So it’s official, I am a Google Certified Teacher!
**UPDATE! The Google Certified Teacher Program is now the Google Certified Innovator Program, and I have a brand new post and eBook to help explain it all! Check out this new post: 5 Google Certifications Explained and download the FREE ebook: The Complete Guide to Google Certifications.
The Google Teacher Academy in Austin, Texas was a once in a lifetime experience. I’m struggling to put this into words on a page. Words will not do it justice. In an effort to help others who aspire to this certification, I’ve put together a few tips and ideas to help get your there.
What is a Google Certified Teacher?
- Outstanding educators with a passion for using innovative technologies and approaches to improve teaching and learning.
- Creative leaders who understand opportunities and challenges, and have a desire to help empower others in their local community and beyond.
- Ambassadors for change who model high expectations, life-long learning, collaboration, equity, and innovation.
After the GTA, GCTs are expected to positively impact change in their communities through a personal action plan. Other expectations to be announced.
In addition to two free days of training, GCTs get access to a private online community, opportunities to work closely with Google, a special GCT badge and more.
Learn more about the Google Teacher Academy here.
Learn more about all Google Certifications here.
My Journey to Google Certified Teacher
My journey began long before I was even accepted into the academy. As soon as the dates were released for GTAs this year, I marked my calendar with the dates for Austin. Knowing it was a long shot only made me want it more. I follow many other GCTs on social media, and had scoured YouTube for GTA videos that were accepted. The competition is massive, so I knew I had to really get creative to get noticed. I brainstormed a giant list of ideas, parodies, satire, and more. I finally decided to do a play off of my brand, and basically sell Shake Up Learning in an infomercial. My inspiration: a Sham Wow commercial. I knew it had to be campy and crazy to pull it off. The result is embedded below. What do you think? Would you buy Shake Up Learning?
The acceptance tweets were so exciting. I have Storified them here.
Once the acceptances were out, the #GTAATX cohort immediately began forming a community and collaborating. The hashtag was hot, we joined the GTA ATX Google+ community, a Voxer group was forged, and a group Google Hangout chat. I had a hard time keeping up with all of the conversations, but it was amazing connecting with new and familiar faces.
The 2-Day Google Teacher Academy
Fast forward five weeks to the Google offices in Austin, Texas. Fifty-two educators came together to connect, collaborate, learn and do some serious moon-shot thinking! It was exciting, exhilarating and exhausting–filled with inside jokes, a gift-exchange, Google’s delicious food, inspiring ideas, AMAZING lead learners, critical thinking, games, and of course, learning! I was surrounded by greatness, surrounded by educators I have admired from afar, and surrounded by what became the GTAATX family.
I don’t think the academy can be summed in one blog post. So look for more specific highlights, tips and tricks in the coming weeks. I also Storified the tweets for the academy here. Lots of great resources were shared!
8 Tips for Google Teacher Academy Applicants
#1 Brainstorm Ideas for Your Two Minute Video Now
If you are not familiar with the application process, there is NOT a lot of time to between the time the applications open and the time they are due. So my advice is to start brainstorming ideas for your video now! Get creative and outside your comfort zone. Be prepared, but don’t record until the applications are open so that you can address any details they may ask for or change. I’ve been told application requirements may vary each time.
#2 Consider Pursuing Other Google Certifications
The video is only one part of the application, but it is the most time-consuming. It’s also a bonus if you are a Google Educator, Google Education Trainer, and/or Google Educator Group Leader. It’s not required, but it helps I think. They will ask about this on the application.
#3 Have an Online Presence
Being active on social media should go without saying, but don’t just be a lurker or retweeter, share original ideas and content. Consider creating a blog or website to share more about who you are as an educator, projects, resources, etc.
#4 Get Involved and Active on Google+
Join your local Google Educator Group and get involved: share and collaborate. Not one in your area? Become a leader and start your own! Google+ is an amazing resource! Be sure to check out this post on 5 Reasons Educators Should Use Google+, or Eric Sheninger’s post, Stop Ignoring Google+.
#5 Connect and Collaborate with Other Google Educators
Follow educators who are already certified to see what they do and share. Be sure to ask questions and get feedback from these amazing educators! Here is a twitter list of the fabulous #GTAATX cohort from Tonia Dousay. (Thanks, Tonia!)
#6 Watch Videos of Those That Have Been Accepted
It helps to see the variety of videos that have been accepted. Some looks like they were directed by Spielberg, others are very normal, but all showcase something great! So don’t be discouraged. You don’t have to be Spielberg! Check out this playlist of the #GTAATX cohort.
#7 “Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get accepted the first time (or two or three!) It’s so worth the heartache.” – Beth Still
Many apply for GTA several times before they are excepted. Don’t give up! Persevere!
#8 “Find blog posts from past GCTs. This one was my bible:” – Tonia Dorsay
My hope is that blog posts like this one will help more educators reach their goals. Here is a list of some of the reflective blog posts from #GTAATX:
- It Happened for a Reason: Reflections on #GTAATX – by Jody Green
- Google Teacher Academy – by Matt Vaudrey
- Growth in Numbers: Reflections on Day 1 of #GTAATX – by Rafranz Davis
- Google Teacher Academy: A Reflection Through Tweets Day 1 – by Shaelynn Farnsworth
- Tonia Goes to the Google Teacher Academy – by Tonia Dousay
- I’m Fired Up – by Chris Aviles
- 6 Things I Learned in 3 Hours of the Google Teacher Academy – by Matt Miller
- #GTAATX: Not Just a Badge – by Victoria Olson
If there is anything I can to help you reach your goals, please let me know! I’m happy to help anyone applying for GCT or GET. I also offer workshops to help prepare you for the Google Educator exams, as well as the Google Education Trainer application process. Contact me to find out more.
Have other tips? Please share your ideas and expertise in the comments below!
Kasey Bell will be presenting at the following upcoming events:
- FETC, Jan. 20-23 (Orlando, FL)
- TCEA, Feb. 2-6 (Austin, TX)
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© Shake Up Learning 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kasey Bell and Shake Up Learning with appropriate and specific direction to the original content on See: Copyright Policy.
I’m so proud of you, Kasey!
Thanks Christy!
Ooops! I can’t believe no one called me on it, but I had the video listed as under 2 minutes. It’s actually ONE minute! Really hard to say all you want to say in one minute, so plan well and write a script! Practice and time yourself!
Congrats Kasey! I’m in the process of taking the tests to become a certified Google Educator. It is a lot of hard work and you should be proud of this accomplishment!!! Kudos 🙂
Great post…glad you found it as amazing as I did. The fast pace and high energy…not to mention amazing Google offices, provide such a dynamic setting.
I’m just mad I passed on going to FETC this year! You will love it! And Google usually has a booth there so watch for emails from Becky!
Thanks so much Barbara! Good luck with the tests!
Thanks, Ann! Just checked and no Google booth at FETC this year 😢.
Google are (2015) in process of updateing the webpage for
“The Google Educator exams will be unavailable for purchase from April 8 through June 28 while the Google for Education certification programs are undergoing a small update to better serve our users. Please note that this does NOT affect exams that have already been purchased.
Anyone who has purchased exams is still able to achieve their certification after successfully passing the 4 required exams and 1 elective within 90 days. If you have any more questions, please contact”
And see:
For me i denmark is says:
No dates and places for 2015…
So maybe its easy for those who are residents in USA but not so easy for us in europe…
And personally i think Google has enough money so it should not be nesseary to pay for the exams…
Congrats on you becomeing a GCT.
Maybe the post should be updated..?
Thanks for the comment! You are correct! This post was written shortly after the last GTA and is now out of date. Google is currently revamping their learning center, and I’ve actually helped develop some of the content. As soon as those updates are cleared to share with the public, I will do so here.
Very useful article. Very interesting to read this article. I would like to thank you for the efforts you had made for writing this awesome article.
Cambridge Certification Course