In this episode, Kasey and other presenters from the Shake Up Learning Back to School Conference are sharing highlights from their presentations. Learn Google tips, Leadership Strategies, productivity tools, SEL tips, and more! Don’t worry if you missed the conference, you can access it for FREE until Oct. 30, 2021!
Keep in mind these snippets being shared are a small sampling of what you will have access to when you register to join. There is still time to learn from these amazing educators. Be sure to register today!
[ctt template=”5″ link=”ffUpt” via=”yes” ]What I Learned at the Back to School Conference! – SULS0129[/ctt]

Kasey Bell
129: What I Learned at the Back to School Conference!
About the Back to School Conference
With a focus on adapting to the “new normal,” this conference will help teachers and educational leaders learn new skills and strategies to engage students in online and blended learning.
With 40+ breakout sessions from education experts and special keynotes by Kasey Bell and Jen Giffen, this is sure to be an event to remember. Teachers will walk away with practical ideas to move learning forward. Leaders will learn about critical shifts, and how to lead meaningful change.
All presenters have been hand-selected from the Shake Up Learning Team, and special invited guests, including Jake Miller, Evan Robb, Angela Draper, and Jon Corippo. We even have a few sessions in Spanish!
With engaging presentations by the expert SHAKE UP LEARNING TEAM and invited guests, educators across the globe can take their teaching and leadership skills to the next level.
What I Learned at the Back to School Conference!
Podcasting in the Classroom with Jake Miller
Kicking off the list of presenters is Jake Miller, who shares his ideas for “PodCLASSting” using a few different tech tools. One way to make podcasting with students more manageable is to try micro-podcasting. Quick 3-5 minute episodes using the Chrome extension Mote.
Mote is an extension that easily allows students to embed audio clips into Google Slides. Mote has a guide and template for creating micro-podcasts in the classroom.
Jake also shares how Flipgrid and Padlet can also be used to create short podcasts with students.
Social-Emotional Learning with Jamboard by Luci Bowers
SEL with Jamboard presented by Luci Bowers, will provide ways to tap into students’ social and emotional wellbeing. She shares five components that break down all that SEL encompasses. This session is available on September 26.
Sketch & Tell with Jon Corippo
Every teacher wants to learn from Jon Corippo’s session titled Teach Better and Work Less with Eduprotocols. If you’d like to hear more about Eduprotocols be sure to listen to the Shake Up Learning podcast episode 28.
Jon developed lesson templates such as Sketch and Tell. With this activity, students are given one source for information and two slides to share their learning. They may not use images. Any illustrations must be created through the drawing tool.
Shapegrams with Tony Vincent
Showing up with the most impressive video presentation is Tony Vincent. His digital art skills demonstrate how students, or teachers, can create Shapegrams. Tony shares six free templates, and an entire scope and sequence!
To hear more about how he uses Shapegrams and “brands” his classroom check out episode 11.
Save Time and Automate with Autocrat by Jen Gifen
Jen Giffin presents a bonus session on using Autocrat. A digital tool to help teachers save time and automate the collection of student learning.
Jen shares how you can use a simple Google Form to automate processes like creating certificates, track learning and interventions, and more! (BONUS sessions are only available with the ALL-ACCESS PASS.)
Leadership Sessions
The Back to School Conference is not just for classroom teachers, administrators and school leaders will also find value in many of the sessions. Evan Rob specifically presents Intentional Leadership: Aiming High for a New Year, sharing six key points to help leadership focus for the school year.
Much of his content comes from his new book where he shares these points for reflection:
- Everything you do is something that contributes to where you are in the moment.
- Modeling Our Excellence: Draws people to you or away from you.
- What the leader tolerates defines the culture.
- Congruence: What we say and what we do.
- Positivity and Optimism
- Are you in sync with your core values?
Create a Classroom “App” with Sarah McKinney
Sarah McKinney shares a BONUS presentation on getting organized by creating a virtual classroom app. She will help you create a customizable virtual classroom with Google Slides.
This can help teachers who are in-person, virtual, or a hybrid model. Sarah will also share how to make an app for the classroom, grade level, building, or entire district to help keep students and parents organized. She also shares her best tips and tricks for how it has been working for other educators. (BONUS sessions are only available with the ALL-ACCESS PASS.)
Pep Up Your PLC’s with Pam Hubler
Are you involved in a Professional Learning Community? Learn from Pam Hubler in her session about how to provide ownership and organization within those PLCs. She will share several free templates to use, as well as, organization and productivity tips.
Coaching Teachers to Greatness with Susan Vincentz and Sarah Kiefer
Two of the Shake Up Learning trainers have joined forces to share a session called Coaching to Greatness. Susan Vincentz and Sarah Kiefer.
Start by asking these three essential questions:
- What are your target audiences and why?
- What are your next steps as a coach?
- How do you determine what your teachers need and prioritize those needs?
This is a session aligned for anyone in the role of coaching teachers.
Keep in mind that all of the sessions shared in this virtual conference are available to registrants until October 30. This is just a small portion of the actual conference. There are more sessions being presented by educators like Lisa Johnson and Kasey, as well. Each of the sessions can provide any K-12 educators and leaders ideas and professional growth.
Join Us at the Back to School Conference
The conference is available for FREE until Oct. 30th, and available for one full year with the ALL-ACCESS PASS.
With a focus on adapting to the “new normal,” this conference will help teachers and educational leaders learn new skills and strategies to engage students in online and blended learning.
With 40+ breakout sessions from education experts and special keynotes by Kasey Bell and Jen Giffen, this is sure to be an event to remember. Teachers will walk away with practical ideas to move learning forward. Leaders will learn about critical shifts, and how to lead meaningful change.
All presenters have been hand-selected from the Shake Up Learning Team, and special invited guests, including Jake Miller, Evan Robb, Angela Draper, and Jon Corippo. We even have a few sessions in Spanish!
With engaging presentations by the expert SHAKE UP LEARNING TEAM and invited guests, educators across the globe can take their teaching and leadership skills to the next level.
- 40+ sessions, including keynotes by Kasey Bell and Jen Giffen.
- Video presentations are released each day of the conference week.
- Videos available until Oct. 30, 2021 (or one-year access with the ALL-ACCESS PASS)
- Topics include: Google tools, Dynamic Learning, Leadership, SEL, and Accessibility
- GET CREDIT! Certificates will be available for each session.
© Shake Up Learning 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kasey Bell and Shake Up Learning with appropriate and specific direction to the original content on See: Copyright Policy.