TODAY ONLY: The Shake Up Learning ALL-ACCESS PASS, which is already a tremendous value worth over $1000, is 30% OFF.
(Regularly $197/year)
Use this link to get the ALL-ACCESS PASS for $137.90. (Click on pricing information)
Or use code at checkout “MEMORIAL22”
About The Shake Up Learning ALL-ACCESS PASS!
With the ALL-ACCESS Pass, participants can access ALL of the Master Classes, Online Workshops, Podcast PD, and the Members-Only Library! (*excludes Google Certification Academies).
Yes, this means you can get professional learning credit for listening to podcasts!
- The Google Classroom Master Class (valued at $99/year)
- The Google Slides Master Class (valued at $99/year)
- NEW! The Google Meet Master Class (valued at $79/year)
- NEW! The Zoom Master Class (valued at $79/year)
- The Dynamic Learning Workshop (valued at $99/year)
- The Blended Learning with Google Workshop (valued at $99/year)
- Includes access to ALL future master classes and workshops!
- Members-Only Library of ebooks and cheat sheets!
- Podcast PD (with credit certificates and new content each week!)
- More than 100 hours of PD credit (with more added soon)!
- FULL Access to the 2021 Back to School Online Conference regular sessions and BONUS sessions only available to pass holders!
- Even more exclusive content coming soon!
Total Value is more than $1000 per year!
Regularly $197/year for unlimited access to EVERYTHING!
Watch THIS VIDEO to learn more:
© Shake Up Learning 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kasey Bell and Shake Up Learning with appropriate and specific direction to the original content on See: Copyright Policy.