Hashtags, Twitter, G+, Communities, Blogs and YouTube Channels You Should Follow!
Let’s start with hashtags! Below are some of the most common, and the ones I find most useful in finding Google resources and other Google Apps enthusiasts.
#GAFE (Google Apps For Education)
#GoogleEdu (Google in Education)
#GAFESummit (Official hashtag for Google Summits)
#GoogleCT (Google Certified Teacher)
#GoogleET (Google Education Trainer)
#GlassExplorers (Google Glass Users)
Twitter and Google+
Great Google Educators on Twitter
@AliceKeeler @AStillman @AVWitherspoon @BCainHeard @ChristyFenne @DeeLanier @EdTechnocation @FriedTechnology @KylePace @OliverTrussell @RKiker @Seani @SJGorman @TheGoogleGooru |
Google+ Communities
*GEGs: Google Educator Groups are popping up all over the globe. Search G+ to find the GEG nearest to you. For my North Texas friends, join our GEG-NORTX community!
Google Apps for Education
Google Classroom
Google Apps
Google Apps in Education
Using Google Apps as a Free LMS
Google Docs and Drive
Google Chrome
OMG! Chrome
Chrome OS
Google Apps Administrators
Glass Edu
Chromebooks in Education
Blogs and Websites
Google Drive Blog
Chrome Blog
The Gooru
Alice Keeler
Fried Technology
Kiker Learning
Google for Education
Google Apps
*All the Google Channels
Google Gooru
Alice Keeler
Fried Technology
Rich Kiker
Be sure to check out my other Google Guides and Cheat Sheets.
**How do you keep up with Google? Who do you follow? Please share in the comments below!
Kasey will be presenting at the following events this summer:
- Texas Google Summit (Brenham, Texas)
- Grand Prairie ISD Tech Week
- iPadpalooza
- Lonestar TIA
- Instructional Technology Symposium
- Connect U
- Hunt County Tech Camp
- Speed 21 Technology in Teaching and Learning
- Revolutionizing Learning in RCISD
© Shake Up Learning 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kasey Bell and Shake Up Learning with appropriate and specific direction to the original content on ShakeUpLearning.com. See: Copyright Policy.