I thought about this idea on a personal level, and then as I usually do, I thought about this idea for the classroom! And it came to mind that this would a fantastic way to celebrate student success! There are many ways you could translate this to the classroom. Of course, you could do the actual “jar,” and have students decorate their own jar or box to hold their awesomeness, OR you could turn this into a Journal of Awesome or Folder of Awesome. Better yet, go paperless if you can and create a Google Drive Folder of Awesome, Blog of Awesome or Webpage of Awesome. So many possibilities!
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Just remember the Jar of Awesome idea for yourself and your students. We all have moments of greatness. Let’s not forget to celebrate, reflect and revisit those awesome moments! I’d love to see your version of the “Jar of Awesome!” If you do this, please share in the comments below or on social media with the hashtag #shakeuplearning. I will be sharing my Jar of Awesome on Instagram. Follow me on Instagram to see more.
[Tweet “We all have moments of greatness. Let’s not forget to celebrate, reflect and revisit those awesome moments!”]
What were your were your awesome moments in 2015?
Have an AWESOME 2016!!!
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