I have started a blog several times with the best of intentions. I occasionally contribute to a work blog. When I was still in the classroom, I had my students’ blogging. I encourage teachers almost on a daily basis to blog with their students. However, I have let my own excuses get in the way. I have spent countless hours researching the best platforms, templates, plugins, hosting options, and trying to come up with the perfect title for my blog. I’m a perfectionist with paralysis. I have unrealistic expectations of myself. I wanted to launch my blog not only with the perfect content, but also with perfect SEO, customized images, and stand out in the crowd of an ocean of educational bloggers. It’s all for not. My blog will never be perfect. I will never have enough hours in the day. So I have decided to let go, and focus on another skill that I speak on almost daily–risk taking! It’s time to get this thing going. So today, I’m taking a risk and putting myself out there, putting my blog out there, imperfections and all.
I’m hoping that my PLN will help hold me accountable for keeping this blog updated. I am determined to not let this blog die with the others. (My blog graveyard has many a headstone.) I am first and foremost a learner. So today I take the reins and dip my toes into the blogosphere. Wish me luck!
This is my challenge to other educators that are like me: what are you holding back? What risks do you need to take to push yourself further, to push your students further? Don’t be afraid of failure, or let your own need for perfection paralyze your contribution to the world.
© Shake Up Learning 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kasey Bell and Shake Up Learning with appropriate and specific direction to the original content on ShakeUpLearning.com. See: Copyright Policy.
Yay! I’m glad to see you take the plunge. I have learned so much from the communication and discussion surrounding my blog and others. Like you, I’ve “started” blogging several times over the years. The biggest obstacle was when I started writing my dissertation. My wife looked at me and said, “either quit the blog or forget the degree”. She was right; with my other commitments I couldn’t so both. Even though I earned that degree several years ago, I still don’t blog like I used to do.
Good luck! Maybe you will inspire me to write a post myself!
Thanks, Brian, for being my first comment. I responded to you on Twitter, but I forgot to reply on the blog! I think that is a blogging faux pas! I hope we both can find the time and inspiration to stick with it. Thanks for the support!
I love the FAIL mnemonic (is that what that is called?). It seems my summer has been filled with this topic. And…..Jan 1 was a long time ago, have you given up on Blogging or just too busy with life. : )
Good for you Kasey! I love your website and learn tons through you. I will be reading your blog!
Thanks, Debbie! This was my very first blog post and it seems like so long ago now. I hope others will see the power of blogging ;).
This is me. EXACTLY ME. I have spent years thinking of the perfect name for my blog. Researched platforms. Thought about the look, feel, etc….only to let myself become discouraged (overwhelmed) by not being perfect enough…or unique enough to make a difference. So I keep the posts in my head. This is a risk that I need to take. To just start. Let it be what it is…imperfections and all
Thanks, Ann! This was my very first blog post and I’m so happy others identify with me! Don’t let all the details hold you back. Just start writing and sharing with the world!