I have become a Thinglink junkie. It’s so easy and fun to create interactive journeys for my teachers. Linking text seems so passé! Who needs blue, underlined words to link to resources? Not me!
One of the first Thinglinks I created for teachers was this one on Google searches. This will walk teachers or students through some basics they may not know about using Google and it’s various search engines to search the web.
I like to get creative, and finding singular images just wasn’t cutting it for me. So I decided to use Glogster to create an organized image for some of my Thinglinks. I know Glogster can be great in its own right, but sometimes it can be clunky on devices. (The app actually crashed three times on me just a few minutes ago.) So I put together a few of Thinglinks for my teachers to explore.
Here is a Thinglink of resources on increasing creativity and innovation skills in the classroom, as well as digital tools to inspire creative thinking.
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