People wonder why I talk so much about Google Certifications.
It’s not just the badge, it’s the connections; it’s a growth mindset; it’s the confidence it gave me to push myself further.
I want to share with you the benefits that I have experienced as a Google Certified Educator Level 1, Level 2, Google Certified Trainer, and Google Certified Innovator.
But I also want to share with you the benefits that others have shared in the Shake Up Learning Community.
Digital learning skills are more important than ever!
[ctt template=”1″ link=”Xm1ff” via=”yes” ]The Benefits of Google Certification – Level 1, Level 2, Trainer, and Innovator – from the #ShakeUpLearning community![/ctt]
My Experience and Perspective on Google Certification
First, let me share with you my experience and perspective on the benefits I have experienced from Google Certification.
The following would not have happened if I hadn’t pursued Google Certification: would not exist.
When I decided to pursue becoming a Google Certified Trainer, I knew I needed to stand out and show that I was contributing to the educational community. The blog was born the same year I became a Google Certified Trainer and Innovator (2014).
The Google Teacher Podcast would not exist.
In fact, I would not even know Matt Miller. We began collaborating and exchanging ideas during our first meeting at the Google Certified Teacher Academy in Austin in 2014. This was the seed for the tribe!
[ctt template=”1″ link=”4wbRB” via=”no” ]The #GTPod would NOT exist if @jmattmiller and @shakeuplearning hadn’t become Google Certified Innovators.[/ctt]
I would never have become an international keynote speaker.
I have had the honor of speaking to thousands of educators. The experience and confidence I gained as a Google Certified Trainer and Innovator helped get me there. And it is the global connections that I made as a connected educator that helped others find me.
The Shake Up Learning book would not exist.
I never thought I would write a book, let alone be asked to write one. As I began to speak, share my passions, and help educators, I began to believe not only could I do it, but that it could have an impact.
I could go on, but I state these things not to brag, but to emphasize the impact that Google Certification has had on my journey.
Yes, some of these things may have happened without the certification. It wasn’t a requirement or prerequisite, but I know I would never have had the confidence or connections to make these things happen on my own.
So when someone says, “It’s just a badge,” it’s not just a badge to me.
Benefits Shared by the Shake Up Learning Community
And if you don’t want to take my word for it, here are the benefits that others have shared in the Shake Up Learning Community. (You can join the community on Facebook here.)
Nikki Lyons: “As a classroom teacher, it’s made me a much better teacher. I’ve definitely implemented things in my classroom that I never would have otherwise.”
Lyndi Christensen Valicek: “I love the PLN that I have become a part of.”
Jeremy Badiner: “Connections with like-minded “cool kids,” networking all over the world, and sometimes a little “peek under the hood” on things. My #1 perk is that Google Trainers get a G Suite Domain to train with. I use it for all kinds of things.”
Dee Thomas: “I love the shared resources!”
Gretchen Orwig: “Getting google certified is a way to motivate teachers to use the tools. It’s not as much about the certification, but the benefits of using g suite. It absolutely improves the teaching of every teacher I have ever known in their own opinion. It offers a tremendous amount of enriching opportunities for collaboration, creativity, communication, and real-time feedback. You can make engaging activities that create spaces for student agency and engagement. When you use g suite, every student can be “seen and heard.” I can’t even imagine what it would be like to not use it. Personally, it offers me the opportunity to be creative, and I find that to be a really satisfying part of my job. Also, it keeps me organized in ways that I was terrible at before. Okay, enough already! I swear I’m not being paid for this. :)”
Cornelius Krahn: “It allowed me to give myself permission to do new and innovative things. It also gave me a responsibility to do new and innovative things.”
Laura Cahill: “The pedagogy that comes with the training puts the technology into the context, not at the center of the learning. Creating, delivering, and reflecting on trainings for the Trainer Certification is a huge learning experience and has taught me how to constantly reflect and grow. The Camtasia license is a great bonus, and the Google Certified Trainer’s group is a great place to collaborate and learn.”
Susan Kerr Vincentz: “Access to numerous resources and people in the PLN for collaborative sharing has been huge for me. Developing all the skills and applying them as I train Teachers has been so helpful.”
Kelley Briceño: “Access to resources contributed by Google Certified trainers worldwide!”
Pam Matteson Hubler:
“My reasons:
⓵ Learn the most up-to-date information about GSuite tools for educators.
⓶ Professional development at your own pace in your own place.
⓷ Find a network of like-minded educators to connect with, and learn from across the globe.…/love-everything-google…”
See Pam’s Success Story in this blog post and the video below.
Jill Acklen: “Learned so many skills, cool tools that I could use right away, motivated others to do the same(if I can do it, you can too.)”
Jennifer Mortellaro: “Incredibly useful ways to implement tech in my classes using tools that are not only free but easily accessible and teachable.”
Martha Lackey: “My level 1 certification has allowed me to design lessons that engage my students on various levels of learning and are student-centered rather than teacher centered! The G Suit tools have been game changers in my classroom.”
Chris Thailand: “Confidence to use many google apps in my classes. If you pass level 1 and have a bit of creativity, you really can make your classes more engaging.”
James Sanders: “The most valuable element of the program is A connection to a network of educators that has helped me throughout my career.”
Kyle Anderson: “It makes me stay current and try new things so I can share my knowledge and passion, as well as learn from others.”
Julie Harris Cobb: “As a Google for Education Certified Trainer, it keeps me in the loop with new features so I can provide the best support to my teachers. It also gives me a chance to meet and share with people I would not have otherwise.”
Thank you to everyone who participated in this conversation! I love sharing the benefits of becoming a Google Certified Educator, Trainer, and Innovator.
What DO YOU THINK? Are you ready to get started?
(See also, 10 Reasons to Become a Google Certified Educator.)
FREE Webinar: How to Get Google Certified
Do you want to learn more about the certifications and what it takes to achieve each one?
Getting Google Certified can be daunting and confusing, so I put together this free webinar on How to Get Google Certified!
In this webinar, I will give you an overview of Google Certification, Google Certified Educator Level 1, Google Certified Educator Level 2, and Google Certified Trainer.
REGISTER for the Webinar
Google Certification Academies
I also teach online boot camps to walk you through all the skills and help you prepare for the exams. I have helped thousands of educators through these online, self-paced courses!
Learn more about each course using the links below:
Google Training for Schools
We have many programs to help your teachers learn how to meaningfully integrate Google tools and the entire suite in the classroom. From online courses to books, to face-to-face training, we got you covered!
COVID-19 forced many teachers and schools to scramble to find tools to deliver online assignments, design digital learning experiences, and G Suite was the number one suite of tools to help make this a reality.
Just in time resources and learning will help teachers, students, and parents survive the crisis. When we return to the new normal, Google skills will help set the foundation for more dynamic and meaningful learning in the classroom.
Get your entire campus or district on board with Google! Help your teachers learn more about Google tools, Google Classroom, and meaningful technology integration strategies. You can even help all your teachers become Google Certified Educators!
Check out all of the FREE Google Certification Resources from Shake Up Learning!
© Shake Up Learning 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kasey Bell and Shake Up Learning with appropriate and specific direction to the original content on See: Copyright Policy.