© Shake Up Learning 2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kasey Bell and Shake Up Learning with appropriate and specific direction to the original content on ShakeUpLearning.com. See: Copyright policy
The Guide to Google Drive Sharing – FREE eBook
A Teacher’s Guide to Google Drive Sharing Google Drive Sharing–EXPLAINED! Do you ever get confused by all the options for sharing in Google Drive and Google Workspace for Education? I’ve got the guide for you! In this 15-page guide, I break down the three steps to sharing, as well as the six levels of sharing in GoogleContinue Reading
What is Google Workspace for Education? | What You Need to Know! (FREE Download)
What is Google Workspace for Education? Whether you are brand new to Google or a seasoned user, there are probably a few things you don’t know about Google Workspace for Education. If you want to become a Google Certified Educator or Trainer, you need to learn the basics of Google Workspace for Education. (It willContinue Reading
How to Access Files Offline in Google Drive
Sometimes we need to work on our Google Drive files when we don’t have an Internet connection. So I’m going to show you how to access files in Google Drive using the Google Docs offline extension. This comes in handy when you are traveling. It is also a great tool for students and teachers withContinue Reading
Google Docs Cheat Sheet! In this handy, Google Docs reference guide, you will get access to beautiful screenshots of all the main features of Google Docs. This is a great reference guide for experienced users, and a fabulous tutorial to help new users learn the basics of Google Docs. Back in 2014, I released theContinue Reading
Google Apps for the iPad and iOS (The COMPLETE list!)
Google Apps for iOS The following is a list of Google Apps for iOS (from Google, Inc.). This list is exhaustive and includes several apps that are not on the infographic Guide to Google Apps for the iPad. Some of these have natural classroom integration, and some are more for personal or business use. Some areContinue Reading
Back to School with Google Chrome: The Complete Guide!
(UPDATED on September 7, 2016) Going back to school is hard enough! Why not make the most of what Google Chrome has to offer and get you and your students ready for school with the best apps, extensions, tips, and tricks? I like to think of Google Chrome as the learning environment for all thingsContinue Reading
15 Awesome Blogs to Follow for All Your Google Needs
Ready for more ways to keep up with all things google? I follow several websites and blogs that help keep me abreast of the latest Google updates, as well as, cutting-edge classroom integration ideas. If you really want to learn more about Google Apps, and how to effectively use Google tools in the classroom, these blogs areContinue Reading
The Google+ Communities You Should Know About
The Guide to Keeping Up with Google – Part 4: Google+ Communities Welcome to Part 4 of The Guide to Keeping Up with Google! Keeping up with Google is a fun challenge! Knowing where to look and who to follow will help you stay on top of all of the Google updates and features. Google+Continue Reading
The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom eBook! (FREE BONUS: Student Quick Guide!)
The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom eBook is for You if… You need step-by-step directions. You don’t like having to figure it all out on your own. You want to go paperless with Google Apps. You need to understand the student side of Google Classroom. You’ve been using Google Classroom, but struggling. You want toContinue Reading
The Guide to Keeping Up with Google – Part 1: The #Google Hashtag Dictionary
I’m sharing the secrets to keeping up with Google! To update one of last year’s most popular posts, The Guide to Keeping Up with Google, I am putting together a new guide and blog series with tips for keeping up with Google. I often get asked, “How do you keep up with Google?” Well, firstContinue Reading