Is Your Classroom Static or Dynamic?
Meaning, does your classroom offer one-and-done types of learning activities, or does the learning grow, inspire, and evolve throughout the year and beyond? Learning doesn’t have to end when the bell rings.
Take a look at my definitions below and think about what your classroom looks like.
Dynamic Learning: Dynamic learning is learning characterized by constant change, activity, and progress. This is where learning lives, grows, connects, and extends beyond the boundaries of the class day, beyond the physical location, beyond using tools as digital substitutes, and even beyond due dates; supporting critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity skills.
Static Learning: Static learning is learning that is lacking in movement, action, or change, especially in a way that is not engaging–where learning happens in short bursts and is often demonstrated in one-and-done activities, short-term assignments, or worksheets (even digital worksheets), that are confined within the traditional bounds of the school system, school day, and the school walls.
Consider the dreaded worksheet, there may be very good, critical thinking questions on that worksheet, but once it is turned in, that’s the end of that line of thinking. Paper activities make it difficult to allow learning to grow organically and can stifle creativity. Now compare that worksheet with a Google Doc, a blog, or a website, these are tools that allow us to be more dynamic.
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This website,, would be worthless to me if I couldn’t update it and make changes and add additional content. With tools like G Suite for Education that are available 24/7, the learning doesn’t have to stop when the bell rings at the end of class, or when the worksheet is turned in, or even when the school year ends. The learning takes on a life of it’s own; it becomes dynamic. This concept alone should change the way you think about learning in general and change the way you facilitate learning in the classroom.
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Now go back to that worksheet and ponder how it could grow into something more dynamic, creative, and meaningful. What if instead of just writing the answers to questions on a piece of paper, students were demonstrating their knowledge through a collaborative Google Drawing of the Battle of the Alamo, able to include labels, historical figures, and tell the story in a completely new way. What if…even after their work had been assessed, they were allowed to continue to develop the work that interested them throughout the year with your guidance as the teacher?
Consider a research project on emerging technology. Depending on what day you do the research, that project could look very different. What if this was a project that students continued to add to, learn from, and create throughout the school year. What if we could combine that with their reflections and publish that to the world as a blog?
As a middle school language arts teacher, I spent a lot of time on writing. The moment my students turned in the first draft of their paper, it stifled their momentum. And because some years I had 175+ students, the time that it would take for me to return that rough draft and ask for changes could be several days; students had a hard time picking up where they left off and remembering their original train of thought.
If only we had had Google Docs that year! A Google Doc is a living document. When students write in Google Docs, the writing process doesn’t have to end, but the teacher can still peek into the window and see that they are making progress and help them improve. This makes the writing process much more collaborative, AND completely dynamic.
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And I promise it’s not just about Google! There are so many powerful digital tools at our disposal that help us move beyond the old ways of doing things and help us to think differently about what learning looks like in our classrooms. Not to say that we don’t need learning goals, and targets to assess, but why not consider activities that allow students to continue to grow and share ideas throughout the unit of study, and entire six or nine week period, or even the entire school year and beyond? E-portfolios are an excellent way to document and share, but can we connect the artifacts to each other in a more dynamic way?
Think about how dynamic the twenty-first-century work environment has become. We have the ability to connect and learn 24-7 across the globe. A lot of the workplace projects are not one and done. Often they are cyclical, like the school year, where we get to improve, try new things and make revisions each year. If we extended the learning beyond the normal bounds of a one-and-done activity or worksheet, we are giving students opportunities to broaden and enrich the learning.
A dynamic classroom also allows opportunities for students to tap into those much needed creative skills, explore their passions, and pursue their own learning goals. And of course, it is a great way to give students more ownership of their learning.
Want to learn more idea like this? You will love my new book!
Shake Up Learning by Kasey Bell
Check out my new book, Shake Up Learning: Practical Ideas to Move Learning From Static to Dynamic.
About the Shake Up Learning Book
Technology is not a magic solution for education. It is an opportunity! An opportunity to shake things up, to connect and grow, and to create dynamic learning experiences for our students!
In this three-part book, you will explore WHY it’s time to Shake Up Learning, WHAT changes we can make in our classrooms to support dynamic learning experiences, and HOW to plan meaningful lessons for your classroom.
Shake Up Learning is a powerful guide and planning tool to help educators at all grade levels make the most of technology. Educator and blogger Kasey Bell guides you through the process of using technology and proven techniques to make learning dynamic.
You’ll discover . . .
- Practical strategies to help move from static teaching to dynamic learning
- Straightforward and easy-to-use templates for crafting engaging learning opportunities
- Tips and tricks for fearless implementation of powerful lesson plans
- Advice for moving from one-and-done activities to learning that evolves and inspires throughout the school year—and beyond!
Be DYNAMIC and SHAKE UP LEARNING in Your Classroom This Year!
But wait…There’s more!
With this book, I have also created several interactive resources, templates, and downloads, all available on
- Get the FREE Shake Up Learning Quickstart Guide
- An online community
- Discussion Questions, Chapter Actions, and Embedded Resources for all 20 Chapters!
- An interactive companion website to help you continue and deepen the learning
- A lesson plan database (submit and search for dynamic lesson plans)
- Tons of free resources, videos, templates, and downloads, all available on the website:
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© Shake Up Learning 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kasey Bell and Shake Up Learning with appropriate and specific direction to the original content on See: Copyright Policy.