
Do you ever get frustrated trying to find the exact color for your fonts, background, or other objects in your Google projects?
Try the eyedropper Chrome extension to grab the exact color code and use it in your Google projects in Docs, Slides, Sheets, Drawings, and more!
Get the extension here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/eye-dropper/hmdcmlfkchdmnmnmheododdhjedfccka/related?hl=en
Get FREE Google Classroom Resources: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/category/google/google-classroom/
Get the FREE Google Classroom Cheat Sheets for Teachers and Students: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/the-google-classroom-cheat-sheets-for-teachers-and-students/
Join the Google Classroom Master Class: https://shakeuplearning.teachable.com/p/getting-started-with-google-classroom-course
Listen to the Shake Up Learning Show podcast for quick tips every week: https://shakeuplearning.com/shake-up-learning-show-podcast-with-kasey-bell/
Be sure to subscribe for more tips and awesomeness! https://www.youtube.com/shakeuplearning
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Must-Have Google Skills for Teachers (Part 3 – Google Drive) – SULS0105
In this episode, I’m sharing the must-have Google Drive skills for teachers. Google Drive is much more than just cloud storage. And once you start using Google tools with your students, it’s imperative that you use and understand Google Drive. Let’s take our Google Drive skills to the next level, and learn some tips and tricks along the way. (This is Part 3 of a 4-part series on Must-Have Google Skills for Teachers.) Part 1 (Chrome) Part 2 (Google Classroom) Part 4 (Google Docs and Slides) [ctt template=”11″ link=”8ZSUh” via=”yes” ]Must-Have #GoogleDrive Skills for Teachers![/ctt] Listen to this article. Continue Reading
Must-Have Google Skills for Teachers (Part 2 – Google Classroom) – SULS0104
In this episode, I’m sharing the must-have Google skills for teachers who use Google Classroom. Let’s learn how to make the most of Google Classroom–gain must-have skills, and a few tips and tricks to help you and your students thrive. Google Classroom has evolved a lot over the years, and I have a lot of extra tips and resources for you in this blog post. We are getting into the nitty-gritty of what teachers need to know and understand in Google Classroom. (This is Part 2 of a 4-part series on Must-Have Google Skills for Teachers.) Part 1 (Chrome) PartContinue Reading
How to Access Version History in Jamboard
You can now access the version history in Jamboard and see exactly what your students contributed and WHEN!
Get FREE Google Classroom Resources: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/category/google/google-classroom/
Get the FREE Google Classroom Cheat Sheets for Teachers and Students: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/the-google-classroom-cheat-sheets-for-teachers-and-students/
Blended Learning with Google Program: http://blendedlearningwithgoogle.com
Shake Up Learning Books: http://shakeuplearningbooks.com
Join the Google Classroom Master Class: https://shakeuplearning.teachable.com/p/getting-started-with-google-classroom-course
Listen to the Shake Up Learning Show podcast for quick tips every week: https://shakeuplearning.com/shake-up-learning-show-podcast-with-kasey-bell/
Be sure to subscribe for more tips and awesomeness! https://www.youtube.com/shakeuplearning
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Must-Have Google Skills for Teachers (Part 1 – Chrome) – SULS0103
In this episode, I’m sharing the must-have Google skills for teachers who use the Google Chrome web browser or Chromebooks. If you are a Google-using teacher, you should be using Google Chrome on all of your devices. Google works best with Google! Google Chrome is the learning environment for all things Google and sets the stage for success. There is SO MUCH in this episode. You will get even MORE tips if you listen to the episode instead of just reading this article. (This is Part 1 of a 4-part series on Must-Have Google Skills for Teachers.) Part 2 (GoogleContinue Reading
How to Change the Font in a Google Slides Theme
Did you know that you can customize the font in your Google Slides theme, so you don’t have to change the font on every slide? Yes! Customize your themes for your Google projects with your favorite fonts.
How to Change the Link Color in Google Slides Themes: https://youtu.be/Qq6kUTTM5Hw
Join the Google Classroom Master Class: https://shakeuplearning.teachable.com/p/getting-started-with-google-classroom-course
Get FREE Google Classroom Resources: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/category/google/google-classroom/
Get the FREE Google Classroom Cheat Sheets for Teachers and Students: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/the-google-classroom-cheat-sheets-for-teachers-and-students/
Listen to the Shake Up Learning Show podcast for quick tips every week: https://shakeuplearning.com/shake-up-learning-show-podcast-with-kasey-bell/
Be sure to subscribe for more tips and awesomeness! https://www.youtube.com/shakeuplearning
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Get MORE Fonts for Your Google Projects! (Docs, Slides, Sheets, Drawings)
Do you get frustrated by the font selection in Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, etc.? You can GET MORE FONTS! Let me show you how!
Get FREE Google Classroom Resources: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/category/google/google-classroom/
Get the FREE Google Classroom Cheat Sheets for Teachers and Students: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/the-google-classroom-cheat-sheets-for-teachers-and-students/
Join the Google Classroom Master Class: https://shakeuplearning.teachable.com/p/getting-started-with-google-classroom-course
Listen to the Shake Up Learning Show podcast for quick tips every week: https://shakeuplearning.com/shake-up-learning-show-podcast-with-kasey-bell/
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How to Autofit Text in Google Slides
Do you ever get frustrated resizing your text to fit it in a textbox or shape in Google Slides? Now you can let Slides autofit the text for you! The font size will slowly decrease to fit the text in the box.
Join the Google Classroom Master Class: https://shakeuplearning.teachable.com/p/getting-started-with-google-classroom-course
Get FREE Google Classroom Resources: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/category/google/google-classroom/
Get the FREE Google Classroom Cheat Sheets for Teachers and Students: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/the-google-classroom-cheat-sheets-for-teachers-and-students/
Listen to the Shake Up Learning Show podcast for quick tips every week: https://shakeuplearning.com/shake-up-learning-show-podcast-with-kasey-bell/
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Blended Learning with Google Toolkit for Teachers – SULS0101
In this episode, I share The Blended Learning with Google Toolkit, a free download to help teachers create dynamic, blended learning experiences for students with Google tools. I will walk you through each step, share proven strategies, and recommend the right Google tool for the job. Get access to this FREE PDF download that aligns technology integration strategies with Google tools! (Scroll down and fill out the form on this page.) [ctt template=”11″ link=”daAIu” via=”yes” ]Blended Learning with #GoogleEdu Toolkit for Teachers[/ctt] Listen to this article. Shoutout Thank you to Becky Young for this tweet: Almost done catching upContinue Reading
How to Use Jamboard with Google Meet
Google Meet allows you to create and share Jams on the fly! It’s super handy for the classroom. You can use pre-made jams, or start with a new jam.
Get FREE Google Classroom Resources: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/category/google/google-classroom/
Get the FREE Google Classroom Cheat Sheets for Teachers and Students: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/the-google-classroom-cheat-sheets-for-teachers-and-students/
Shake Up Learning Books: http://shakeuplearningbooks.com
Join the Google Classroom Master Class: https://shakeuplearning.teachable.com/p/getting-started-with-google-classroom-course
Listen to the Shake Up Learning Show podcast for quick tips every week: https://shakeuplearning.com/shake-up-learning-show-podcast-with-kasey-bell/
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100+ Tips, Tools, and Lesson Ideas for Teachers (Celebrating 100 Episodes) – SULS0100
In this milestone 100th episode of The Shake Up Learning Show, guests from past episodes share their favorite tips and lesson ideas for teachers. With more than 100 episodes, including bonus episodes, there are over 100 tips, tools, and lesson ideas for teachers, which is a cause to celebrate! We’ve got some returning guests who share some awesome tips for teachers. We will also take a look back at the most popular episodes so far, what’s next for the podcast, and how you can participate. Do you want to see ALL 100 episodes? Check out this page for access. [cttContinue Reading
How to Mute ALL Students in Google Meet
Did you know you can mute ALL the participants in your Google Meet?
Education users have a new feature that will allow teacher to mute all students at once!
Get FREE Google Classroom Resources: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/category/google/google-classroom/
Get the FREE Google Classroom Cheat Sheets for Teachers and Students: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/the-google-classroom-cheat-sheets-for-teachers-and-students/
Join the Google Classroom Master Class: https://shakeuplearning.teachable.com/p/getting-started-with-google-classroom-course
Listen to the Shake Up Learning Show podcast for quick tips every week: https://shakeuplearning.com/shake-up-learning-show-podcast-with-kasey-bell/
Be sure to subscribe for more tips and awesomeness! https://www.youtube.com/shakeuplearning
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How to Leave Video Feedback in Google Classroom
It’s so easy to use Screencastify to record quick feedback for students. Let’s take this a step further and share feedback in Google Classroom.
Get the Screencastify extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screencastify-screen-vide/mmeijimgabbpbgpdklnllpncmdofkcpn?hl=en
Join the Google Classroom Master Class: https://shakeuplearning.teachable.com/p/getting-started-with-google-classroom-course
Get FREE Google Classroom Resources: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/category/google/google-classroom/
Get the FREE Google Classroom Cheat Sheets for Teachers and Students: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/the-google-classroom-cheat-sheets-for-teachers-and-students/
Join the Google Classroom Master Class: https://shakeuplearning.teachable.com/p/getting-started-with-google-classroom-course
Listen to the Shake Up Learning Show podcast for quick tips every week: https://shakeuplearning.com/shake-up-learning-show-podcast-with-kasey-bell/
Be sure to subscribe for more tips and awesomeness! https://www.youtube.com/shakeuplearning
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Teaching Digitally Resource Guide (FREE) – SULS098
In this interview, I’m chatting with tech specialist Nadine Gilkison. Nadine freely shares tons of online resources, templates, Hyperdocs, and more. Let’s take a deep dive into Nadine’s “Teaching Digitally Resource Guide for Teachers.” Her FREE resource guide has so many great ideas to help teachers and students with essential technology skills, thriving through remote learning, and preparing for what’s next. [ctt template=”11″ link=”m9bR5″ via=”yes” ]Teaching Digitally Resource Guide (interview with @nadinegilkison)[/ctt] Listen to this article. Shoutout Thank you to Joey Mitchell on Twitter for sharing your thoughts on Blended Learning with Google! Today in Blended Learning with GoogleContinue Reading
Asynchronous Learning Tips for Teachers – SULS097
In this episode and blog post, I am sharing asynchronous learning tips for teachers. As more and more teachers and students adapt to online and blended learning, let’s take a closer look at creating more meaningful asynchronous learning experiences. Every student doesn’t have to do the exact same thing at the exact same time. Asynchronous online learning is a powerful tool for teachers. [ctt template=”11″ link=”CTjo3″ via=”yes” ]Asynchronous Learning Tips for Teachers[/ctt] Listen to this article. Shoutout Special thanks to TCEA and IDEAcon, and all of the amazing educators engaging in professional learning. Work with Shake Up Learning andContinue Reading
YouTube Video Library for Teachers
YouTube Video Library for Teachers FREE Tech Tip videos for teachers! Save time, learn tricks, and up your Google game! © Shake Up Learning 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kasey Bell and Shake Up Learning with appropriate and specific direction to the original content on ShakeUpLearning.com. See: Copyright Policy.
Digital Badges in the Classroom (What, When, & How) – SULS096
Let’s talk digital badges with the experts: Cate Tolnai and Jen Gibson! Digital badges can help us engage students (even remote learners). Learn what digital badges are, when to use them, and how to implement them in your classroom. Yes, you can do this in your remote, online, or blended learning environment! These two creative ladies will help us learn how we can use digital badges in the classroom to engage and motivate our students. [ctt template=”1″ link=”NfBe5″ via=”yes” ]Digital Badges in the K12 Classroom (interview with @buoyconsultants)[/ctt] Listen to this article. Shoutout Thank you, Lisa Scumpieru, for allContinue Reading
How to Link Directly to a Google Classroom Assignment
Did you know you can copy a link directly to an assignment in Google Classroom? Yep! Then you can paste it in other places, like your website, in an email, on a choice board or other assignment template, or wherever you need it. This is a great teacher time-saver! Don’t miss out on all the Google Classroom Quick Tip videos on this page. [ctt template=”1″ link=”Cp8bd” via=”yes” ]How to Link Directly to a Google Classroom Assignment[/ctt] How to Link Directly to a Google Classroom Assignment © Shake Up Learning 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express andContinue Reading
The Future of Online Teaching in a Post-COVID World – SULS093
As the role of the classroom teacher continues to evolve in this post-COVID world, it’s important to look at the future of online teaching. While I’m hopeful that the concurrent or hybrid model that is so common right now will not be a mainstay, I believe we will begin to see distinct roles for online teachers emerge. In this episode, I’m chatting with eLearning teacher Morgan Longtine. Learn about Morgan’s new role as the online teacher for two grade levels, what works, and why she loves it so much! [ctt template=”1″ link=”8Yf2e” via=”yes” ]The Future of Online Teaching in aContinue Reading
New Book: Blended Learning with Google by Kasey Bell
Blended Learning with Google: Your Guide to Dynamic Teaching and Learning Ready for blended learning in a post COVID world? Say goodbye to boring lectures, sit and get, and the same old, tired projects. This book will show you how you can use Google tools to create dynamic, blended learning experiences for your students! No matter if you are online, remote, hybrid, or something in between, this book will give you tips and tricks to thrive! © Shake Up Learning 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner isContinue Reading
20 Ways to Use Google Drawings in the Classroom – SULS092
Google Drawings is a hidden treasure! In this post and episode, I will give you 20 Ways to Use Google Drawings in the Classroom. Let’s explore ways to tap into the 4 C’s and get students creating with Google Drawings. At first glance, it can be easy to dismiss the Google Drawing tool. It seems rather simplistic. However, it is actually a VERY powerful image creator and editor! Add in the fact that you can collaborate on a drawing, and it’s too awesome to be ignored! [ctt template=”1″ link=”5F58I” via=”yes” ]20 Ways to Use #GoogleDrawings in the Classroom[/ctt] This episodeContinue Reading
How to Create Citations and Bibliography in Google Docs
Citing Sources in Google Docs Did you know you can EASILY cite sources without ever leaving Google Docs? Yep! It’s so easy! This is just one of those amazing features of Google Docs that you have to see! This may be old news to you, but just in case, I feel that it’s my mission to make sure everyone knows that citations are built into Google Docs. I share this tip often during presentations, and just talking about it doesn’t do it justice. You have to try it! When I demo this feature, it never fails to get some jawContinue Reading
Student Portfolios with Google Sites – SULS091
Student portfolios with Google Sites is a no-brainer! Student Portfolios are the epitome of Dynamic Blended Learning and going beyond the due date because they are never “done.” As students learn and grow throughout the year, new work is added to their portfolio to showcase their best work or to show growth over time. Student portfolios are great for ANY classroom! In this interview with teacher Mike Mohammad, we take a deep dive into the power of student portfolios. Mike shares what he has learned after seven years of implementing portfolios–how to organize, how to make them student-centered, and theContinue Reading
The Best Teacher Tips and Lesson Ideas of 2020
Here are the BEST Blog Posts and Podcasts of 2020! I have put together a list of the BEST and most popular Shake Up Learning blog posts and podcast episodes from 2020. These posts are loaded with the BEST teacher tips and lesson ideas of the year. To all of my readers and listeners, thank you for helping me learn and grow as an educator! I learn so much from all of you! And thank you for dawning your superhero capes to carry our students through this tumultuous year! After a year that we will not soon forget, let’s takeContinue Reading
How to Add Zoom Link to Google Classroom Header
Have you ever wanted to add your zoom link or additional information for students to the Google Classroom header? Yes, you can add your clickable Google Meet link, but what if you don’t use Meet? Or, maybe you have other information that you wish was available in the header so students could find it easily? This tip will help you add additional information and links to the header. (Note: links will not be clickable, but can be copied and pasted) [ctt template=”1″ link=”1cFU8″ via=”yes” ]How to Add Zoom Link to #GoogleClassroom Header[/ctt] How to Add Zoom Link to Google ClassroomContinue Reading
Blended Learning with Google Podcast Series
Ready for blended learning in a post COVID world? Say goodbye to boring lectures, sit and get, and the same old, tired projects. In this 3-part Blended Learning with Google podcast series (based on Kasey’s book of the same name), we will show you how you can use Google tools to create dynamic, blended learning experiences for your students! I have always believed that technology presents us with a unique opportunity in education, an opportunity to create more dynamic learning experiences for our students. We have to start thinking differently about our assignments. One-and-done doesn’t cut it anymore. The learningContinue Reading
8 Reasons to Love Blended Learning with Google (Part 3) – SULS090
I can’t wait to share with you 8 Reasons to Love Blended Learning with Google, and give you a sneak peek into my new book! In part 3 of this 3-part podcast series, I will share with you the BEST takeaways, templates, lesson plans, remote learning tips, Google tips, ideas, and resources from the Blended Learning with Google book! AND don’t miss the details on the EARLY BIRD BONUS Training Video! Did you miss Blended Learning with Google Part 1 or Part 2? CLICK HERE to access the entire series. [ctt template=”1″ link=”n4F9b” via=”yes” ]8 Reasons to LOVE #BlendedLearning withContinue Reading
Google from A To Z: The Google Glossary for Teachers!
GOOGLE FROM A TO Z: The Google Glossary for Teachers The tools teachers and students need to succeed in a Post-COVID World! Hey K-12 Teachers, you have enough on your plate! Google from A to Z can help! Technology doesn’t have to be complicated, especially with this 40-page handy reference guide in your back pocket. If your school has “Gone Google,” then chances are you are aware of some of the most popular productivity tools, such as Docs, Slides, and Gmail. But Google offers so much more! There are so many fun and engaging tools that you may not knowContinue Reading
Blended Learning with Google (Part 2: Storytelling) – SULS089
More Blended Learning with Google! In part two of this podcast series, we will take a deep-dive into storytelling with Google tools and how we can use this strategy in any grade level or subject area. Storytelling might be my very favorite strategy for teachers because it is so flexible, engaging, and creative! And get a sneak peek of Kasey’s new book, Blended Learning with Google! Did you miss part 1 in this 3-part series? Listen to Part 1: Do This, Not That! here. Access the entire series on this page: Blended Learning with Google Podcast Series. [ctt template=”1″ link=”rodpR”Continue Reading
Blended Learning with Google (Part 1: Do THIS, NOT That!) – SULS088
In part one of this podcast series, we will explore how Google tools can help us create Dynamic Blended Learning experiences. It’s not about Google, y’all! It’s about the learning. We are going to take a deep-dive into practical ways we can use the Dynamic Learning Framework with our favorite Google tools. As we all struggle to meet the demands of blended, online, and hybrid learning. Let’s look at some ways to engage students with the 4 C’s in our Post-COVID world. And get a sneak peek of Kasey’s new book, Blended Learning with Google! Shoutout Thank you to BowlingContinue Reading
FREE Google Lesson Plans for Teachers and Students – SULS087
Get FREE Google lesson plans for teachers and students from Google’s Applied Digital Skills resource center. These are super handy for teachers! These are ready-to-go, asynchronous lessons that will help your students gain future-ready skills. You will also find free teacher training, support for parents and guardians, free posters, and more! Let’s dig into this amazing resource! [ctt template=”1″ link=”Dj5Jr” via=”yes” ]FREE #GoogleEdu Lesson Plans for Teachers and Students[/ctt] Listen to the article. Shoutout I’d like to send a shoutout to Melissa Meverden on Twitter for sharing her sketchnote of e85 with Catlin Tucker. Thanks, Melissa! Quick Tip (ClipContinue Reading
Google Classroom Comments: All You Need to Know! – SULS086
Feedback is a crucial part of the learning process, and Google Classroom gives teachers and students a lot of options. Today, I’m going to share with you everything you need to know about Google Classroom comments. With Google tools and Google Classroom, giving feedback on digital assignments has never been easier. The only question is, where? We have several options for leaving comments and feedback, and it can be confusing. Let’s explore all the ways you can use comments to enhance the learning in your classroom! [ctt template=”1″ link=”661cX” via=”yes” ]#GoogleClassroom Comments: All You Need to Know![/ctt] Listen to theContinue Reading
Blended Learning Best Practices (with Catlin Tucker) – SULS085
This week, I’m chatting about Blended Learning best practices with the blended learning guru, Dr. Catlin Tucker. Catlin has written several books on the subject of Blended Learning, and she has been sharing many ideas to support teachers during this time of remote and hybrid learning. In this inspiring interview, Catlin and I chat about blended learning strategies and models, and what’s working right now! Don’t miss the amazing ideas that Catlin shares in this episode, including ideas that will help teachers and students survive concurrent teaching and learning. [ctt template=”1″ link=”f_ej1″ via=”yes” ]Blended Learning Best Practices (with Catlin Tucker)Continue Reading
Go Global: Online Publishing for All Students – SULS084
One critical characteristic of Dynamic Learning is going Beyond the Walls! Go global and consider online publishing for all students. Every student should have the opportunity to publish their work and learning for a global audience! This will change the quality of their work and help them build a positive online presence. This episode and blog post will explore ways to flatten the walls of your classroom and allow students to publish their work online. [ctt template=”1″ link=”Adjd7″ via=”yes” ]Go Global: Online Publishing for All Students[/ctt] Listen to this article. Shoutout Thank you to Susan Vincentz and Christian AcademyContinue Reading
Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Online Learning
It’s time to chat about Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Online Learning! With teachers learning so many new tools and strategies this year to facilitate remote learning, I thought it would be useful to discuss the idea of synchronous vs. asynchronous online learning. I’ve seen a lot of confusion about what these words mean, and I think that defining these, along with strategies and tools, will help us better approach remote learning, hybrid learning, and yes, even face-to-face and blended learning. Is that enough buzz words for ya? I promise these ideas and terms will help! [ctt template=”1″ link=”T6ieh” via=”yes” ]Synchronous vs.Continue Reading
Collaborative Notes with Google Docs
One of my favorite Dynamic Learning strategies is collaborative note-taking with Google Docs. Hands down, collaboration is the number one reason to “Go Google!” The beauty of G Suite lies in the collaborative features. When students are able to take notes together, it allows them to learn from each other AND gives the teacher a way to check for understanding. As a middle school teacher, it was difficult for me to teach note-taking skills and my students really struggled. They either tried to write down every word, got pieces and doodled on the sides. (By the way, doodling is OKAY!)Continue Reading
5 Shifts We Need in Education Now – SULS082
Education is undergoing a much-needed shakeup, and there are 5 Shifts We Need Now! I strive to remain as positive as possible, but I hit a boiling point, and I’m standing up for the teachers I know in love. While I can’t express every concern in this one article, I hope that this post will help school decision-makers plan for the new normal. And I hope that teachers know that I am on your side, doing everything I can to support you! I’m mad! And I’m getting on my soapbox today in defense of teachers. The state of education rightContinue Reading
10 Google Tips for Remote Learning
Remote learning has sent teachers and schools into high gear! We are all trying to figure out what works. In this post, I’m going to show you 10 Google Tips for Remote Learning. This has never been done before, not like this, so cut yourself some slack. We are all learning together! Most schools have come to rely heavily on Google and G Suite for Education tools. I’ve put together some of my favorite Google tips and hacks to help you during remote learning and beyond! Remote learning has sent teachers and schools into high gear! We are all tryingContinue Reading
Flipgrid: The Go-To Remote Learning Tool – SULS080
Flipgrid has become the go-to remote learning tool for teachers! When it comes to digital learning tools to support blended and remote learning, one tool has stood out above the rest in 2020, Flipgrid. In this interview episode with three AMAZING “Flipgridders” and educators, Ann, Jess, and Jornea, share how you can use Flipgrid to support remote learning, building community, academic support, and more. You’ll also hear about some awesome Flipgrid updates and projects. Before we jump in, I’d like to send a huge shoutout to Paige Sturges for her glowing review of the Google Certified Educator Academy! [ctt template=”1″Continue Reading
Read-Along Storybooks Using Audio in Google Slides
In this guest blog post by Mike Mohammad, Mike shares a fantastic, yet unconventional idea: read-along storybooks using audio in Google Slides! I’m always amazed at how Mike innovates in his classroom. You’d never guess from this post’s title that this idea is from a high school physics teacher! But we all have stories to tell, and at every grade level and subject area. Mike takes the idea of storytelling a bit further and puts his students in the seat of a teacher–creating read-along books for Kindergartners. This creates a fantastic and Dynamic Learning Experience for Mike’s students. Mike isContinue Reading
The InterACTIVE Class in a Post-COVID World – SULS079
Creating an engaging classroom is harder than ever in these post-COVID hybrid learning days. Joe and Kristin Merrill literally wrote the book on the subject, however, and they joined me to chat about their favorite tools and resources, what they are doing to keep the kids off the screen as much as possible, and different tactics you can use to boost the fun-level in your classroom. Joe and Kristen Merrill are a husband and wife teaching dynamic duo. They both teach in the same school, live together, have two kids of their own, and have now written a book together.Continue Reading
30 Day Photo Journal Calendar (FREE Template)
In this guest post by Lisa Johnson (a.k.a. TechChef4U), Lisa shares a great idea for some creative journaling. In the age of COVID-19, stress, anxiety, has pushed many teachers and students to the edge. Journaling is a healthy way to express your emotions. Some have even called it a “Quarantine Journal.” With the 30 Day Photo Journal, teachers and students can express themselves through images. Lisa has provided a ton of great implementation ideas, examples, and even a FREE template to get you started! [ctt template=”1″ link=”WGloK” via=”yes” ]30 Day Photo Journal Calendar (FREE Template) by @TechChef4U[/ctt] 30 Day Photo JournalContinue Reading
How to Create Google Classroom Blended Learning Lessons (Part 3)
Google Classroom is more popular than ever. As schools switch to blended learning and remote learning models, educators need to know how to create Google Classroom blended learning lessons that are engaging and relevant for students! Lessons for blended learning have to be different than in-person activities translated to a digital space. Instead of just changing the method of delivery, you have to adapt to a changing world and engage your students in new ways. In this post, we’ll cover what Google Classroom and blended learning actually mean, how digital assignments differ from in-person assignments, and a bunch of strategiesContinue Reading
7 Ways to Rethink Digital Assignments (in a Post-COVID World)
If you want to transition your classroom to an online or blended environment, you must rethink traditional assignments and how you use technology. In this post, I share 7 Ways to Rethink Digital Assignments in a Post-COVID World. Since teachers and schools are becoming increasingly more reliant on online and blended learning, I thought it was time to give this post a refresh with a remote learning spin. I think these tips are even more useful in a Post-COVID world. Just because you make your lesson or assignment digital doesn’t mean that it will work the same way it didContinue Reading
8 Easy and Fun Back-to-School Online Activities (Part 2)
So many of us are excitedly getting ready to head back-to-school for a new year—but things might look a little different. Many of us are starting back-to-school online. Luckily, there are ways to make your students feel connected during the back-to-school season, even if you can’t be physically together in the classroom! In today’s post and episode, you’ll learn 8 awesome ways to make back-to-school online fun and engaging for students. From connecting over virtual introductions to taking a virtual classroom tour, these ideas will get your students excited and engaged with the idea of online school! This is partContinue Reading
6 Tips for Getting Started with Google Classroom
Ready to Join Google Classroom? Getting started with Google Classroom is easy, but these tips will make things even better! Join the Google Classroom revolution! It will completely change the way you deliver assignments, communicate and collaborate in your class, and give your students future-ready skills! Google Classroom is a free application designed by Google to help students and teachers communicate, collaborate, organize and manage assignments, go paperless, and much more! This application was developed by Google specifically for students and teachers, and they want it to be your go-to assignment manager for Google Drive and beyond. Google Classroom is aContinue Reading
Back to School with G Suite: 6 Online Activities (Part 1)
Around the U.S., teachers are gearing up for back to school–gathering ideas, planning lessons, and getting their classrooms (and virtual classrooms) ready for learning. Google tools can help you kick off the school year, get organized, and have some fun. So I thought now was a great time to share a few “back to school” online activities with my favorite Google tools. No matter what grade level or subject area you teach, there are always a few ways that Google tools can help you and your students save time and get creative–even during remote learning! This episode kicks off ourContinue Reading
How to Integrate Google Classroom with Google Meet
As teachers across the U.S. prepare for online and blended learning, more and more schools are relying on Google Classroom and Google Meet to deliver online lessons and assignments. In this post, I will share how to integrate Google Classroom with Google Meet. Kudos to Google for stepping up to the plate during the 2020 school closures and giving us many free features and updates to help teachers, students, and parents. It’s definitely not a perfect marriage, but we have come a long way in a short time. Here’s what you need to know: What is Google Classroom? Google ClassroomContinue Reading
The Chromebook Infused Classroom – SULS070
In this episode, Kasey interviews Holly Clark about her new book, The Chromebook Infused Classroom. Learn all about the Infused Classroom model, using Hyperdocs for remote learning, and practical ways to go from analog to digital! Do you have Chromebooks in the classroom? Then you don’t want to miss this episode! Conquer remote learning and digital learning experiences like a pro! Whether Chromebooks are a new addition to your school, you’ve recently gone 1:1 in the classroom, or you’ve been using them for years and you want to make the most of technology for your learners… The Chromebook Infused ClassroomContinue Reading
Google Training for Schools
Google Training for Schools NEED GOOGLE TRAINING FOR YOUR ENTIRE SCHOOL? Look no further! We have many programs to help your teachers learn how to meaningfully integrate Google tools and the entire G Suite in the classroom. From online courses to books, to face-to-face training, we got you covered! COVID-19 forced many teachers and schools to scramble to find tools to deliver online assignments, design digital learning experiences, and G Suite was the number one suite of tools to help make this a reality. Just in time resources and learning will help teachers, students, and parents survive the crisis. WhenContinue Reading
Online Teaching Best Practices, Tips, and Tools – SULS065
Online teaching is DIFFERENT! Let’s prepare for the new normal with some online teaching best practices, tips, and tools. In this episode, Kasey shares her best tips for teaching students online. COVID-19 has changed education forever, and now it’s time to regroup and redefine teaching and learning. We don’t know what school will look like in the fall, but I believe education as we know it will forever be changed. We have to think differently about online learning experiences for our students. Are you ready? As we begin to plan for the new normal, let’s take a closer look atContinue Reading
10 Ways Google Certification Can Support Remote Learning – SULS063
Sink or swim, teachers and educators across the globe have clung to tools like Google Classroom and Google Meet to survive school closures and remote learning. Building capacity and increasing your Google skills is more important than ever. Google Certification changed my thinking, my career, and gave me the skills to teach and learn online. Teachers need the skills and confidence to survive the new normal. Let’s dive into 10 Ways Google Certification Can Support Remote Learning. Shoutout I’d like to give Todd Hausmann a shoutout for sharing his kindness choice board for Kindness Week. Check it out here. [cttContinue Reading
Lessons Learned From Remote Learning – SULS062
Last week we explored the remote learning situation from the student’s perspectives. This week I’m chatting with a highly-respected leader and author. Evan Robb has been a building level principal for over 20 years, and he’s sharing what this time has been like from his perspective, and lessons learned from remote learning. We all know that our administrators have been working hard to make the remote learning experience as smooth as possible. Now we can hear straight from Evan what it takes to move hundreds of thousands of students to a remote learning model. Shoutout Thank you to Kelly BellContinue Reading
FREE Access to Fluency Tutor to Support Student Literacy Remotely
As a former reading teacher, I know how difficult it can be to support struggling readers, English Language Learners, and to improve the fluency of all of my students. I wish I’d had Fluency Tutor to help! I don’t endorse a lot of products, but Texthelp produces some of the best accessibility tools and they work seamlessly with my favorite Google tools. You can get access to Fluency Tutor for FREE, and it’s perfect for remote learning. Below is some information to get you started. [ctt template=”1″ link=”j62g3″ via=”yes” ]FREE Access to Fluency Tutor to Support Student Literacy from @texthelp[/ctt]Continue Reading
What Students Have to Say About Remote Learning [interviews with a 3rd and 12th grader] – SULS061
This week I am interviewing two students who have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic and are experiencing remote learning first-hand. Getting the student perspective is so critical. Here’s what students have to say about remote learning! These unprecedented times have brought to light so many issues in education, but if we don’t ask students about their experience, we will never understand the impact. My cousin Charlotte is in the 3rd grade and has plenty to say about this situation. On the flip side, Elena is joining me to share her experience with remote learning as a graduating senior. TheirContinue Reading
Leading Through Crisis and Beyond for Teachers and Educational Leaders – SULS060
Leading from home through a crisis is a whole new beast. We, as educators and leaders, find ourselves leading from a very unexpected place. Home. Good leaders step up and lead through hard times, and that’s exactly what I see happening every day. I have never been more proud to call myself a teacher. Teachers are stepping up and doing things they’ve never done before, often without any training. No one could have ever predicted we would be in this crisis, and that teachers and school leaders would be leading from home, but what have we learned? Where do weContinue Reading
FREE Interactive Tic-Tac-Toe Choice Board for Google Slides
Y’all know I love choice boards (aka learning menus), and especially Tic-Tac-Toe boards! As more and more teachers are relying on the flexibility of choice boards during remote learning, I thought I’d create a template that would give teachers a bit more space to explain the tic-tac-toe choices. So today, I’m giving you the FREE Interactive Tic-Tac-Toe Choice Board for Google Slides! Choice boards a great way to give students ownership of their learning and differentiate; AND they are great for giving students flexibility during home learning. The Tic-Tac-Toe is great for a lot of reasons, but I struggle, likeContinue Reading
Google Classroom FAQ – Your Most Common Questions ANSWERED!
Google Classroom is more popular than ever! Many teachers are searching for help and tips, so I decided to put together a Google Classroom FAQ – your most common questions answered, based on the questions I receive from teachers. I see the same questions asked over and over again, so I hope this page is helpful to educators looking for help with Google Classroom. I will continue to add more questions and answers to this page. What questions do you have? Please leave a comment! [ctt template=”1″ link=”k2616″ via=”yes” ]#GoogleClassroom FAQ – You Most Common Questions ANSWERED![/ctt] Google Classroom FAQContinue Reading
How to Work From Home and Get Things Done! – SULS059
Working and teaching from home is a whole new ballgame, but it is possible to do it productively. I’m sharing my best tips to help you work from home and get things done at the same time–everything from planning, eliminating distractions, prioritizing your to-do list, and my favorite hacks and strategies! This is a trying time, but it certainly isn’t impossible. I’ve been working from home for several years now, so I’m laying it all out there. Truth be told, most of these productivity hacks are tips I would recommend whether you are working from home or school. But workingContinue Reading
FREE Google Templates for Teachers from Shake Up Learning
FREE Google Templates for Teachers from Shake Up Learning Get FREE activity templates for your Google Classroom–choice boards, drag-and-drop, fake Instagram, and more! © Shake Up Learning 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kasey Bell and Shake Up Learning with appropriate and specific direction to the original content on ShakeUpLearning.com. See: Copyright Policy.
Home Learning Strategies for Primary Students that ALL Teachers Can Use! – SULS058
Christine Pinto and Jessica Twomey, two amazing kinder teachers, join me to discuss home learning strategies for primary students that ALL teachers can use. These awesome educators share amazing home learning strategies for primary students, and honestly, ANY teacher can learn from this episode. This is a MUST-LISTEN episode for all teachers. Shoutout Laura Steinbrink joined me on Episode 56 to chat about choice boards, but she’s back with an update. She is revising her choice board based on feedback from her students. Some of them prefer a big project rather than small ones. She shares how she has nowContinue Reading
How to Use Google Templates and Assign in Google Classroom
When you find a free or paid template that is in Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Sheets, or Google Drawings, do you know how to save that to your Google Drive and assign it in Google Classroom? This video will show you how to use Google templates and assign in Google Classroom. There are free lesson plans, choice boards, and other activity templates floating all over the web. Many, are found right here on this blog! But many users don’t know how to save the template to their Google Drive, or how to properly assign in Google Classroom. My inboxContinue Reading
12 Practical Tips for Remote Learning During School Closures – SULS057
Let’s get real, y’all! While the world is battling the coronavirus, teachers and schools are scrambling to figure out what this home learning thing looks like. I’ve put together 12 practical tips for remote learning during school closures. To be clear, this is about this particular crisis situation. These are not the same tips that I would share for a normal school day. Let’s keep this practical. Let’s prioritize what’s really important right now. Let’s share and collaborate to make the best of this situation. [ctt template=”1″ link=”kfNA7″ via=”yes” ]12 Practical Tips for #RemoteLearning During School Closures[/ctt] Listen to thisContinue Reading
10 Google Classroom Tips for Remote Learning
Many teachers are jumping on board with Google Classroom right now, sink or swim! So in this post, I am going to give you 10 Google Classroom tips for remote learning. During this unprecedented time of school closures, Google Classroom has become a go-to platform to communicate and distribute remote learning assignments. This post will give you specific tips to help maximize your effectiveness in using Google Classroom during remote learning. What is Google Classroom? Not everyone has had training, or been given a complete explanation of what Google Classroom actually is–and this is apparent by the questions I receiveContinue Reading
Home Learning with Choice Boards During School Closures – SULS056
As we all find new ways to teach and learn during this unprecedented time, I want to share how you approach home learning with choice boards during school closures. In this episode with classroom teacher, Laura Steinbrink, you will learn how she is using choice and flexibility to reach the needs of her students. Laura is creating a week’s worth of activities on one choice board with both online and offline options to make sure everything is equitable. She is even sharing her activities and templates. You don’t want to miss this episode! [ctt template=”1″ link=”W572G” via=”yes” ]#HomeLearning with ChoiceContinue Reading
10 Google Docs Tips Every Teacher Should Know
With Google Docs more popular than ever in education, I thought I should share some of my favorite tips. I have 10 Google Docs Tips Every Teacher Should Know Over the years, I have shared a lot of Google tips. In this post, I’m pulling together ten posts with Google skills that every teacher should know. From learning the basics, how to make a copy of files that have been shared online, creating template links, using voice typing, citing sources, inserting GIFs, editing images, using Docs offlines, and much more! [ctt template=”1″ link=”habvx” via=”yes” ]10 #GoogleDocs Tips Every Teacher ShouldContinue Reading
FREE Tech Coach Collaborative (for support during school closures)
I’ve been talking to many teachers and tech leaders and working on many resources to help during this unprecedented time of school closures and home learning. But I know I can do more! Tech coaches and leaders are being called upon to do things that have never been done before and in record time. Tech Coaches need to come together to collaborate and help each other. I am putting together a Tech Coach Collaborative, free to any tech coach or digital learning leader that wants to join so we can share resources and ideas. I realize all educators are lookingContinue Reading
FREE Google Classroom Resources
Ready to shake things up with Google Classroom? Check out the posts below to learn more about using Google Classroom with your students. © Shake Up Learning 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kasey Bell and Shake Up Learning with appropriate and specific direction to the original content on ShakeUpLearning.com. See: Copyright Policy.
Show Us You Home Learning
As most schools in the U.S., and many abroad, are closed due to the coronavirus, we are faced with a great unknown. What does home learning look like? I created a Flipgrid for parents and teachers to share what’s happening, what’s working, what’s not, your schedule, your learning environment, everything! If you are at home teaching or facilitating home learning with your own children, show us what it looks like! We can all help each other through support and collaboration. #bettertogether! Show Us You Home Learning The Flipgrid is embedded below. Or CLICK HERE to go directly to the grid.Continue Reading
Grace is Greater Than Grades
In the midst of the coronavirus chaos, the anxiety, the fears, and the extra time at home, I would like to come back to an idea that Jennifer Pearson shared on a special BONUS episode of the Shake Up Learning Show–grace. Jennifer, an American teacher who evacuated China in January, and has been teaching her students remotely for several weeks, shared some insight that can help us all. As the confusion and conversations continue online, one thing has become quite clear to me. The idea of home learning, remote learning, distance learning, whichever verbiage you try, doesn’t fit. That’s becauseContinue Reading
Coronavirus Closures? Online Learning Tips for Teachers and Schools [interview with an American Teacher in China]
Are you prepared for online learning if your school is closed for an extended period of time? In this special BONUS episode, you can prepare for coronavirus closures and get online learning tips for teachers and schools. Teachers and administrators listen up! In this candid interview, I chat with Jennifer Pearson, a tech coach who recently evacuated from China due to the coronavirus. Jennifer’s school has been relying on home learning and online learning with their students in China for several weeks now. Jennifer shares tips, tools, and best practices for this special situation. And it’s not what you think!Continue Reading