Gone App Fishing! Finding the Best iOS Apps for Your Classroom!
“Give a teacher an app, she has a lesson for the day. Teach her how to find apps, she can facilitate learning for a lifetime.” – Felix Jacomino
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General Websites, Lists, and Databases
- Common Sense Media Rating and Reviews
- Teachers with Apps
- Daily App Advice
- EdTech Teacher Recommended Apps
- EdTech Teacher tutorials
- Educational App Store
- Learning in Hand
- Tony Vincent’s App List
- Edshelf
- Kathy Schrock’s iPads 4 Teaching
- iPad Educators
- TechChef4U
- Class Tech Tips
- Best Apps for Teaching and Learning 2017 (AASL)
- Best Apps for Teaching and Learning (AASL compiled lists)
- 70+ Educational Apps for the Classroom
- Mobile Learning Resources from Shake Up Learning
Augmented Reality
- Jaime Donally’s Symbaloo of AR Apps
- 32 Augmented Reality Apps for the Classroom
- Pokemon Go – Ways to Use Pokemon Go in the Classroom
Virtual Reality
- The Ultimate Google Cardboard and Expeditions Resource Guide
- Google Expeditions on the iPad
- Donnie Piercy’s VR App List
Twitter Accounts to Follow
- @TechChef4U
- @FelixJacomino
- @EdTechTeacher21
- @TonyVincent
- @mathycathy
- @sjgorman
- @iPadTeachers
- @iPodsibilities
- @techgirljenny
- @MeghanZigmond
- @TeachThought
- @JaimeDonally
- @Kathy Schrock
- @MonicaBurns
- @KarlyMoura
This is an updated post inspired by Felix Jacomino’s 2014 iPadpalooza presentation, “500,000 Apps in 60 Minutes,” “Give a teacher an app, she has a lesson for the day. Teach her how to find apps, she can facilitate learning for a lifetime.”
What would you add to this list? Please leave a comment with your favorite resources!
Get Google Certified This Summer!
Google Certified Educator Academy
Ready to Get Google Certified? I can help! Enroll today in The Google Certified Educator Level 1 Academy is now open for enrollment.
Becoming Google certified was a game-changer for my professional learning and my career. I want to help more teachers reach their goal of becoming Google Certified! My goal is to empower teachers to transform the learning in their classrooms and become digital leaders.
Do you feel overwhelmed by the task? I have the e-course you have been waiting for! Consider this your online, self-paced, Google Certified Educator Boot Camp! I have taken the content, concepts, and skills needed to pass the Google Certified Educator exams and created a video-based course that includes EVERYTHING you need to know, including:
- 40+ Video Lessons (More than 11 hours of hands-on learning with Kasey Bell!)
- Private Google+ Community and Study Group
- 20+ PDF Downloads
- Lesson Checks
- Testing Tips
- and much more!
Learn even more: GoogleCertifiedEducator.com
Waiting on Level 2? Hang in there. Level 2 will open in the fall.
Become a Google Certified Trainer!
Maybe you are ready for the next level? This is the e-course you have been waiting for: the course to help you on your journey to becoming a Google for Education Certified Trainer! Becoming a Google Certified Trainer was one of the best decisions I ever made, and it transformed my learning and my career!
This self-paced, e-course includes EVERYTHING you need to know to pass the Trainer Skills Assessment AND complete the application requirements, including:
- 30+ Video Lessons (including the archive)
- Private Google+ Community
- Tips and Tricks
- The Ultimate Google Certified Trainer Planner
- and much more!
Check out all of the Google Certification Resources from Shake Up Learning.
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