So you want to be a Google Certified Trainer? But you aren’t sure what it means or where to start. I got you covered!
This blog wouldn’t exist if I hadn’t pushed myself to become a Google Certified Trainer.
Becoming a Google Certified Trainer not only increased my skills but gave me the confidence to share my voice and create resources for educators across the globe.
It’s important to understand that this certification isn’t for everyone.
In this post, I will offer some clarifications specifically about the Google for Education Certified Trainer program that you should know before pursuing this path.
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So You Want to Be a Google Certified Trainer?
Here’s what you need to know!
What is Google Certification
I am always answering questions about Google Certifications to help more educators understand what they are, who should pursue, and what it takes to get there.
Empowering the Shake Up Learning readers to reach their own goals is a top goal of this blog.
In case you arrived at this post without any prior knowledge of the Google for Education Certification program, I want to make sure you have the resources to get started.
With five different Google Certifications, there is a certification option for just about every educator. But it is important to understand the differences so that you can find your own path, should you choose to pursue a Google certification. That’s why I put together this resource page!
The Google Certified Trainer Application Process is NOT Easy!
It’s important to understand and respect the Google Certified Trainer program. Everyone doesn’t make the cut.
In fact. I wasn’t accepted the first time I applied.
The requirements for the tests and application can be quite a time consuming depending on how much experience you have.
To learn more about the requirements, be sure to check out this post and video: 6 Steps to Google Certified Trainer, and grab a copy of the FREE ebook using the form below.
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Google Certified Trainers ARE Already Trainers
A rookie mistake is to assume that you need to become a Google Certified Trainer before you start training on Google and G Suite for Education.
First of all, you do not need Google’s stamp of approval to provide Google training.
Second, it’s important to know that Google is looking for experienced trainers with a proven history of providing Google training in schools.
So don’t put the cart before the horse. If your goal is to become a trainer, start working on that resume NOW!
There is nothing to stop you from taking the assessment and applying, but you will not be granted certification from Google without that training experience.
Keep in mind, Google for Education Certified Trainers are also required to log and report at least 12 trainings per year to maintain certification. If that’s not something you have the opportunity to provide right now, begin looking for those local and regional opportunities to build your resume.
Google Certified Trainers Must Renew Their Certification
Sorry, this is not a lifetime certification. You must renew your certification. So no slackers allowed!
You gotta know your stuff, and you gotta keep up with Google.
The program will continue to grow and evolve over the years, but knowing the ins and outs of G Suite for Education will always be a requirement.
Below are the requirements for renewing your certification:
- Conduct and report at least 12 training/coaching sessions per year,
- Share ideas and resources with our community of trainers,
- and resubmit your interest with an annual product update assessment.
Google Certified Trainers Keep Up with Google Updates
Number three in the list above is an annual quiz that Google sends out to make sure you are staying current with Google products.
Google is constantly changing and updating their products, which is a good thing! But it can be a challenge to keep up with all of the changes. And as a trainer, you don’t want to get caught off-guard when presenting to teachers. So you need to make it a habit to check for updates and learn from the best!
Don’t forget to listen to The Google Teacher Tribe Podcast! Matt Miller and I share all of the latest Google news and updates every Monday in our audio podcast. You can play the episode in the post, or subscribe on iOS, Android, Stitcher or RSS.
Google Certified Trainers Design Original and Creative Training Materials
Experience as a trainer just isn’t enough. You need to be good at it!
How many of you have been to a training on a fabulous idea or digital tool, only to be utterly disappointed in the quality of the trainer? I know I have!
You need to hone your skills as a teacher, facilitator, and coach, and this includes the design of original and creative training materials.
Don’t just take someone else’s stuff and put your name on it!
Create your very own unique activities, materials, Google Sites, Google Slides, etc. Not to say, we don’t all learn great ideas from other teachers and use them, but if you want to be a good trainer, find a way to make yourself stand out!
Google Certified Trainer Best Practices
Becoming a Google Certified Trainer will not only help you take your Google skills to the next level, but will also help you become a better trainer, deliver high-quality professional development, and join a community of rock star trainers.
Delivering training is one thing, but being a great trainer takes time and practice.
In my online course, The Google Certified Trainer Academy, I share all my best practices for training!
That’s right! I’ll share all the tips that I have learned over the years, ways to connect with the audience, create rock star materials, and more!
FREE Webinar: How to Get Google Certified
Do you want to learn more about the certifications and what it takes to achieve each one?
Getting Google Certified can be daunting and confusing, so I put together this free webinar on How to Get Google Certified!
In this webinar, I will give you an overview of Google Certification, Google Certified Educator Level 1, Google Certified Educator Level 2, and Google Certified Trainer.
REGISTER for the Webinar
Google Certification Academies
I also teach online boot camps to walk you through all the skills and help you prepare for the exams. I have helped thousands of educators through these online, self-paced courses!
Learn more about each course using the links below:
Google Training for Schools
We have many programs to help your teachers learn how to meaningfully integrate Google tools and the entire suite in the classroom. From online courses to books, to face-to-face training, we got you covered!
COVID-19 forced many teachers and schools to scramble to find tools to deliver online assignments, design digital learning experiences, and G Suite was the number one suite of tools to help make this a reality.
Just in time resources and learning will help teachers, students, and parents survive the crisis. When we return to the new normal, Google skills will help set the foundation for more dynamic and meaningful learning in the classroom.
Get your entire campus or district on board with Google! Help your teachers learn more about Google tools, Google Classroom, and meaningful technology integration strategies. You can even help all your teachers become Google Certified Educators!
Check out all of the FREE Google Certification Resources from Shake Up Learning!
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