Great Reads for Your Spring Break
I can’t believe it’s time for Spring Break! This short break is a great time to relax and do some reading. We know the job of an educator never really ends or takes a break. I bet some of you took a large stack of papers home with you to grade over the break! And as educators in an ever-changing world, it’s important to keep learning. So I have put together this short list of books for you to peruse during your time off. Not saying you need to read all three during your break, but Spring Break is a great time to catch up on some reading and professional learning! What’s on your reading list? Please share in the comments below.
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1. Ditch That Textbook
My good friend Matt Miller has written a fantastic book to help teachers ditch their textbooks and traditional ways of teaching. Matt and I attended the Google Teacher Academy together in Austin, and we share a lot of the same ideas about using technology to enhance learning. In this book, you will find inspiring ideas, innovative web tools, and practical advice for all levels of classroom teachers. If you are ready to make the transition from the gatekeeper of knowledge to facilitator of learning and creation, this is the book for you!
Favorite Quote
You can open your students’ minds to new possibilities and empower them to explore what drives them.
This is the student version of Qualman’s earlier book, “What Happens in Vegas, Stays on YouTube.” In case you haven’t noticed, privacy is dead. Students need the skills to manage their online reputation. It seems that every day we hear a new story about another student that was denied a scholarship or lost an internship because of something posted online. This book was written for college students but is also an excellent guide for teachers. Help students improve their online reputation and prepare them for the future.
Favorite Quote
If it is something that would hurt the person that you hold dearest, do not do it offline and do not post it online.
3. Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom eBook + FREE BONUS: Student’s Quick Guide
Now is the perfect time to learn Google Classroom! This step-by-step guide will help you learn how to create classes, announcements, assignments, discussions and more. Learn how to maximize the features of Google Classroom. I’ve also included a FREE BONUS: The Student’s Quick Guide to Google Classroom. This is a 15-page printable guide written for students. Everything you need to get started with Google Classroom is in the eBook bundle.
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The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom Will Help You:
- Create and Customize Your Class
- Add Class Details and Materials
- Add Students
- Manage the Stream
- Create Announcements & Questions
- Create and Manage Assignments
- Reuse Posts
- Use the Communication Tools
- Navigate
- Additional Tips & Resources
- Includes screenshots of the Student’s View so you can see exactly what they see!
Buy The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom eBook here:
- Amazon
- Shake Up Learning Website
- Teacher Pay Teachers Store
- Educents Store
- TES Store (UK version available)
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How about some fiction for teachers? Please.
Good idea! Do you have suggestions?