© Shake Up Learning 2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kasey Bell and Shake Up Learning with appropriate and specific direction to the original content on ShakeUpLearning.com. See: Copyright policy
20 Things You May Have Missed in 2017!
Here are the BEST Blog Posts of 2017! I have put together a list of the BEST and most popular Shake Up Learning blog posts from 2017. I can’t believe we are nearing the end of 2017! As Shake Up Learning approaches its fourth anniversary, I want to take a moment to THANK YOU! You haveContinue Reading
10 Amazing Google Geo Tools for Your Classroom
Exploration = Education, my new motto This is a guest post by Google Certified Trainer and Innovator, Stacy Behmer. I had the privilege of attending the Google Geo Institute (#CAGTI17) with approximately 90 other educators from around the world last week to learn more about Google’s Geo Tools! I loved using maps with my studentsContinue Reading
Augmented Reality with Google Expeditions is Coming!!
Google Expeditions Goes AR! Whaattt??!! Google Expeditions is super cool and allows us to take our students on virtual treks across the globe. But Google Expeditions is about to get a whole lot better! Google Expeditions with Augmented Reality is coming in the Fall of 2017. We don’t know a lot yet, but I gotContinue Reading
8 Tips for a Google Expeditions Pilot [infographic]
Lessons Learned from a Google Expeditions Pilot Below are 8 Tips for a Google Expeditions Pilot from Heather Kilgore, an Instructional Technology Coordinator for Commerce ISD in Commerce, Texas, where she shares the lessons learned from their Google Expeditions pilot program. As we all begin to find ways to bring Google Expeditions, Google Cardboard, and other virtualContinue Reading
The Ultimate Google Cardboard and Expeditions Resource Guide
The Best Google Cardboard and Google Expeditions Resources for Teachers! I’ve been curating everything I can find to help teachers learn about Google Expeditions and Google Cardboard, and I have created the Ultimate Google Cardboard and Expeditions Resource Guide for Teachers. I am not an expert on virtual reality or Google Cardboard and Expeditions, butContinue Reading
How to Choose a Virtual Reality Device for Your Classroom
Choosing a VR Headset and Smart Device for Your Classroom – Part 3 *This post is sponsored by Samsung. All thoughts and opinions are my own.* Now that we have covered virtual reality and Google Expeditions in Part 1 of this series, and how to apply these ideas to the classroom in Part 2, let’s explore theContinue Reading
How to Use Virtual Reality and Google Expeditions in the Classroom
Virtual Reality in the Classroom – Part 2 *This post is sponsored by Samsung. All thoughts and opinions are my own.* Virtual Reality has the power to transform the future of learning. By giving students an interactive, three-dimensional learning environment, we have the potential to reach learners in ways previously never conceived. For a closerContinue Reading
Getting Started with Google Expeditions and Virtual Reality
Bring Google Expeditions and Virtual Reality into Your Classroom – Part 1 *This post is sponsored by Samsung. All thoughts and opinions are my own.* You’ve heard the hype, but are you ready to bring virtual reality or VR to your classroom? Getting started with Google Expeditions and virtual reality can sound complicated, so I’ve decidedContinue Reading
My Favorite Things and Recommended Resources
My Favorite Things and Recommended Resources! I get a lot of questions about the resources I use, and recommendations for certain tasks. So I thought it would be helpful to create a recommended resource page for educators with all of my favorite things: my favorite web tools, gadgets, books and more. * The links in thisContinue Reading
16 Things Teachers Should Try in 2016 [infographic]
[Tweet “16 Things for Teachers to Try in 2016! #edtech #gafe #googleedu”] [Tweet “16 Things for Teachers to Try in 2016! #edtech #gafe #googleedu”] What are your goals for 2016? There are so many new and exciting things to try both in and out of the classroom. So I put together a list of 16Continue Reading