Messy Learning
Most teachers like structure, and with good reason. Structure in the classroom is necessary, especially for a lot of learners. But overly structured classes can stifle creativity. Students adapt to the structure and expect to be given the formula for every activity. I found this was especially true for my advanced students. These students had learned the play the game of school, much like I had, and they wanted to know which path would lead to an ‘A,’ and that was all that mattered. So when faced more authentic learning experiences that not only required students to think outside of the box but to throw it out altogether and get messy with their learning, these typically advanced students floundered. In fact, my advanced students and even some of those designated as gifted and talented needed more hand-holding when I told them that there was more than one way to complete the assignment and demonstrate their learning.
I fell into the “box” myself during my years of school. I knew the game of school. I knew it well, and if the teacher ventured outside of the lines, I would panic. But when we think about the future workforce, the jobs that our students will have, we come up with one giant question mark. The world is advancing so quickly that we can’t predict the trends, but we do know that the jobs that can be automated by artificial intelligence, robots, formulas, and algorithms will be. Creativity is vastly becoming one of THE most important skills of the 21st Century. In fact, Sir Ken Robinson says, “Creativity is as important as literacy.” We need students that are prepared for jobs that do not have a one-size-fits-all formula. These jobs will require not only creativity and innovation but also a willingness to embrace the messy and chaotic to solve the problem. When learning gets messy, and I’m not just talking glitter and glue here, teachers have to become facilitators of the messy. This includes noise, talking, laughing, music, debates, and all of those other things that may be judged as out of control. But the teacher can control, uh-hem, facilitate the chaos.
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Get Out of the Way
A lot of times that means that teachers just need to get out of the way. You heard me. It’s easy to want to give them too much structure and too much guidance, but we have to give them room to make mistakes, to learn, and to stretch their creative legs! This requires that teachers learn how to ask better questions. This can be hard, especially when you are used to feeding students information and a problem-solving path. Try to both encourage and challenge students in your questionings. Get them to see the bigger picture, the real-world connections, the artistic connections, and to question each other. Remember that learning can happen in the messiness. Give your students opportunities to be creative at all levels!
Exemplars can also stifle creativity. Be very careful with examples of work. If students are told there is only one correct answer or one way to complete an activity or project, they follow the formula. But creativity isn’t formulaic. Creativity is messy! Guidance is not a bad thing, but I have discovered that no matter what the age of the student (and this includes adults) when you show them an example of a completed project, they want to replicate it. Most real-world problems do not have one correct answer.
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Complete the Painting
Students were given the assignment again with slightly different directions. They were given a triangle and told to complete the painting. This time, students were NOT told that a correct answer would be rewarded with points. The more open assignment resulted in new ideas. The second paintings told stories, created robots, monsters, and traveled to foreign lands. This time, their creativity was unleashed!
When students were told there was a “right way,” to complete the painting, 80% drew a house and the average number of colors used was just two. In contrast, when students were just told to complete the painting, “they used their imagination freely!” Sorry, but too much structure can paint students into a box (pun intended). Are you willing to be a facilitator of the messy?
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Facilitating the messy takes practice, just like anything, on the part of the teacher and the student. The first time I gave students a little bit of creative freedom in my classroom, they thought it would be a one-and-done activity. We want our students to practice and develop their learning in the chaos of collaboration, discussion, and creation.
[Tweet “Kids deserve so much more than test-taking skills and formalizing “correct” answers. #shakeuplearning”]
Creativity Resources
Want to learn more idea like this? You will love my new book!
Shake Up Learning by Kasey Bell
Check out my new book, Shake Up Learning: Practical Ideas to Move Learning From Static to Dynamic.
About the Shake Up Learning Book
Technology is not a magic solution for education. It is an opportunity! An opportunity to shake things up, to connect and grow, and to create dynamic learning experiences for our students!
In this three-part book, you will explore WHY it’s time to Shake Up Learning, WHAT changes we can make in our classrooms to support dynamic learning experiences, and HOW to plan meaningful lessons for your classroom.
Shake Up Learning is a powerful guide and planning tool to help educators at all grade levels make the most of technology. Educator and blogger Kasey Bell guides you through the process of using technology and proven techniques to make learning dynamic.
You’ll discover . . .
- Practical strategies to help move from static teaching to dynamic learning
- Straightforward and easy-to-use templates for crafting engaging learning opportunities
- Tips and tricks for fearless implementation of powerful lesson plans
- Advice for moving from one-and-done activities to learning that evolves and inspires throughout the school year—and beyond!
Be DYNAMIC and SHAKE UP LEARNING in Your Classroom This Year!
But wait…There’s more!
With this book, I have also created several interactive resources, templates, and downloads, all available on
- Get the FREE Shake Up Learning Quickstart Guide
- An online community
- Discussion Questions, Chapter Actions, and Embedded Resources for all 20 Chapters!
- An interactive companion website to help you continue and deepen the learning
- A lesson plan database (submit and search for dynamic lesson plans)
- Tons of free resources, videos, templates, and downloads, all available on the website:
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