Dynamic Learning Blog Posts and Resources
Scroll down to see the blog posts that are related to the idea of Dynamic Learning and other ideas shared in my new book, Shake Up Learning: Practical Ideas to Move Learning From Static to Dynamic.
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Want to Learn More About Dynamic Learning?
Check out my book, Shake Up Learning: Practical Ideas to Move Learning From Static to Dynamic.
Technology is not a magic solution for education. It is an opportunity! An opportunity to shake things up, to connect and grow, and to create dynamic learning experiences for our students!
In this three-part book, you will explore WHY it’s time to Shake Up Learning, WHAT changes we can make in our classrooms to support dynamic learning experiences, and HOW to plan meaningful lessons for your classroom.
Top 10 Podcast Episodes of the Year!
Welcome to this year’s roundup of the top 10 must-listen episodes from The Shake Up Learning Show! 🎙️ If you’re an educator, tech coach, or leader looking for inspiration, practical strategies, and transformative ideas, these episodes will guide you through your journey. Whether you’re new here or a loyal listener, this countdown is your one-stop guide to the best insights we’ve shared this year. Let’s dive in from #10 to #1, each packed with actionable tips to help you shake up learning in your classroom and beyond. Did you know? You can get PD credit for listening to our podcast!Continue Reading
A Balanced Approach to Tech and Learning: Revising the Dynamic Learning Model
As educators, finding the balance between meaningful technology integration and effective teaching practices is an ongoing challenge. In this episode, Kasey revisits the Dynamic Learning Model to explore how it can evolve to better serve today’s classrooms, particularly with the increasing role of technology and AI without sacrificing mental health and wellness. The episode covers the benefits and challenges of using technology in education and offers research-based strategies to help teachers create dynamic learning environments that use tech meaningfully without overwhelming students. [ctt template=”1″ link=”fq64H” via=”yes” ]A Balanced Approach to Tech and Learning: Revising the Dynamic Learning Model[/ctt] Listen toContinue Reading
The Shake Up Learning ALL-ACCESS PASS!
Shake Up Learning ALL-ACCESS PASS With the ALL-ACCESS Pass, participants can access all of the Master Classes, Online Workshops, Podcast PD, and the Members-Only Library! (*excludes Google Certification Academies). Includes: The Google Classroom Master Class (valued at $99/year) The Google Slides Master Class (valued at $99/year) The Google Meet Master Class (valued at $79/year) The Zoom Master Class (valued at $79/year) The Dynamic Learning Workshop (valued at $99/year) The Blended Learning with Google Workshop (valued at $99/year) Includes access to ALL future master classes and workshops! Members-Only Library of ebooks and cheat sheets! Podcast PD (with credit certificates and new contentContinue Reading
Choice Board Best Practices (and Checklist) – SULS0192
In this episode and blog post, I’m sharing a checklist of best practices for creating an effective and engaging choice board for your classroom. Let’s talk about avoiding pitfalls, grading confusion, and finding balance in time and rigor! Get the Choice Board Best Practices and FREE Checklist Download! And grab your FREE, downloadable checklist below. [ctt template=”1″ link=”cuhXG” via=”yes” ]Choice Board Best Practices (and FREE DOWNLOAD Checklist)[/ctt] Listen to this article. This episode is sponsored by Everfi. Everyone remembers THAT teacher. The study hall teacher who walked you through your first college application. The social studies teacher who taught youContinue Reading
10 Things for Teachers to Try in 2023 – SULS0182
In this blog post and podcast episode, I’m sharing 10 Things for Teachers to Try in 2023. We will explore strategies, digital tools, professional learning, and much more! Are you ready to start fresh, declutter, and make room for new ideas in your classroom this year? What will you try in 2023? No matter the subject or grade level, you’re bound to find a great idea just for you. [ctt template=”1″ link=”4fVYb” via=”yes” ]10 Things for Teachers to Try in 2023[/ctt] Listen to this episode. 10 Things for Teachers to Try in 2023 1. Declutter Your Mind If you areContinue Reading
The Best Teacher Tips and Lesson Ideas of 2022
Here are the BEST Blog Posts and Podcasts of 2022! I have compiled a list of the BEST and most popular Shake Up Learning blog posts and podcast episodes from 2022. These posts are loaded with the BEST teacher tips and lesson ideas of the year. A special thank you to all the Shake Up Learning readers and listeners. Y’all are the absolute best! And thank you for all you do! Pat yourself on the back for surviving another crazy year! Let’s take some time to reflect on the positive and make 2023 the best year yet! Reflection is aContinue Reading
Back to School Lesson Planning Tips – SULS0167
In this episode, I’m sharing lesson planning resources, tips and templates to help you prepare for the back-to-school season. Let’s explore where to find lesson ideas, how to use and revise templates, free lesson plans, packaging assignments, and pitfalls to avoid! Plus, get a FREE Blended Learning with Google toolkit loaded with strategies and ideas for the classroom. And don’t forget to check out all our back-to-school posts! [ctt template=”1″ link=”s2BQI” via=”yes” ]Back to School Lesson Planning Tips[/ctt] Listen to this episode. This episode is sponsored by Schoolytics. This episode of the Shake Up Learning Show is brought to youContinue Reading
Engaging Students with Immersive Learning Experiences – SULS0159
Are you struggling with student engagement? In this episode, Kasey chats with augmented and virtual reality expert Jaime Donally. Jaime shares tips and ideas for engaging students using immersive learning experiences (AR, VR, and XR) and free lesson plans and resources from Verizon Innovative Learning HQ. This amazing platform offers free immersive learning content, tailored lesson plans, and professional development for K-12 educators aligned to research-backed micro-credentials. The end of the school year generally creates a crazy environment in the classroom. Capturing the attention of students in these last few days can be incredibly difficult. However, adding some fun andContinue Reading
Google Classroom + BookWidgets = Superpowered Digital Classroom – SULS0145
Combine Google Classroom and BookWidgets to superpower your digital classroom! In this episode, Kasey chats with Educational Technologist and BookWidgets expert, Sheryl Place. Sheryl shares the magic of BookWidgets, and how teachers can create engaging online activities that take worksheets from static to dynamic. Sheryl comes to the podcast with over 38 years of teaching experience. She recently retired from Miami Dade and now works for BookWidgets as an Educational Technology Specialist. This means she helps teachers to integrate BookWidgets with Google Classroom and other Learning Management Systems. Sheryl also teaches internationally through an online school. [ctt template=”1″ link=”Xa_1y” via=”yes”Continue Reading
Must-Have Tips and Tools for Pandemic Teaching – SULS0141
In this episode, Kasey shares her best Pandemic Teaching tips and tools. Everything you need to survive this school year and thrive beyond. Learn practice strategies, organization techniques, and a whole list of tools to make teaching this year EASIER! While these tips and tools are extremely helpful in this pandemic environment of teaching, they are also helpful for any blended learning classroom. Virtual learning is here to stay! This is why digital equity is so important. Teaching students to be good citizens in a digital world has become a vital part of education. [ctt template=”1″ link=”D3OcT” via=”yes” ]Must-Have TipsContinue Reading
10 Things for Teachers to Try in 2022 – SULS0140
Let’s kick off the new year with some great teaching ideas! In this episode, Kasey shares 10 Things for Teachers to Try in 2022. We will explore strategies, digital tools, professional learning, and much more! What will you try in 2022? Chances are you’ve been roaming out of your comfort zone for the past two years and have been trying a lot of new things. But it’s that time of year, a time to renew and refresh. So here are ten things that you may want to try. No matter the subject or grade level, you’re bound to find aContinue Reading
The Best Teacher Tips and Lesson Ideas of 2021
Here are the BEST Blog Posts and Podcasts of 2021! I have put together a list of the BEST and most popular Shake Up Learning blog posts and podcast episodes from 2021. These posts are loaded with the BEST teacher tips and lesson ideas of the year. A special thank you to all the Shake Up Learning readers and listeners. Y’all rock! And thank you for dawning your superhero capes to carry our students through ANOTHER tumultuous year! Let’s take some time to reflect on the positive and make 2022 the best year yet! Reflection is a critical part ofContinue Reading
Get Students CREATING with Global Maker Challenges! – SULS0128
In this episode, Kasey interviews Jaime Donally, one of the Global Maker Day organizers about the power of creating and sharing on a global level. Learn about the creation challenges and how your classroom can participate. The 4 C’s are more important than ever so you don’t want to miss this free opportunity to help students learn how to problem-solve and innovate! Jamie and seven of her colleagues began organizing the Global Maker Day in 2016. As a day built for inspiring educators to help innovate, the day has evolved and updated in the last five years. [ctt template=”1″ link=”Bl2mp”Continue Reading
Back to School with the 4 C’s [Aligned Activities]- SULS0123
The 4 C’s are foundational skills that students need to thrive in the 21st Century. How are you ensuring your students are tapping into the 4 C’s this school year? In this episode, Kasey shares learning activities that align with the 4 C’s, as well as tips to help you build these skills throughout the school year. Be sure to listen to the podcast episode! Kasey will walk you through the activities and how to apply the 4 C’s! [ctt template=”1″ link=”28RXq” via=”yes” ]#BacktoSchool with the 4 C’s (Aligned Activities)[/ctt] Listen to this article. Back to School with theContinue Reading
Adventures in Hyperdocs – SULS0118
Sarah McKinney is a former kindergarten teacher and is currently a K-12 Instructional Technologist in South Carolina. She also just joined the Shake Up Learning Training Team! She is passionate about using technology to allow for choice, enhance student engagement, and provide opportunities for creation and collaboration. In this podcast episode, Kasey takes a deep dive with Sarah about creating and using Hyperdocs in the classroom. A learning experience completely centered around students that will revolutionize your lesson plans. [ctt template=”1″ link=”22Gd9″ via=”yes” ]Take a deep-dive into Hyperdocs with Sarah McKinney![/ctt] Listen to this article. As an instructional technologist,Continue Reading
Google Earth in Every Grade: Create and Explore! – SULS0113
In this episode, Kasey talks with Shake Up Learning trainer, Tammy Lind, on the hidden treasure of Google Earth as a classroom tool. Tammy Lind is an Instructional Coach in Wisconsin. A former special education teacher, Tammy is passionate and has presented at various national conferences about finding web-based technologies to make the curriculum accessible to all learners. Tammy shares so many great ideas for using Google Earth to explore and create in every grade level and subject area. Have you explored Google Earth?! [ctt template=”1″ link=”RfOcc” via=”yes” ]Google Earth in Every Grade: Create and Explore![/ctt] Listen to this article.Continue Reading
Teaching with Jamboard – SULS0112
In this episode, I’m chatting with Kim Mattina, Shake Up Learning Trainer, podcaster, and co-author of Teaching with Jamboard. Kim shares some awesome ideas for using Jamboard to engage students in the 4 c’s and many collaborative learning activities. Jamboard is quickly becoming one of my favorite Google tools. It’s engaging, flexible, and a great way to collaborate–that’s the number one feature! Repeat after me, “Collaboration is the number one feature of Google Jamboard.” Are you ready to jam with Google Jamboard? [ctt template=”1″ link=”8rT6n” via=”yes” ]Teaching with Google Jamboard [/ctt] This episode is sponsored by Schoolytics. Schoolytics helps youContinue Reading
4 Projects that Go Beyond Traditional Assessment – SULS0111
In this episode, Kasey chats with Jen Giffen, a teacher-librarian and new Shake Up Learning trainer. Jen shares ideas that will help teachers go BEYOND traditional assessments like reports, essays, presentations, and cookie-cutter assignments. Learn how you can use projects like podcasting, Ignite talks, sketchnoting, and student voice to demonstrate learning. You don’t have to keep doing the same, old-school, static assignments! AND! Learn all about the Summer Webinar Series with Jen Giffen to go deeper into all of these topics. [ctt template=”11″ link=”I0O1c” via=”yes” ]4 Projects that Go Beyond Traditional Assessment with @virtualgiff[/ctt] This episode is sponsored by Schoolytics.Continue Reading
Blended Learning with Google Toolkit for Teachers – SULS0101
In this episode, I share The Blended Learning with Google Toolkit, a free download to help teachers create dynamic, blended learning experiences for students with Google tools. I will walk you through each step, share proven strategies, and recommend the right Google tool for the job. Get access to this FREE PDF download that aligns technology integration strategies with Google tools! (Scroll down and fill out the form on this page.) [ctt template=”11″ link=”daAIu” via=”yes” ]Blended Learning with #GoogleEdu Toolkit for Teachers[/ctt] Listen to this article. Shoutout Thank you to Becky Young for this tweet: Almost done catching upContinue Reading
New Book: Blended Learning with Google by Kasey Bell
Blended Learning with Google: Your Guide to Dynamic Teaching and Learning Ready for blended learning in a post COVID world? Say goodbye to boring lectures, sit and get, and the same old, tired projects. This book will show you how you can use Google tools to create dynamic, blended learning experiences for your students! No matter if you are online, remote, hybrid, or something in between, this book will give you tips and tricks to thrive! © Shake Up Learning 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner isContinue Reading
20 Ways to Use Google Drawings in the Classroom – SULS092
Google Drawings is a hidden treasure! In this post and episode, I will give you 20 Ways to Use Google Drawings in the Classroom. Let’s explore ways to tap into the 4 C’s and get students creating with Google Drawings. At first glance, it can be easy to dismiss the Google Drawing tool. It seems rather simplistic. However, it is actually a VERY powerful image creator and editor! Add in the fact that you can collaborate on a drawing, and it’s too awesome to be ignored! [ctt template=”1″ link=”5F58I” via=”yes” ]20 Ways to Use #GoogleDrawings in the Classroom[/ctt] This episodeContinue Reading
Student Portfolios with Google Sites – SULS091
Student portfolios with Google Sites is a no-brainer! Student Portfolios are the epitome of Dynamic Blended Learning and going beyond the due date because they are never “done.” As students learn and grow throughout the year, new work is added to their portfolio to showcase their best work or to show growth over time. Student portfolios are great for ANY classroom! In this interview with teacher Mike Mohammad, we take a deep dive into the power of student portfolios. Mike shares what he has learned after seven years of implementing portfolios–how to organize, how to make them student-centered, and theContinue Reading
The Best Teacher Tips and Lesson Ideas of 2020
Here are the BEST Blog Posts and Podcasts of 2020! I have put together a list of the BEST and most popular Shake Up Learning blog posts and podcast episodes from 2020. These posts are loaded with the BEST teacher tips and lesson ideas of the year. To all of my readers and listeners, thank you for helping me learn and grow as an educator! I learn so much from all of you! And thank you for dawning your superhero capes to carry our students through this tumultuous year! After a year that we will not soon forget, let’s takeContinue Reading
Blended Learning with Google Podcast Series
Ready for blended learning in a post COVID world? Say goodbye to boring lectures, sit and get, and the same old, tired projects. In this 3-part Blended Learning with Google podcast series (based on Kasey’s book of the same name), we will show you how you can use Google tools to create dynamic, blended learning experiences for your students! I have always believed that technology presents us with a unique opportunity in education, an opportunity to create more dynamic learning experiences for our students. We have to start thinking differently about our assignments. One-and-done doesn’t cut it anymore. The learningContinue Reading
8 Reasons to Love Blended Learning with Google (Part 3) – SULS090
I can’t wait to share with you 8 Reasons to Love Blended Learning with Google, and give you a sneak peek into my new book! In part 3 of this 3-part podcast series, I will share with you the BEST takeaways, templates, lesson plans, remote learning tips, Google tips, ideas, and resources from the Blended Learning with Google book! AND don’t miss the details on the EARLY BIRD BONUS Training Video! Did you miss Blended Learning with Google Part 1 or Part 2? CLICK HERE to access the entire series. [ctt template=”1″ link=”n4F9b” via=”yes” ]8 Reasons to LOVE #BlendedLearning withContinue Reading
(FREE) The Blended Learning with Google Toolkit ©
(FREE) The Blended Learning with Google Toolkit © Ready to take digital learning to the next level? This FREE Blended Learning with Google Toolkit © will help you choose the best Google tools to support Dynamic Learning in your classroom. The Blended Learning with Google Toolkit will help teachers learn more about blended learning strategies with recommended Google tools for each strategy! Get access to this FREE PDF download that aligns technology integration strategies with Google tools! © Shake Up Learning 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or ownerContinue Reading
Blended Learning with Google (Part 2: Storytelling) – SULS089
More Blended Learning with Google! In part two of this podcast series, we will take a deep-dive into storytelling with Google tools and how we can use this strategy in any grade level or subject area. Storytelling might be my very favorite strategy for teachers because it is so flexible, engaging, and creative! And get a sneak peek of Kasey’s new book, Blended Learning with Google! Did you miss part 1 in this 3-part series? Listen to Part 1: Do This, Not That! here. Access the entire series on this page: Blended Learning with Google Podcast Series. [ctt template=”1″ link=”rodpR”Continue Reading
Blended Learning with Google (Part 1: Do THIS, NOT That!) – SULS088
In part one of this podcast series, we will explore how Google tools can help us create Dynamic Blended Learning experiences. It’s not about Google, y’all! It’s about the learning. We are going to take a deep-dive into practical ways we can use the Dynamic Learning Framework with our favorite Google tools. As we all struggle to meet the demands of blended, online, and hybrid learning. Let’s look at some ways to engage students with the 4 C’s in our Post-COVID world. And get a sneak peek of Kasey’s new book, Blended Learning with Google! Shoutout Thank you to BowlingContinue Reading
Go Global: Online Publishing for All Students – SULS084
One critical characteristic of Dynamic Learning is going Beyond the Walls! Go global and consider online publishing for all students. Every student should have the opportunity to publish their work and learning for a global audience! This will change the quality of their work and help them build a positive online presence. This episode and blog post will explore ways to flatten the walls of your classroom and allow students to publish their work online. [ctt template=”1″ link=”Adjd7″ via=”yes” ]Go Global: Online Publishing for All Students[/ctt] Listen to this article. Shoutout Thank you to Susan Vincentz and Christian AcademyContinue Reading
Collaborative Notes with Google Docs
One of my favorite Dynamic Learning strategies is collaborative note-taking with Google Docs. Hands down, collaboration is the number one reason to “Go Google!” The beauty of G Suite lies in the collaborative features. When students are able to take notes together, it allows them to learn from each other AND gives the teacher a way to check for understanding. As a middle school teacher, it was difficult for me to teach note-taking skills and my students really struggled. They either tried to write down every word, got pieces and doodled on the sides. (By the way, doodling is OKAY!)Continue Reading
Shapegrams: Grab-and-Go Google Drawings Lessons
I have long been a fan of Tony Vincent and his website and resources at LearninginHand.com. Tony is one of the most creative educators I know. One such creative project that has blown me away is his Shapegrams projects (grades 2-8), an image challenge for students to recreate images using Google drawings. In this post, Tony will show you how Shapegrams can challenge students much like a puzzle while also teaching them technology skills. These grab-and-go Google drawing lessons are so much fun! [ctt template=”1″ link=”71dcz” via=”yes” ]#Shapegrams – grab-and-go Google drawing lessons from @tonyvincent[/ctt] Below is a guest postContinue Reading
Read-Along Storybooks Using Audio in Google Slides
In this guest blog post by Mike Mohammad, Mike shares a fantastic, yet unconventional idea: read-along storybooks using audio in Google Slides! I’m always amazed at how Mike innovates in his classroom. You’d never guess from this post’s title that this idea is from a high school physics teacher! But we all have stories to tell, and at every grade level and subject area. Mike takes the idea of storytelling a bit further and puts his students in the seat of a teacher–creating read-along books for Kindergartners. This creates a fantastic and Dynamic Learning Experience for Mike’s students. Mike isContinue Reading
7 Ways to Rethink Digital Assignments (in a Post-COVID World)
If you want to transition your classroom to an online or blended environment, you must rethink traditional assignments and how you use technology. In this post, I share 7 Ways to Rethink Digital Assignments in a Post-COVID World. Since teachers and schools are becoming increasingly more reliant on online and blended learning, I thought it was time to give this post a refresh with a remote learning spin. I think these tips are even more useful in a Post-COVID world. Just because you make your lesson or assignment digital doesn’t mean that it will work the same way it didContinue Reading
Back to School with G Suite: 6 Online Activities (Part 1)
Around the U.S., teachers are gearing up for back to school–gathering ideas, planning lessons, and getting their classrooms (and virtual classrooms) ready for learning. Google tools can help you kick off the school year, get organized, and have some fun. So I thought now was a great time to share a few “back to school” online activities with my favorite Google tools. No matter what grade level or subject area you teach, there are always a few ways that Google tools can help you and your students save time and get creative–even during remote learning! This episode kicks off ourContinue Reading
Google Training for Schools
Google Training for Schools NEED GOOGLE TRAINING FOR YOUR ENTIRE SCHOOL? Look no further! We have many programs to help your teachers learn how to meaningfully integrate Google tools and the entire G Suite in the classroom. From online courses to books, to face-to-face training, we got you covered! COVID-19 forced many teachers and schools to scramble to find tools to deliver online assignments, design digital learning experiences, and G Suite was the number one suite of tools to help make this a reality. Just in time resources and learning will help teachers, students, and parents survive the crisis. WhenContinue Reading
How to Package Your Digital Assignments
Packaging your digital assignments is more important than ever! As schools transition to the new normal of virtual, online, and hybrid learning to combat the spread of the coronavirus, I thought it was time to update this post, add some remote learning tips, and a podcast! The term “digital assignment,” refers to the work you give students in a digital environment or LMS, like Google Classroom or Canvas. It doesn’t mean that the actual assignment is entirely digital, but the communication about it is posted in a digital format. Save Time and Your Sanity by Packaging Your Online Assignments! Don’tContinue Reading
The Top 20 Podcast Episodes
I started the Shake Up Learning Show Podcast in 2018. With more than 65 episodes under my belt and more than 315,000 downloads, I thought I should share the top 20 episodes. New episodes are released every Tuesday morning and cover a variety of educational topics. You can stream episodes right here on the Shake Up Learning website. The latest episode is always available at the top of the page. You can listen to the podcast using your favorite podcast app, like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher. You can access the show notes and blog posts for eachContinue Reading
Dynamic Learning Down Under – SULS067
Kelly Bell joins me to chat about Dynamic Learning Down Under and how she’s leading change at her school. Kelly is an instructional leader and health and PE educator from Australia. She has been working to implement the Dynamic Learning Framework and help teachers avoid burnout. Listen in as we chat about the changes schools in Australia have made and how those changes aren’t all that different from the changes being made in schools across the U.S. Shoutout I’m sending a huge shoutout to Amanda Alderman for creating an amazing TikTok video highlighting the Shake Up Learning book and theContinue Reading
FREE Interactive Tic-Tac-Toe Choice Board for Google Slides
Y’all know I love choice boards (aka learning menus), and especially Tic-Tac-Toe boards! As more and more teachers are relying on the flexibility of choice boards during remote learning, I thought I’d create a template that would give teachers a bit more space to explain the tic-tac-toe choices. So today, I’m giving you the FREE Interactive Tic-Tac-Toe Choice Board for Google Slides! Choice boards a great way to give students ownership of their learning and differentiate; AND they are great for giving students flexibility during home learning. The Tic-Tac-Toe is great for a lot of reasons, but I struggle, likeContinue Reading
(FREE) Dynamic Learning with Google Toolkit © by Kasey Bell
Get the FREE Dynamic Learning with Google Toolkit © This awesome freebie is a companion to my podcast series, “It’s NOT About Google!” In this 4-part series, I will show you how you can use my Dynamic Learning Framework and Google tools to create awesome learning experiences for your students. Technology presents us with a unique opportunity in education, an opportunity to create more dynamic learning experiences for our students. We have to start thinking differently about our assignments. One-and-done doesn’t cut it anymore. The learning needs to live, grow, connect, and go beyond traditional ideas. We need Dynamic Learning!Continue Reading
9 TCEA Presentations You Need to See!
9 TCEA Presentations You Need to See! I have nine TCEA Presentations that I want to share with you this week! Yes, I said NINE! I’m not sure how it happened, or how I made it through all of them, but it was a fantastic week of learning that I want to share with the Shake Up Learning readers. If you aren’t familiar with TCEA, it is the Texas Computer Educators Association and an ISTE affiliate. In fact, TCEA is the second-largest edtech conference in the U.S. with more than 1,000 sessions and over 8,000 attendees! My presentations are loadedContinue Reading
Fake Instagram Template with Google Slides (FREE)
Engage your students with this awesome Fake Instagram Template in Google Slides from Carly Black. Back in episode 32 of the Shake Up Learning Show, I interviewed Lisa Johnson. Lisa shared a fake Instagram template she created in Keynote. I knew one of our Google-loving listeners would create one for Google Slides. Carly Black to the rescue!! Carly not only created the template, but she has also implemented it in her classroom and shares her story in the guest post below. Carly was also featured in an “On-Air” Coaching episode of the Shake Up Learning Show. It’s my favorite coachingContinue Reading
It’s Not About Google (Part 4: BEYOND the Walls and Due Date) – SULS047
Part 4 is finally here! Even when we love technology and Google tools, we have to remember that it’s NOT about Google. Our bottom line as educators is always about the learning and doing what’s best for students. In this 4-part podcast series on Dynamic Learning with Google, Kasey shares all her favorite lesson ideas! In part four, Kasey explains how we can go BEYOND the walls of our classrooms, and how to go BEYOND the due date and encourage students to continue learning about the things that interest them. BONUS: Get the Dynamic Learning with Google Toolkit to help youContinue Reading
7 Presentations You Might Have Missed! #FETC2020
FETC 2020 Presentations and Resources by Kasey Bell I just finished presenting, connecting, and learning at the Future of Educational Technology Conference, or FETC, in Miami, Florida. It is one of the biggest edtech conferences in the U.S., and I want to share all of my presentations with you! Missing out is the worst! So no FOMO for Shake Up Learning readers! I’ve embedded all of my FETC presentations in this post just for you (except the keynote). If you have never seen me present, you should know that my slides are loaded with information and resources so that they canContinue Reading
It’s NOT About Google (Part 3: BEYOND the Grade and Subject) – SULS046
I love Google tools, but it’s NOT about Google! It’s about how we can use these tools to create dynamic learning experiences for our students. In this 4-part podcast series on Dynamic Learning with Google, Kasey shares all her favorite lesson ideas! In part three, Kasey explains how we can go BEYOND our curriculum and help students discover their passions, and how we can use Google tools to support this strategy! BONUS: Get the Dynamic Learning with Google Toolkit to help you find the best tool to support Dynamic Learning in your classroom. It’s NOT really about Google; it’s aboutContinue Reading
It’s NOT About Google (Part 2: BEYOND the Tools) – SULS045
It’s NOT about Google, y’all! It’s about the LEARNING! Ready to move the learning in your classroom from static, one-and-done activities, to more dynamic learning—Dynamic Learning with G Suite? This 4-part podcast series will show you how you can use G Suite tools to support dynamic learning experiences for your students! Let’s take a deep-dive into meaningful technology integration supported by our favorite Google tools. In part two, Kasey talks about the power of going BEYOND the tool and how we can use Google tools to do NEW things! BONUS: Get the Blended Learning with Google Toolkit to help youContinue Reading
It’s NOT About Google (Part 1: BEYOND the Bell) – SULS044
It’s NOT about Google, y’all! It’s about the LEARNING! Ready to move the learning in your classroom from static, one-and-done activities, to more dynamic learning—Dynamic Learning with G Suite? This 4-part podcast series will show you how you can use G Suite tools to support dynamic learning experiences for your students! Technology presents us with a unique opportunity in education, an opportunity to create more dynamic learning experiences for our students. We have to start thinking differently about our assignments. One-and-done doesn’t cut it anymore. The learning needs to live, grow, connect, and go beyond traditional ideas. We need DynamicContinue Reading
The Top 20 Posts of 2019
Here are the BEST Blog Posts of 2019! I have put together a list of the BEST and most popular Shake Up Learning blog posts from 2019. I can’t believe we are saying goodbye to another decade. To all of my readers, thank you for helping me learn and grow as an educator! I learn so much from all of you! Shake Up Learning turned five in 2019, and now we are headed into our sixth year. I have plans to make 2020 the best year yet! Reflection is a critical part of the learning process for teachers and students,Continue Reading
10+ Ways to Use Technology in the Math Classroom – SULS037
Some math teachers struggle with integrating technology into the classroom. So, I enlisted the help of my friend and edtech expert, Craig Klement, to share 10+ Ways to Use Technology in the Math Classroom. Integrating technology in the math classroom can go far beyond substitution, digital worksheets, and simple quizzes. In this blog post and podcast episode, my guest, Craig Klement, will share free tools, templates, and lesson ideas you can use across grade levels. Together, we will explore some of our favorite G Suite tools, Pear Deck, Desmos, Flipgrid, and more! Hang on tight, because Craig has a TONContinue Reading
Summer Magnetic Poetry (FREE Template and Tutorial)
Ready for some summer fun? It’s time for a new magnetic poetry template with a fun, summer theme! This is perfect for a back-to-school activity, or even some summer professional learning with teachers! Introducing, the Summer Magnetic Poetry FREE template and tutorial! I frequently refer to Google Slides as the Swiss Army Knife of G Suite, and here’s your chance to play and learn! You know those really fun little magnets that challenge you to create a poem with just a small word bank? This template (and the three others I’ve shared previously) give you a digital version to useContinue Reading
Sneak Peek: Kasey Bell’s #ISTE19 Presentations and Resources #notatiste
No FOMO for Shake Up Learning readers! Today, I’m sharing ALL of my 8 #ISTE19 presentations! What is ISTE? Well, it’s just the largest edtech conference in the world, y’all! I don’t want you to miss a beat! And this year I have a ton to share! Below you will find all of my presentation slides, which include a ton of additional ideas, links, and resources! Hang on tight, y’all! There’s a LOT in this post! ENJOY! © Shake Up Learning 2019. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or ownerContinue Reading
The Learning Mixologist – #ISTE19 (FREE Preview) – SULS017
Tune in today to learn more about The Learning Mixologist – #ISTE19 (FREE Preview) with Holly Clark. We first presented this information at FETC and the information provided is from both of our books and learning frameworks! Holly has been in education for over 20 years and is now working to spread the concept of the #InfusedClassroom. Despite having technology in the classroom, many schools use their Chromebooks and tablets as high-priced reference materials rather than the collaborative portals they can be. Holly and I will dig into how we created the Learning Mixologist presentation by merging and enhancingContinue Reading
Project Based Learning Tips that Will Transform Your Classroom – SULS015
One of my favorite EdTech gurus is the Cool Cat Teacher herself, Vicki Davis. In this episode of The Shake Up Learning Show, Vicki shares some amazing classroom tips and ideas that ANY teacher can use. She shares lots of tips for project-based learning, using the “In-Flip,” method, and how she helps students discover their passions. Vicki Davis is one of my friends and mentors. She is on her 500th episode of her 10 Minute Teacher Podcast and her passion for learning and teaching is contagious. She teaches technology, blogging, photography and more. She is also the IT director atContinue Reading
How to Podcast with Your Students – SULS014
Students of all ages can podcast! In this post and podcast episode, you will learn How to Podcast with Your Students, what tools to use, and how easy it is to get started! Back in 2006, my students created a podcast, “Miss Bell’s Chime Time!” My students named the podcast, they wrote and performed the musical jingle. (I had a lot of talented band and choir students that year.) I had no idea what I was doing, but I knew there was something amazing about this podcasting thing! We used the platform for students to share and reflect on writing,Continue Reading
How to Create a Class Brand (and much more!) with Tony Vincent – SULS011
I’m excited for today’s conversation with one of my favorite edtech gurus! Tony Vincent, from Learning in Hand, shares many genius tips in this episode. He’s passionate about offering practical tools and strategies that you can implement right away, so he’s a perfect fit for the show. In case you’re not already familiar with him, Tony is a fifth-grade teacher from the Council Bluffs Community School district in Council Bluffs, Iowa who loves empowering students to be creative communicators. After his 15-year break from being in the classroom, Tony observes that a big difference is that there’s so much moreContinue Reading
The Teacher’s Guide to Digital Choice Boards – SULS008 (FREE eBook!)
I have been a fan of choice boards (aka learning menus) since my first few years of teaching. I even shared some choice boards and ideas in my book, Shake Up Learning: Practical Ideas to Move Learning From Static to Dynamic. As a middle school language arts teacher, I began teaching the way I was taught–every student did the same thing at the same time. But as I began to improve my craft and implement things like small group instruction, I learned that we could differentiate, offer choice, and have multiple learning opportunities happening at the same time–even in secondary.Continue Reading
The Dynamic Learning Workshop and Coaching Package
Ready to transform the classrooms in your school? This three-day workshop and coaching package will help you and your teachers make meaningful technology integration a reality! Technology is not a magic solution for education. It is an opportunity! An opportunity to shake things up, to connect and grow, and to create dynamic learning experiences for our students! Is the learning in your classroom static or dynamic? Does your classroom offer one and done types of learning activities, or does the learning grow, inspire, and evolve throughout the year and beyond? With digital tools that are available 24/7, the learning doesn’tContinue Reading
Meaningful Technology Integration and Dynamic Learning (5-Part Episode Series)
Ready for a deep dive into meaningful technology integration? In my new podcast, The Shake Up Learning Show, I share a very special 5-episode series of tips, ideas, lesson plan, templates, and more to help all teachers make dynamic learning a reality in the classroom. Each episode includes detailed show notes, including time stamps, links to resources, free downloads and templates, as well as a guide to everything included in the audio. This special series also includes a FREE Download Bundle of FIVE FREEBIES! (Fill out the form on this page to get your bundle!) AND this series makes theContinue Reading
How to Plan for Technology Integration – SULS005
Let’s talk about lesson planning. I know, I know, this isn’t the most exciting thing to talk about… but it’s so important! Since this is the last episode in my five-part series, I want you to be able to take everything you’ve learned so far and implement it in your classroom. And, to do that, you need to plan lessons! (By the way, if you haven’t heard the first four parts of the series yet, go check those out before you listen to this episode.) Before we dive into planning, though, I want to share a story with you.Continue Reading
Easy Lesson Plan Makeovers for Your Classroom – SULS004
Give your lessons a dynamic learning upgrade with my easy lesson plan makeovers for your classroom! If you’re not sure what dynamic learning is, I recommend going back and starting with episode 1 of the podcast. Click here to access the entire series. This is episode four of a five-part series on meaningful technology integration, and I’d love for you to benefit from listening to the whole series in order! Throughout the series, I’ve been giving you some examples of how to make learning dynamic. Today’s episode is all about concrete examples of taking static assignments and shifting themContinue Reading
A Framework for Meaningful Technology Integration – SULS003
Listen Now … Ready to learn how to meaningfully and practically integrate technology into your classroom?! If so, you’re in the right place! This episode will explore the dynamic learning framework, and is part three of a five-part series on meaningful technology integration. (If you haven’t already listened to episode 1 and episode 2, I suggest you go check them out first!) I’ve created the Dynamic Learning Framework to help with meaningful technology integration. This framework is actually at the heart of my book Shake Up Learning: Practical Ideas to Move Learning from Static to Dynamic. Let’s dig into aContinue Reading
The 4 C’s: The Superfoods of Learning – SULS002
When you think of the four C’s, you probably think of diamonds… but did you know they have a place in education, too? Creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking are a foundational component of dynamic learning. In fact, I even like to call them the superfoods of learning! If this is the first time you’re tuning in, I just want to let you know that this is part of a five-episode series. I recommend starting with episode 1, then listening through in order to get loads of tips, ideas, and templates that will help you encourage dynamic learning inContinue Reading
Top 20 Tech Tips for Teachers – SULS001
Listen Now What’s shakin’ y’all? Welcome to the very first episode of the Shake Up Learning Show, where we’ll dig into integrating technology into the classroom, growing as a leader, refining your instructional strategies, and transforming your classroom! Each episode of this new podcast will be packed full of practical ideas, insights, and the opportunity to learn alongside students and other teachers. I’m your host, Kasey Bell. In case we haven’t connected before (maybe on my other podcast, Google Teacher Podcast), let me introduce myself! I’m a former middle school teacher turned digital learning coach, as well as anContinue Reading
5 #FETC Presentations You Might Have Missed!
I just finished presenting, connecting, and learning at the Future of Educational Technology Conference, or FETC, in Orlando, Florida. It is one of the biggest edtech conferences in the U.S., and I want to share all of my presentations with you! Missing out is the worst! So no FOMO for Shake Up Learning readers! I’ve embedded all of my FETC presentations in this post just for you. If you have never seen me present, you should know that my slides are loaded with information and resources so that they can be utilized and shared beyond the session. And if youContinue Reading
20 Things You May Have Missed in 2018
Here are the BEST Blog Posts of 2018! I have put together a list of the BEST and most popular Shake Up Learning blog posts from 2018. There went another year! Shake Up Learning will be five-years-old in January (gasp!), and I want to take a moment to THANK YOU! You have helped me learn and grow as an educator and blogger. Reflection is such a critical component of the learning process, so I always like to take a look back on the year. I like to take a deeper look at what blog posts were the most popular and generatedContinue Reading
Student “Play of the Week” with Google Slides (FREE Template)
Every student is an MVP! Share their success through the Student “Play of the Week,” with Google Slides. It’s so important that we celebrate student success and help every student to feel like an MVP of the classroom. Below is a guest post from Pam Hubler, sharing a super fun way to get students to recognize their accomplishments and share their success. We’ve all heard the phrase “Play of the Week” used in sports around the world. The purpose is to highlight the great plays you may have missed. Why not do the same thing to share all the amazingContinue Reading
How to Create Powerful Student ePortfolios with Google Sites
Let’s Talk About How to Create Powerful Student ePortfolios with Google Sites! Online student portfolios are a great way to showcase student work and show growth over time. Google Sites is the perfect tools for you and your students to create ePortfolios. Yes, folks, we are officially dropping the “e” from ePortfolios. Since digital is part of everything we do, there is no need to differentiate. In this post, we are using the more appropriate term, “Portfolios.” Google Sites talks to all of your favorite G Suite tools, is easy to use, embed student work, and make the learning moreContinue Reading
The Dynamic Learning Framework for Teachers (Explainer Video)
Who’s ready to Shake Up Learning? I am! That’s not just the name of this blog. It is my mission. When I decided to write a book, a knew I wanted it to be practical, but I also wanted to help push the boundaries of the traditional classroom. That’s why I developed The Dynamic Learning Framework. The Dynamic Learning Framework is simple enough to get even the most technophobic teachers on board, but with room to grow, deepen and help even the most tech-savvy users bring more meaning to their classrooms. I don’t consider Dynamic Learning, in and of itself,Continue Reading
How to Plan a Dynamic Learning Experience (FREE TEMPLATE)
How to Plan a Dynamic Learning Experience (FREE TEMPLATE) Dynamic learning doesn’t happen by accident, you have to purposefully plan experiences for students that are aligned with your learning goals, integrate strategies that push beyond the bounds of traditional learning, and integrate the four c’s. This post is designed to give you everything you need to plan a Dynamic Learning Experience for your students. “Begin with the end in mind.” —Stephen Covey Lesson planning is nothing new, but if you struggle to find ways to integrate technology meaningfully, planning is the first step in making this a reality. If youContinue Reading
SNEAK PEEK: Kasey’s 2018 ISTE Presentations! #ISTE18 #notatiste
SNEAK PEEK: Shake Up Learning’s ISTE Presentations 2018! Hey, y’all! I promised that I would be sharing EVERYTHING from the ISTE conference this year, and guess what? You get to see my presentations before I even share them at ISTE! Yep! You heard me! To show you how much I appreciate your loyalty to this blog, I’m giving you early access to all of my ISTE 2018 presentations. ISTE 2018 – shakeup.link/iste18 Presentations and Resources by Kasey Bell © Shake Up Learning 2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or ownerContinue Reading
How to Create a Dynamic Reading Experience
How to Create a Dynamic Reading Experience with Read&Write for Google Chrome™! Dynamic Learning is all about going BEYOND the traditional bounds of the classroom and the class day. In this post, we will look at How to Create a Dynamic Reading Experience that goes BEYOND what was previously possible. Going “Beyond the Tools” is one of the five characteristics of the Dynamic Learning Framework. Think beyond using digital tools to complete only traditional assignments such as papers and reports, or simply reading a digital version of an article. Use digital tools to do NEW THINGS, things that are notContinue Reading
A Hyperdoc Unit That Will Blow Your Mind!
A Hyperdoc Unit That Will Blow Your Mind! Hyperdocs are amazing, but this is an entire Hyperdoc UNIT that will blow your mind! This Hyperdoc has it all, y’all! Designed to help students dig deeper into the book, The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. And guess what, it is VERY DYNAMIC! This is actually much more than just a dynamic learning experience, this is a dynamic learning unit! And you get it ALL for FREE! In fact, this unit was one of the five lessons I selected to be included in my book, Shake Up Learning: Practical Ideas to MoveContinue Reading
Google is a Gateway Tool
I said it. Google is a Gateway Tool! For a lot of teachers who are reluctant to try integrating technology or using devices, Google is simply a stepping stone, like a gateway tool if you will. It’s easily addictive and can lead to more confidence with digital tools. But that’s all it takes–simply a taste of what the wonderful twenty-first century has to offer and you can see the light turn on. Yes, you probably know that I talk a lot about the awesomeness of Google and the G Suite for Education tools. In fact, I bet a lot ofContinue Reading
Top 20 Tech Tips for Teachers
My Top 20 Tech Tips for Teachers! As a digital learning coach with more than fourteen years working in instructional technology, I have learned quite a few ways to help teachers integrate technology. I have compiled my Top 20 Tech Tips for Teachers into this handy infographic, which you can download below. I find myself answering the same questions, dilemmas, and excuses over and over again. For those of you who have been integrating technology for a while, some of these may seem obvious. But we have too many teachers, even new teachers fresh out of college, with no ideaContinue Reading
The Nutritional Value of Learning
What is the Nutritional Value of Learning in Your Classroom? If someone was to peel back the label on the lessons in your classroom, what would they see listed as the “nutrition facts”? What would be the nutritional value of learning in your classroom? How are you preparing students for the future? Are you teaching a variety of skills? How do you hit the 4 C’s and address the ISTE Standards for students? How do you ensure the learning is DYNAMIC? Peel back the layers, not only how are you reaching the learning goals but how all the pieces workContinue Reading
Dynamic Learning with G Suite
Dynamic Learning with G Suite Ready to move the learning in your classroom from static, one-and-done activities, to more dynamic learning—Dynamic Learning with G Suite? This post will show you how you can use G Suite tools to support dynamic learning experiences for your students! Technology presents us with a unique opportunity in education, an opportunity to create more dynamic learning experiences for our students. We have to start thinking differently about our assignments. One-and-done doesn’t cut it anymore. The learning needs to live, grow, connect, and go beyond traditional ideas. We need Dynamic Learning! This post is NOT aboutContinue Reading
5 TCEA Presentations You Need to See!
5 TCEA Presentations You Need to See! I have five TCEA Presentations that I want to share with you this week! I have had the privilege of presenting at many conferences over the last several years. I enjoy connecting with educators face-to-face and sharing ideas. Earlier this month, I presented at the TCEA convention. If you aren’t familiar with TCEA, it is the Texas Computer Educators Association and an ISTE affiliate. In fact, TCEA is the second largest edtech conference in the U.S. with more than 1,100 sessions and over 8,000 attendees! I shared five presentations at TCEA this year,Continue Reading
18 Challenges for Teachers in 2018 © (FREE eBook!)
The 18 Challenges for Teachers in 2018 ©! Who’s ready to kick off 2018 with a bang? I am, and I have put together some AWESOME challenges for any teacher that wants to kick things up a notch in the classroom this year. This is Shake Up Learning’s annual 18 Challenges for Teachers for 2018! Inside this free, 83-page eBook download, you will find a series of 18 challenges that will challenge educators to try something new in their classroom in 2018! New ideas, new apps, new features, G Suite tips, and some fun extras along the way. I started this seriesContinue Reading
Every Student Should Publish for the World!
Give Your Students the World! Give them a Global Audience! Part of your Dynamic Classroom Should Include Going Global! Bring the world to your students, and bring your students to the world. It’s also our job, as teachers, to give students a global audience. It is so easy now to allow students to publish their work online for the world. It’s amazing how much this will change the quality of what they publish. As soon as they get their first comment, a shift has happened. [Tweet “Give Your Students the World! Give them a Global Audience for Their Work! #shakeuplearningContinue Reading
Dynamic Learning v. Static Learning (DO THIS, NOT THAT)
Create More Dynamic Learning Experiences Here’s a handy infographic, Dynamic Learning v. Static Learning (DO THIS, NOT THAT) to help you see ways to create more dynamic learning experiences! [Tweet “Dynamic Learning v. Static Learning (DO THIS, NOT THAT) #shakeuplearning #edtech #edchat”] Are the learning experiences in your classroom static or dynamic? Static, one-and-done activities prevent us from taking full advantage of the changes in learning–the digital tools at our disposal, access the global connections where the learning to take on a life of its own and becomes more dynamic. Are you making the most of the technology in yourContinue Reading
In the Game of School, We Change or Students Lose!
Change is Coming… We have to stop playing the game of school! If we don’t change, our students will continue to lose. Change is coming to education, slowly but surely, are you doing your part to break barriers and bad habits? Dynamic Learning requires that we let go of the traditional ideas that we have about school and education. For many educators and students, school has become a game. By the time students reach the middle grades, they have either mastered the game, or they haven’t. Unfortunately, this game has become so ingrained in our systems and testing; it canContinue Reading
How to Push the Boundaries of School with Dynamic Learning
How to Push Boundaries with Dynamic Learning Does your classroom offer one-and-done types of learning activities, or does the learning grow, inspire, and evolve throughout the year and beyond? With digital tools like G Suite for Education that are available 24/7, the learning doesn’t have to stop when the bell rings at the end of class, or when the worksheet is turned in, or even when the school year ends. The learning takes on a life of its own; it becomes dynamic. This concept alone should change the way you think about learning in general and change the way youContinue Reading
Move from a Static Classroom to a Dynamic Classroom
Is Your Classroom Static or Dynamic? Meaning, does your classroom offer one-and-done types of learning activities, or does the learning grow, inspire, and evolve throughout the year and beyond? Learning doesn’t have to end when the bell rings. Take a look at my definitions below and think about what your classroom looks like. Dynamic Learning: Dynamic learning is learning characterized by constant change, activity, and progress. This is where learning lives, grows, connects, and extends beyond the boundaries of the class day, beyond the physical location, beyond using tools as digital substitutes, and even beyond due dates; supporting critical thinking,Continue Reading
The Dynamic Learning Workshop (Online Course)
Is the learning in your classroom static or dynamic? Meaning, does your classroom offer one and done type of learning activities, or does the learning grow, inspire, and evolve throughout the year and beyond? With digital tools like G Suite for Education that are available 24/7, the learning doesn’t have to stop when the bell rings, or when the worksheet is turned in. The learning takes on a life of its own; it becomes dynamic. Join Kasey Bell of ShakeUpLearning.com for this one day workshop where we will take a deep dive into the Dynamic Learning Model and Framework, and create an action plan for meaningful learning transformation.
Register here: shakeup.link/DLworkshop
Bring Dynamic Learning to Your School or District
Want to shake things up and bring the power of Dynamic Learning to your school or district? Send me a PD request using this form.