YouTube = Learning at Your Fingertips!
When you want to learn something new these days, most of us head over to YouTube.
You can learn just about anything on YouTube: how to fix your dryer, how to create a blog, or how to use Google Docs.
For students, YouTube is often their first stop when learning a new skill.
Did you know you can also get notifications when new videos have been added by your favorite channels?
Or that you can use YouTube as a curation tool to create playlists for your students?
Today, I am going to share with you some of my favorite YouTube Channels, and some that were shared in the Shake Up Learning community.
Just about all of your favorite educational organization and bloggers have a YouTube channel.
When you subscribe, you can set up notifications when something new has been posted.
Be sure you are subscribed to the Shake Up Learning YouTube Channel to get the latest tutorials and tips!
This is a great way to stay up-to-date with innovative tools like G Suite for Education.
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30+ YouTube Channels for Teachers
1. Alice Keeler
Alice is a fantastic blogger and Google Certified Innovator who freely shares her Google tips and tricks online. She is my go-to resource for all things Google Classroom. She is also the spreadsheet queen! Follow her blog and her channel!
2. Amoeba Sisters
“Two sisters on a mission to demystify science with humor and relevance by creating free videos, GIFs, handouts, and comics.”
3. Bozeman Science
Paul Andersen has created hundreds of science videos that have been viewed millions of times by learners around the world. His video essentials for AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, and AP Physics 1&2 are aligned to the AP curriculum. He also has created a series of videos on the Next Generation Science Standards.
4. Brave Wilderness
“The Brave Wilderness Channel is your one stop connection to a wild world of adventure and amazing up close animal encounters!”
5. Crash Course
“Tons of awesome courses in one awesome channel! Nicole Sweeney teaches you sociology, Carrie Anne Philbin teaches you computer science, Craig Benzine teaches film history, and Mike Rugnetta is teaching mythology!”
6. FriedTechnology
Amy Mayer is another Google Certified Innovator and Certified Trainer who offers fabulous free tutorials on her YouTube channel. Hat’s off to Amy and all things “fried!” Gotta give some love to my Texas friends!
7. Gerry Brooks
Gerry Brooks is a principal turned YouTube sensation that guaranteed to put a smile on your face. (One of my favorite videos: State Assessment for Politicians.)
8. Google for Education
If you are a G Suite for Education user, this is a must channel for you. Here you will find lots of great information on Google products, tutorials, and case studies from other Google schools; AND they do a semi-weekly Edu in 90 Show which is AWESOME, and includes updates to Google Apps, tips, and tricks.
9. G Suite
Google Apps are used in the business world as well as education. This channel offers even more resources for increasing your skills,
10. Google Chrome
If you have followed this blog for long, you know I’m a huge Google Chrome fan, and this channel does not disappoint! Lots of tutorials, tips, and tricks are included in this channel for all users of Chrome AND Chromebooks!
11. Google Help
There are so many Google-owned YouTube channels, so I tried to share the ones I find the most useful. Google Help offers just that–help with Google Apps and devices. But what I really like here are the videos that are available in other languages like Spanish, Vietnamese and more. Great way to support ELL!
12. Google Science Fair
Google offers an incredible opportunity for students 13-18 to be part of a global science fair! Subscribe to this channel to get all the details, and watch videos of the finalists.
13. Google Students
This one is geared more toward higher-education, but still a great resource for secondary students and teachers to learn more about career opportunities and products at Google.
14. ISTE
The International Society for Technology in Education is a world-renowned organization and conference. This YouTube channel offers a glimpse into the conference, keynotes, and other ISTE learning opportunities throughout the year.
15. Teacher Cast
Jeff Bradbury hosts the TeacherCast podcast, and a few others, AND shares tons of resources, webinars and tutorials through his YouTube Channel. Subscribe to learn about new apps and gain access to FREE professional development for educators.
16. Learn French with Alexa
No, not the Amazon Echo we call Alexa. This is a real-life teacher named Alexa! “People from all over the world enjoy learning how to speak French with Alexa’s popular online video and audio French lessons. They’re fun, friendly and stress-free! It’s like she’s actually sitting there with you, helping you along.”
17. Make
Makezine, the Magazine for Makers, has a fabulous channel loaded with Maker/DIY projects and ideas.
18. Math Antics
Math Antics has free video math lessons that you can use in your classroom.
19. Minute Physics
“Simply put: cool physics and other sweet science.” Lots of great, short physics lesson videos.
20. Mister WooTube
Higher level mathematics tutorials from a teacher in Sydney, Australia.
21. Mr. Demaio
“This channel is a collection of videos created by Mr. DeMaio used for the education of his students as well as children around the world.”
22. Mr. Matera
Videos on gamification and related topics from Michael Matera, author of Explore Like a Pirate.
23. Mr. Parr Science Songs
Songs about a variety of science topics to help kids memorize and engage with science content.
24. Office of EdTech:
Yep, that’s THE Office of EdTech at the U.S. Department of Education. They are actually beginning to share some great videos from events like the Games for Learning Summit and #FutureReady events.
25. Richard Byrne:
Of course one of the best bloggers around, Free Tech for Teachers, has an amazing YouTube channel with tutorials on all kinds of digital tools for the classroom. Be sure you subscribe to the blog and the channel to get the latest from Richard Byrne.
26. SciShow:
Thanks to my #GTAATX friend, Cori Frede, for sharing this one! Don’t be fooled by the title, this channel offers more than just science! Here you will find creative animated videos on science, news, and history!
27. Shake Up Learning
Be sure to subscribe to the Shake Up Learning YouTube channel to get the latest G Suite tutorial videos, Google Certification tips, tips and tricks for teachers, and practical classroom advice.
28. Soul Pancake:
Do you like Kid President?! Get all the Kid President videos and more gems that are good for the soul from the Soul Pancake YouTube Channel.
29. Teacher’s Pet:
“This channel is full of quick science videos made by a science teacher in California for you to enjoy, modify and use freely! ”
30. TED Talks:
“TEDTalks shares the best ideas from the TED Conference with the world, for free: trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses, all giving the talk of their lives in 18 minutes.” If you haven’t explored TED Talks before, make it a goal for this school year. These talks are informative and inspiring!
31. TED-Ed:
Here you will find video lessons that inspire curiosity in the classroom. These high-quality videos offer engaging animations to tell the story of things like Football Physics, and the Origins of English.
32. 3-Minute History from Jabzy
What are your favorite YouTube Channels? Please share in the comments below.
© Shake Up Learning 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kasey Bell and Shake Up Learning with appropriate and specific direction to the original content on See: Copyright Policy.
A shout-out to Emily Graslie’s The Brain Scoop – genuine, quirky and a wonderful role model of young women in science.
Thanks for sharing, Joyce!
Hey Kasey
Hope life is well since our ATX experience. Your list of 20 channels inspired me to make a list of my own since I am a huge curator of youtube videos for my students. I subscribed to about 200 channels and I check them as often as I can.
Here’s a link to my TOP 20:
Great list, Joe! Thanks for sharing!
Kasey, I loved your list, but would like to add my YouTube channel as a source for Professional Development and #edtech news. Thanks for sharing!
This is great, Anibal! Thank you for sharing!
Oh my! You must take a look at Lisa Highfill’s YouTube Channel:
She rocks the use of video shorts for inspiring and teaching her students, as well as encouraging teachers in her peer coaching role. Follow her on Twitter @lhighfill for more her eduawesomeness. Okay, I confess I am a Lisa fan ;-]
Oh I am already a Lisa Highfill fan! But I didn’t know about her channel! Thank you!
Sweet! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for including me on the list Kasey! Great Birthday Present!!!
Great Channel, Jeff! Thanks for all you do!!! Happy Birthday! 😎
Great list! The group of tech integrators in our district put all of our videos under our “Franklin Tech Tube” channel for staff and students which you can find here:
AWESOME! Thanks for sharing, Chad! I hope to see you soon!
Please take a look at my channel. I think this is a surging resource for teachers.
Invaluable commentary – I was enlightened by the analysis – Does someone know if I might be able to obtain a sample NY DTF ST-100 form to work with ?