50 Educators You Should Follow on Pinterest! (Part 3 of The Teacher’s Guide to Pinterest!)
One of the most popular posts EVER to appear on Shake Up Learning was 35 Educators You Should Follow on Pinterest. Since this post is over a year old, I decided to give it an update and give you 50 Educators You Should Follow on Pinterest!
Did you miss the other parts in this series?
- Teacher’s Guide to Pinterest – Part 1: What is Pinterest?
- Teacher’s Guide to Pinterest – Part 2: Follow Your Interests
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I love Pinterest! Pinterest is NOT just for crafts and recipes, and despite early reports, it is for both MEN AND WOMEN. My brother-in-law has a bacon board to prove it! Pinterest has become particularly popular among educators, and today I want to share some wonderful educational pinners that you should follow. The links below will take you to their profile and boards. I purposely didn’t link to specific boards because most of these fabulous pinners have several boards for you to peruse. I think there is something on this list for just about everyone. This list covers just about every grade level, subject area and plenty of educational technology!
Here are 50 Educational Pinners You Should Follow on Pinterest:
Name/Organization |
Types of Pinterest Boards |
1. Alan Natachu | Alan shares lots of educational technology, including iPad and iOS resources and Google Apps. |
2. Angela Watson | You may know Angela from her amazing blog, The Cornerstone for Teachers, and her great Teachers Pay Teachers store. Angela shares a lot of original and practical ideas for teachers, including time-saving strategies, behavior management, and classroom organization. |
3. Anibal Pacheco | Anibal shares all kinds of educational technology resources, digital tools, and mobile learning resources. |
4. Ann Witherspoon | Ann is a Google Certified Innovator and Google Certified Trainer, and she shares lots of Google resources for teachers, as well as other technology integration ideas. |
5. ASCD | ASCD shares lots of resources from their website, blog, and books, including instructional best practices, differentiation, leadership and more. |
6. Carrie Baughcum | You may know Carrie from her Heck Awesome blog! Carries curates all kinds of resources for teachers on her boards, including ways to support struggling learners, Google Apps and more! |
7. Clever Classroom | Clever Classroom shares all sorts of fun resources, apps, and ideas for using social media in the classroom |
8. Cool Cat Teacher | Vicki Davis is one of the most prolific educational bloggers, CoolCatTeacher.com, and regularly shares practical ideas for the classroom including digital learning, inspiration, and more. |
9. Cult of Pedagogy | Jennifer Gonzalez is another blogger you may know from CultofPedagogy.com and her fabulous Teachers Pay Teachers store. Jennifer shares instructional strategies, educational technology, book reviews and more. |
10. Ditch That Textbook | I’m sure you know Matt Miller from Ditch That Textbook, and he has jumped on the Pinterest bandwagon sharing resources from his blog, digital learning tools, Google Apps resources, and more! |
11. EdTechnocation | Michael Fricano is a blogger at Edtechnocation, where he shares lots of fabulous Google resources for teachers. Michaels boards are loaded with Google Apps, maker space ideas, iPad resources, and lots of other digital learning tips! |
12. Edutopia | Edutopia is a go-to resource for educational resources, digital learning, PBL, and instructional strategies. They have curated hundreds of teaching resources onto 79 boards! |
13. eLearning Infographics | I love infographics, and eLearning Infographics has curated more than 800 educational infographics for you to explore. |
14. Elizabeth Eastman | Elizabeth shares lots of educational technology resources on her 79 Pinterest Boards! |
15. Erin Klein | Erin, who you may also know from her excellent blog, Kleinspiration.com. Erin shares resources for elementary teachers and often includes many edtech resources as well. |
16. FISD Facilitators | Frisco ISD has curated some great technology resources for all levels of educators. |
17. Gamification Nation | Great resources for gamification from Gamification Nation in the UK. |
18. GCF Learn Free | GCF Learn Free shares resources for all levels of educators, including digital tools and Google Apps. |
19. Goose Creek CISD | Goose Creek CISD has done a fabulous job of curating resources for all grade levels onto beautifully organized their boards. |
20. Hello Literacy | Jen Jones is a fabulous educator that you may know from her blog, Hello Literacy, and her amazing Teachers Pay Teachers store. Jen has amazing literacy and RTI resources and curates tons of ideas for teachers. |
21. ISTE | ISTE is a go-to organization for edtech, and they have put together some great Pinterest boards for educators. |
22. Janet Corder | Janet Corder presents digital learning workshops across the U.S., and she curates most of her fabulous resources on Pinterest. |
23. Jennifer Findley | Jennifer Findley of Teaching to Inspire has some amazing Pinterest boards covering several subject areas, grade levels, common core, and more |
24. Jodi Southard | Jodi of Fun in First is a first-grade teacher in Indiana who curates and share lots of fun ideas for the elementary classroom. |
25. Laura Candler | Laura Candler dominates the education category on Pinterest! She has a wonderful blog: www.lauracandler.com and she has over 80k Pins of educational resources! |
26. Lauren Enders | Laura is a great one to follow of assistive technology resources for your classroom. |
27. Lucky Little Learners | Angela Olson of Lucky Little Learners has great resources for reading and interactive notebooks K-8. She also has a stellar TPT store! |
28. Mandy Gregory | Mandy has great tips and resources for primary teachers that she shares on her blog and on her Pinterest boards, including common core, and more. |
29. Mashable | Follow Mashable on Pinterest for the latest technology, social media tips, gadgets and more. |
30. Mel Dillard | Mel Dillard of Suesstastic is another great blogger for primary teachers. She shares pins for classroom organization, classroom management, and lesson ideas. |
31. Mia MacMeekin | Mia has a fantastic blog and wonderful Pinterest boards where she shares her own infographics, tips, and tricks! |
32. MIT Crew (Midlothian ISD) | Midlothian ISD has curated some spectacular edtech boards for teachers at all levels. |
33. PBS | PBS PBS is never a bad idea! Tons of resources for all levels of educators. |
34. Rachel Lynnette | Rachel of Minds in Bloom shares free resources for critical thinking, classroom management, brain breaks, STEM and more. |
35. Scholastic | Scholastic has 139 boards worth of educational resources for teachers at all levels. |
36. Shake Up Learning | Yep! Shameless plug here…I have been curating digital learning resources on Pinterest for years, and now have over 8k Pins. Expect to see all of my original blog posts and resources as well as everything Google I can get my hands on! Most popular board: All Things Google! |
37. Shannon Miller | Shannon Miller is a teacher librarian and blogger at vanmeterlibraryvoice.blogspot.be. Shannon shares a ton of resources for digital learning, reading and libraries. |
38. Shelly Terrell | You may know Shelly from the 30 Goals Challenge book. Shelly also has some great Pinterest boards with edtech resources, infographics and more tips and tricks for teachers. |
39. Smart Apps for Special Needs | This account shares resources and tips for special needs teachers, parents, and families. They also have a great website: www.smartappsforspecialneeds.com |
40. Stanford’s EdTech Pinterest Page | Follow this account for some great edtech and digital learning resources. |
41. Steve Spangler’s Science | Steve Spangler is a science guru and has loaded up his Pinterest boards with tons of resources for science teachers at all levels. |
42. Sue Gorman | Sue Gorman is a Google Certified Innovator, who runs a curation blog: www.suegorman.com, and she regularly shares digital learning and Google Apps resources on her Pinterest boards. |
43. Teach 123 | Teach 123 is another great pinner to follow for elementary resources! She also has a lot of freebies, tips and tricks posted on her boards and her TPT store. |
44. Teacher Vision | Follow this account for time-saving teaching resources for Pre-K-12, seasonal activities, freebies and teaching ideas. |
45. Teaching Channel | Follow the Teaching Channel for diverse resources for teaching, including common core, digital learning, video learning and more. |
46. Teaching High School Math | This is a great collection of secondary math resources all the way to AP Calculus! |
47. Teach Thought | Teach Thought is a great website and blog, and they are also sharing free teaching resources for all levels on their Pinterest boards. |
48. Tech Chef 4 U | Lisa Johnson is the master chef over at Tech Chef 4 U, and her Pinterest boards will not disappoint! Looks for lots of iPad and iOS resources, as well as fun, creative activities that are very unique! |
49. TED Talks | TED Talks always offer something new to learn! Follow this account to explore new and creative ideas. |
50. ZigZagsTech | Meghan Zigmond is a fabulous blogger at ZigZagsTech, and she is always sharing technology integration ideas from her classroom! |
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Who do you follow on Pinterest? Please share your favorites in the comments below!
Did you miss the other parts in this series?
- Teacher’s Guide to Pinterest – Part 1: What is Pinterest?
- Teacher’s Guide to Pinterest – Part 2: Follow Your Interests
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