A Hyperdoc Unit That Will Blow Your Mind!
Hyperdocs are amazing, but this is an entire Hyperdoc UNIT that will blow your mind!
This Hyperdoc has it all, y’all! Designed to help students dig deeper into the book, The Wild Robot by Peter Brown.
And guess what, it is VERY DYNAMIC! This is actually much more than just a dynamic learning experience, this is a dynamic learning unit! And you get it ALL for FREE!
In fact, this unit was one of the five lessons I selected to be included in my book, Shake Up Learning: Practical Ideas to Move Learning from Static to Dynamic. You can find this one and even more great lesson ideas in the Dynamic Learning Database, a lesson plan database that is searchable and filterable. You can even add your own!
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The Wild Learning Hyperdoc Unit
(Created by this AWESOME team: Sean Fahey, Karly Moura, Michele Waggoner, Heather Marshall, and Becky Ogbouma)
Don’t let the name scare you away. Even though this hyperdoc is designed for a reading class, I PROMISE you will find a ton of ideas that you can use in just about any classroom!
New to hyperdocs? Pick up a copy of the Hyperdoc Handbook or visit their website to learn more.
Lesson Summary
This Hyperdoc novel study was designed to accompany the reading of the book The Wild Robot by Peter Brown during the Global Read Aloud (GRA). The creators used Google Slides to create and organize the Hyperdoc activities.
I’ve embedded the slide deck below.
Get the FREE Template
See the Slide template here, or click here to make a copy.
This hyperdoc is LOADED with fun and engaging activities. Inside, you will find ideas for teaching:
- vocabulary
- theme
- summarizing text
- reading responses
- making STEM connections
- booksnaps (If you are new to booksnaps, check them out! It’s an awesome idea from Tara Martin.)
- extension activities
- performance tasks
- digital breakouts
- and quizzes!
These activities go far beyond just using the Google Slides, they have integrated many other great digital tools like Flipgrid, Padlet, and Seesaw.
Teacher’s Guide
They have even included a teacher’s guide to walk you through each step, week by week! (Click here to see the entire guide.)
What Makes This Hyperdoc DYNAMIC?
Just to review, below is my definition of Dynamic Learning:
Dynamic learning is characterized by constant change and activity. This learning takes place organically, growing and evolving through more unconventional means, with the learner collaborating, creating, and communicating to demonstrate progress and mastery. Dynamic Learning also extends beyond the boundaries of a traditional school day, beyond the physical location of the classroom, beyond using tools as digital substitutes, or even the traditional notion of hard-and-fast due dates.
Beyond the Walls
Because this learning experience was designed to accompany the Global Read Aloud (GRA) activity, it went completely beyond the walls of the classroom. By participating in the GRA and using the HyperDoc, students were collaborating with other students across the globe. The use of Padlet and Flipgrid also allows students to publish to a larger audience.
Beyond the Grade Level & Subject Area
This learning experience also goes beyond the language arts subject area with the additions of the STEM activities. These activities allow students to problem-solve, build, and connect to the science, engineering, and math they were reading about in the book.
Beyond the Tools
This lesson takes a standard presentation tool, Google Slides, and turns it into a series of packaged learning materials in the form of a HyperDoc. Google Slides are used again to create a collaborative classroom dictionary. Creating Booksnaps using SnapChat, Seesaw, or Google Drawings allow students to go beyond the intended use of the tool and create visuals that represent their thinking of the text. The simple website builder, Google Sites, is used to create a digital breakout game as a collaborative problem-
solving activity to wrap up the unit in a fun and exciting way.
But Wait…There’s More!
A Dynamic Learning Experience should also incorporate the ISTE Standards for Students and at least one of the 4 C’s. Well, this unit doesn’t disappoint! They covered at least two of the ISTE Standards, knowledge constructor, and creative communicator, as well as ALL of the four C’s, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity!
Are You Thirsty For More Dynamic Learning Experiences?
If you love lesson ideas like the one above, you are going to love my new book, Shake Up Learning!
Shake Up Learning by Kasey Bell
Check out my new book, Shake Up Learning: Practical Ideas to Move Learning From Static to Dynamic.
About the Shake Up Learning Book
Technology is not a magic solution for education. It is an opportunity! An opportunity to shake things up, to connect and grow, and to create dynamic learning experiences for our students!
In this three-part book, you will explore WHY it’s time to Shake Up Learning, WHAT changes we can make in our classrooms to support dynamic learning experiences, and HOW to plan meaningful lessons for your classroom.
Shake Up Learning is a powerful guide and planning tool to help educators at all grade levels make the most of technology. Educator and blogger Kasey Bell guides you through the process of using technology and proven techniques to make learning dynamic.
You’ll discover . . .
- Practical strategies to help move from static teaching to dynamic learning
- Straightforward and easy-to-use templates for crafting engaging learning opportunities
- Tips and tricks for fearless implementation of powerful lesson plans
- Advice for moving from one-and-done activities to learning that evolves and inspires throughout the school year—and beyond!
Be DYNAMIC and SHAKE UP LEARNING in Your Classroom This Year!
But wait…There’s more!
With this book, I have also created several interactive resources, templates, and downloads, all available on ShakeUpLearningBook.com.
- Get the FREE Shake Up Learning Quickstart Guide
- An online community
- Discussion Questions, Chapter Actions, and Embedded Resources for all 20 Chapters!
- An interactive companion website to help you continue and deepen the learning
- A lesson plan database (submit and search for dynamic lesson plans)
- Tons of free resources, videos, templates, and downloads, all available on the website: ShakeUpLearningBook.com.
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© Shake Up Learning 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kasey Bell and Shake Up Learning with appropriate and specific direction to the original content on ShakeUpLearning.com. See: Copyright Policy.