Yes, Kinder CAN Use Chromebooks! Empower our littlest learners!
The new book, Google Apps for Littles by the dynamic duo, Christine Pinto, and Alice Keeler, is all about empowering our littlest learners – YES, kinder CAN use Chromebooks and lots of other technology!
(Want to win a copy of this awesome book? Keep reading!)
It doesn’t matter if our students are big or small, we must have audacious faith in them.
I’m ashamed to admit this, but on more than one occasion in my teaching career, I have UNDERESTIMATED my students.
Maybe you are guilty, too. But all too often my students have proven me wrong, time and time again. Half the battle is believing they can do it because if you don’t believe in them, I’m not sure they will ever believe they can accomplish a goal or task on their own.
Often times in training, I hear primary teachers doubting the relevance of what I am teaching because they don’t think their students can accomplish the same types of tasks that we expect of older students, like logging into a computer every day. Yes, it can be a struggle, but, just like anything, the more they do it, the better they get. And with the tips and strategies from the fabulous Alice Keeler and Christine Pinto, you will find the task much more feasible.
When I get the complaint or question from a primary teacher who says that her kids can’t do that, “My students lack the skills. This will take me all day.” I always mention my friend, Christine Pinto, and direct them to her blog,–do NOT pass go, do NOT collect $200 dollars, go directly to her blog. Look at what Christine is doing with kindergarteners EVERY DAY! Oh, and did I mention Christine is only in her second year of teaching? I’ll wait while your mind blows!
It is not a coincidence that I tapped Christine to share a Dynamic Learning Experience for my book, Shake Up Learning: Practical Ideas to Move Learning from Static to Dynamic. She was one of the first educators that popped into my mind! She’s creative and pushing all kinds of boundaries with her littles. (Check out her lesson in my lesson plan database, Model it Up with Google Sheets, where she uses Google Sheets to teach her students how to make five.
Now combine that power with the brilliant mind of Alice Keeler (, and you’ve got a winning combination!
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About the Book: Google Apps for Littles
By believing that all of our Littles can, we can give our youngest learners powerful, student-centered, learning experiences. This book is loaded with practical, use-tomorrow lesson ideas, learning activities powered by G Suite, and proven strategies that will not only help transform elementary classrooms but also open your mind to what’s possible in K-12 education. No matter what grade you teach, you will gain new ideas and insight by reading this book. Add this book to your reading list now!
Don’t be fooled by the title; this is not just about Google. This book is about meaningful learning with technology in the K-2 classroom. You will learn how to get everything set up in your classroom for success, including the dreaded login process, device handling, digital citizenship, and workflow. You will also be given a plethora of assignment ideas with examples for all of the core subjects, and tips for collaboration and feedback. This is your one-stop-shop!
In the book, Google Apps for Littles, you will find the perfect recipe to help ease your anxiety about using technology with the itty bitties.
This book will equip you with…
- Practical ways to approach technology with young learners
- Activities for integrating Google Apps in the primary classroom
- Easy-to-implement ideas for using G Suite as an educator
- Exercises that build important skills, such as critical thinking and collaboration.
Here’s Your To Do List:
- Enter the contest to win a copy of Google Apps for Littles using the form below
- Follow @PintoBeanz11 and @AliceKeeler on Twitter. (You can thank me later.)
- Join the conversation! Follow the #GAfE4Littles hashtag to connect and learn with other teachers.
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