The Tech Chef, Lisa Johnson, is on the show today!
She discusses fantastic productivity tips and tools for teachers and students that she outlines in her new book Creatively Productive. (She even shares some cool templates!)
With her love for creating time-saving practices and for helping students and teachers succeed in the digital world, she has condensed her knowledge into a wonderfully done book with amazing done-for-you resources.
I am so excited for you to bask in all the knowledge Lisa has to share!
Lisa, better known as TechChef4u, has been educating for more than 18 years with experience ranging from high school English and middle school math to international curriculum development, creating and developing workshops, and managing technology integration camps within the state of Texas.
The impetus for writing her new book stems from her passion for instilling college and career readiness skills in her students. She loves to “cook up” purposeful, engaging, authentic resources to meet educator’s needs, and her new book is a wonderful companion for using those resources.
This conversation is everything y’all! Lisa is so knowledgeable about how tech can impact your classroom and your student’s lives for the better. She has spent a great deal of time working on finding the best productivity-boosting activities and resources, and this shows in her new book. So take a moment, listen close, and learn from the amazing Tech Chef, Lisa Johnson.

Kasey Bell
32: Productivity Tips and Tools for Teachers and Students (Interview with Lisa Johnson)
[ctt template=”1″ link=”7flI9″ via=”yes” ]Ready to learn some fantastic productivity tips for teachers and students? @techchef4u is on the #ShakeUpLearning podcast to help you succeed! #CreativelyProductive[/ctt]
In This Episode:
[00:29] – Welcome back to the show!
[01:44] – Shout out to Stuart Chandler for creating drag and drop activities for math after listening to Episode 27: How to Create Drag and Drop Activities with Google Slides.
[03:35] – Kasey welcomes Lisa Johnson the Tech Chef to the show.
[04:21] – Hear Kasey and Lisa reminisce about a conference they attended several years ago where they officially met.
[07:25] – Did you know Kasey’s nephew drew her avatar?
[08:03] – Lisa shares a bit about her “day” job and her experience.
[09:32] – What is student professional development and how can teachers translate that?
[13:29] – Student professional development is a lot of things, for instance, this semester they are working on time management skills.
[14:40] – Check out Lisa’s blog for examples of student professional development activities.
[16:10] – Lisa recently wrote a book called Creatively Productive:Essential Skills for Tackling Time Wasters, Clearing the Clutter, and Succeeding in School—and Life!, grab copy here.
[18:27] – Hear more about the audience Lisa is speaking to and who would benefit from her book.
[22:38] – Learn more about habit trackers and why it’s important to track your habits.
[25:24] – Lisa is a Mac user and created a habit track in numbers. She then translated it into Google Sheets.
[27:56] – Use emojis to create a more relatable tool for your students.
[29:56] – Where can you find all of Lisa’s resources? (Get access to Lisa’s Doc Locker here.)
[33:39] – Lisa gives you ideas on using fake Instagram templates in the classroom for projects and presentations.
[39:43] – Use the tools that you are comfortable with to create your resources.
[44:11] – In writing her book, Lisa did a survey of students to see which platforms they are on. Learn which platform is most prevalent.
[46:47] – The one takeaway Lisa hopes you take from her book.
[48:32] – Connect with Lisa.
Podcast Question of the Week
[50:21] – Kasey shares the podcast questions of the week:
How can you and your students use technology to become more productive learners and creators?
Post your answer to your favorite social media platform using the hashtag #ShakeUpLearning, or share it in the Shake Up Learning Community on Facebook!
[51:25] – Thank you for listening! Please subscribe to the podcast, and leave a review on iTunes. (Bonus points if you use the word “y’all” in your review!)
[ctt template=”1″ link=”075j2″ via=”yes” ]Productivity tips aren’t just for adults! Learn how you can implement productivity skills into your classroom with @techchef4u on the #ShakeUpLearning podcast. [/ctt]
Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
The Shake Up Learning Community on Facebook
Join the Shake Up Learning Book Study!
The Shake Up Learning Show Episode 32: How to Create Drag and Drop Activities with Google Slides
Lisa’s Website
Lisa on Twitter: @TechChef4u
Lisa on Instagram: @notechef4u
Lisa’s Amazon Author Profile
Creatively Productive by Lisa Johnson
First Chapter of Creatively Productive – Read for FREE!
Cultivating Communication in the Classroom by Lisa Johnson
Shake Up Learning Blog – How to Cultivate Communication in the Classroom
Tech Chef Fake Instagram Templates
© Shake Up Learning 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kasey Bell and Shake Up Learning with appropriate and specific direction to the original content on See: Copyright Policy.