Do you listen to podcasts? I do! I love them and I have 16 Fantastic Podcasts for Teachers to share in this post!
Podcasts are a great way to get PD on the go.
You can listen in the car, on your run, during your workout, or whenever you prefer.
It’s PD in your pocket!
I teamed up with my friend, Matt Miller, from to create The Google Teacher Tribe Podcast.
We have a lot of fun and share all kinds of fun ideas for using Google tools in the classroom.
We just kicked off season three of the podcast this week so I thought it would be fun to share some other great podcasts for teachers.
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What is a Podcast?
In case you are new podcasts, let me explain. An audio podcast is like a recorded radio show that you can subscribe to using your favorite podcatcher or stream online. Think of it like talk radio on demand.
“Podcasts may be the new radio, but listening to these downloadable shows requires more effort than just twisting a dial. The rewards, however, are much richer: the latest in politics and culture, interviews with your favorite celebrities, serial dramas, and comedy aplenty.” – Wired Magazine
How to Listen to a Podcast?
There are so many ways to listen to podcasts! For the purposes of this book, I will keep it simple. You can listen on your mobile device through a podcast application like Podcasts on iOS, Google Play on Android, or a host of other podcast applications. Check out this guest post from Chris Nesi to learn more: The Teacher’s Guide to Podcasts.
A lot of podcasts have their own websites and allow you to stream directly on the site. You may also find some podcasts are even available on YouTube.
Become a Podcast Learner
Podcasting is on fire right now, and more shows are added every day. But the offering of podcasts for teachers is frankly, phenomenal! So whether you are new to podcasts, or a seasoned listener, there is always some new professional learning waiting for you.
16 Fantastic Podcasts for Teachers
This is a modified list from the 18 Challenges for Teachers in 2018 (FREE ebook). You can grab your copy here.
I have embedded sample episodes where available. Every podcast uses a different system so it wasn’t possible to embed episodes for every podcast.
Here are 12 of my favorite podcasts (in no particular order):
The 10 Minute Teacher with Vicki Davis
The ever-amazing Cool Cat Teacher, Vicki Davis hosts this daily podcast for teachers full of tips, ideas, and inspirational interviews.
The House of EdTech
Chris Nesi hosts this bi-monthly podcast discussing all things edtech, and interviewing edtech leaders.
Cult of Pedagogy
Jennifer Gonzalez hosts this great podcast to discuss teaching strategies, classroom management, edtech and more.
Angela Watson’s Truth for Teachers
In this weekly podcast, Angela Watson gets to the heart of the matter to share encouragement and truth for educators.
Teaching Keating
This super cool podcast is hosted by Weston and Molly Kieschnick, where they share a fascinating look at popular tv and movies with an educator’s perspective.
Check This Out!
Brian Briggs and Ryan O’Donnell are always chatting and sharing edtech tips, troubleshooting, and sharing their real-world experiences in education.
EduMatch Tweet & Talk
Sarah Thomas hosts this video podcast connecting educators across the globe.
The Creative Classroom
This weekly podcast, hosted by John Spencer, explores the creative process and how to make it a reality in the classroom.
Hack Learning
In this podcast, Mark Barnes, helps us explore ways to tackle problems in education.
Host, Jeff Bradbury, brings us topics on everything in the educational technology space and more!
Modern Learners
Bruce Dixon and Will Richardson interview educational leaders discuss ways to effect change in your school.
Check out episode #44 with Will Richardson: I love learning. I hate school.
Edsurge On Air
Like most everything produced by Edsurge, you will find this podcast has interesting insight into the world of education technology and will always teach you something new.
Reimagine Schools
Host, Dr. Greg Goins, interviews many of the nation’s top educators, authors, and innovators in P-12 education.
Podcast PD
Hosted by Stacey Lindes, AJ Bianco, and Christopher J. Nesi, each episode covers a topic and area of growth for educators and also shares the power of podcasts in education.
Shukes and Giff
Canadian educators Kim Pollishuke and Jen Giffen share their favorite edtech tools and tips, and they have a lot a fun along the way.
Ditch That Textbook
And don’t forget my Google Teacher Tribe partner also has is own podcast as well. Here you will get quick tips and ideas on how to rely less on textbooks and use tech with meaning. (Only 5-10 minutes per episode)
BONUS: The Google Teacher Tribe Podcast
Okay, call me biased, but I love doing this podcast with my buddy, Matt Miller. We have fun, and share all kinds of Google news, tips and tricks, and practical applications for the classroom. Follow us on Twitter @GTeacherTribe and check out the hashtag #gttribe for some great shares from our tribe!
Looking for more? Check out the Education Podcast Network for even more educational podcasts!
SUPER BONUS: The Shake Up Learning Show
The Shake Up Learning Show is a weekly podcast hosted by Kasey Bell. Episodes are released each Tuesday.
The show features a variety of episodes for K12 teachers and educators, including tech tips, lesson ideas, practical advice, on-air coaching, student interviews, and interviews with inspiring educators.
You can listen on Apple Podcasts, Android, Stitcher, or any of your other favorite podcatchers. You can also stream from
CLICK HERE to listen to the latest episodes.
There are many other podcasts that I love, but I just couldn’t fit them all in this post. Help me build Part 2 of this post and share your favorite podcasts in the comments below.
Bring the Power of Shake Up Learning and Kasey Bell to Your School, District, or Event!
Ready to shake up learning in your school or at your event?
– Email me at Kasey[at],
– or submit this PD request form to bring Shake Up Learning to your event.
Popular presentation topics include:
- Be Dynamic and Shake Up Learning (keynote)
- The Dynamic Learning Workshop
- Digital Differentiation with G Suite
- Teach Like the Tonight Show
- Geeking Out Over Google Classroom
- 18 Challenges for Teachers in 2018
- Chrometastic Ways to Support Struggling Readers
Here is what teachers are saying about Kasey Bell’s presentations:
“Kasey Bell was amazing, I appreciated her energy, expertise, and experience. The examples, strategies, and resources she shared were so valuable and accessible for people at all levels. Thank you so much for the opportunity to hear her speak and learn from/with her. I could spend hours hearing her talk about her ideas.” – ERLC Innovation Summit in Edmonton, Canada participant
“You are AMAZING! I am inspired every time I hear you present! My brain is in overload! Can’t wait to try the new things I learned today in Google Keep! Thank you!!” – Tonya Gaunt
“Thank you for inspiring me further to release control and put the power of learning into the hands of my students. Whenever I allow them to use their creativity, they never cease to amaze me. Thank you!!!!!” – Christi Corbin
“Awesome information, take aways that can be used in the classroom tomorrow. Thanks for sharing your resources. You were very engaging and motivational.” – Dara Kappel
“Thank you for providing information in a way that makes sense! I usually go to tech based PD and feel lost, but you were amazing at making Google Classroom feel easy to use and accessible!
I now feel like implementing Google Classroom for this school year is the right decision — be prepared for emails asking questions as I get the hang of it! ???? “ – Anastasia Armstreet
“Your knowledge of G suite tips and tricks made the presentation fun. Thanks for sharing real examples.” – Ann Carol Grant
“As always, Kasey delivers amazing resources in informative and concise presentations. Thank you so much for your thoughtful organization of all things Google.” – Lesley Garcia
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