As we wrap up 2022, let’s take a look at the most popular Google tips and new features of the year.
What were the most exciting updates?
Which application brought us the coolest new features?
The answer may surprise you!
Here are the top 10 Google Tips of 2022.
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Kasey Bell
181: Top 10 Google Tips of the Year
This episode is sponsored by Konica-Minolta.
Over 1.4 million violent incidents occur in schools every year. What if technology could bring peace-of-mind for parents, students and educators? Konica Minolta’s intelligent video security solutions allow you to easily sign in guests, track visitors, and monitor your entire campus to keep unwanted visitors out. Visit to check out their visitor management system, door barriers, and smart security cameras. While you’re there, you can also take a quiz to determine the level of security your school currently has. It’s time to rethink school security.
Top 10 Google Tips of the Year
Each week I share a “Quick Tip of the Week” on the Shake Up Learning Show podcast and on the Shake Up Learning YouTube Channel.
In looking back over the last year, these were the top 10 Google Tips of the year!
10. Appointment Slots in Google Calendar
9. Join Google Meet from Docs, Sheets, or Slides
8. How to Create a Professional-Looking Gmail Signature in Google Docs
Related: 100+ Google Quick Tip Videos for Teachers!
7. Full Page Embed in Google Sites
6. Edit and Arrange Tables in Google Docs
5. How to Change the Default Font in Google Sheets
Related: 7 Reasons You Need to Try Voice Typing in Google Docs
4. How to Change the Default Font in Google Slides
3. How to Insert a Drop-down Menu in Google Docs
Related: 15+ Ways to Use Drop-Down Menus in Google Docs
2. How to Change the Default Font in Google Docs
1. How to Add a Folder to the Chrome Bookmarks Bar
Want more tips like these? Subscribe to the Shake Up Learning YouTube Channel!
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